initialize_json_file Function

private function initialize_json_file(p) result(file_object)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(json_value), intent(in), optional pointer:: p

json_value object to cast as a json_file object

Return Value type(json_file)


Cast a json_value object as a json_file object

Called By

proc~~initialize_json_file~~CalledByGraph proc~initialize_json_file initialize_json_file interface~json_file json_file interface~json_file->proc~initialize_json_file

Source Code

    function initialize_json_file(p) result(file_object)

    implicit none

    type(json_value),pointer,optional,intent(in) :: p  !! `json_value` object to cast
                                                       !! as a `json_file` object
    type(json_file) :: file_object

    if (present(p)) file_object%p => p

    end function initialize_json_file