pop_char Function

private recursivefunction pop_char(unit, str, eof, skip_ws) result(popped)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=IK), intent(in) :: unit

file unit number (if parsing from a file)

character(kind=CK,len=*), intent(in) :: str

JSON string (if parsing from a string) – only used if unit=0

logical(kind=LK), intent(out) :: eof

true if the end of the file has been reached.

logical(kind=LK), intent(in), optional :: skip_ws

to ignore whitespace.

Return Value character(kind=CK,len=1)

the popped character.


Get the next character from the file (or string).

See also

Called By

proc~~pop_char~~CalledByGraph proc~pop_char pop_char proc~parse_array parse_array proc~parse_array->proc~pop_char proc~parse_value parse_value proc~parse_array->proc~parse_value proc~parse_value->proc~pop_char proc~parse_value->proc~parse_array proc~parse_number parse_number proc~parse_value->proc~parse_number proc~parse_string parse_string proc~parse_value->proc~parse_string proc~parse_for_chars parse_for_chars proc~parse_value->proc~parse_for_chars proc~parse_object parse_object proc~parse_value->proc~parse_object proc~parse_number->proc~pop_char proc~parse_string->proc~pop_char proc~parse_for_chars->proc~pop_char proc~parse_object->proc~pop_char proc~parse_object->proc~parse_value proc~parse_object->proc~parse_string proc~parse_object->proc~parse_object proc~json_parse_string json_parse_string proc~json_parse_string->proc~parse_value proc~json_parse_file json_parse_file proc~json_parse_file->proc~parse_value proc~wrap_json_parse_string wrap_json_parse_string proc~wrap_json_parse_string->proc~json_parse_string interface~json_parse json_parse interface~json_parse->proc~json_parse_string interface~json_parse->proc~json_parse_file proc~test_14 test_14 proc~test_14->interface~json_parse proc~test_8 test_8 proc~test_8->interface~json_parse proc~json_file_load json_file_load proc~json_file_load->interface~json_parse proc~json_file_load_from_string json_file_load_from_string proc~json_file_load_from_string->interface~json_parse program~jf_test_14 jf_test_14 program~jf_test_14->proc~test_14 program~jf_test_8 jf_test_8 program~jf_test_8->proc~test_8 proc~wrap_json_file_load_from_string wrap_json_file_load_from_string proc~wrap_json_file_load_from_string->proc~json_file_load_from_string


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
integer(kind=IK), public :: ios
integer(kind=IK), public :: str_len
character(kind=CK,len=1), public :: c
logical(kind=LK), public :: ignore

Source Code

    recursive function pop_char(unit, str, eof, skip_ws) result(popped)

    implicit none

    character(kind=CK,len=1)            :: popped  !! the popped character.
    integer(IK),intent(in)              :: unit    !! file unit number (if parsing from a file)
    character(kind=CK,len=*),intent(in) :: str     !! JSON string (if parsing from a string) -- only used if unit=0
    logical(LK),intent(out)             :: eof     !! true if the end of the file has been reached.
    logical(LK),intent(in),optional     :: skip_ws !! to ignore whitespace.

    integer(IK) :: ios,str_len
    character(kind=CK,len=1) :: c
    logical(LK) :: ignore

    if (.not. exception_thrown) then

        eof = .false.
        if (.not. present(skip_ws)) then
            ignore = .false.
            ignore = skip_ws
        end if


            if (pushed_index > 0) then

                ! there is a character pushed back on, most likely from the number parsing
                ! NOTE: this can only occur if reading from a file when use_unformatted_stream=.false.
                c = pushed_char(pushed_index:pushed_index)
                pushed_index = pushed_index - 1


                if (unit/=0) then    !read from the file

                    !read the next character:
                    if (use_unformatted_stream) then
                        read(unit=unit,pos=ipos,iostat=ios) c
                        read(unit=unit,fmt='(A1)',advance='NO',iostat=ios) c
                    end if
                    ipos = ipos + 1

                    !....note: maybe try read the file in chunks...
                    !.... or use asynchronous read with double buffering
                    !     (see Modern Fortran: Style and Usage)

                else    !read from the string

                    str_len = len(str)   !length of the string
                    if (ipos<=str_len) then
                        c = str(ipos:ipos)
                        ios = 0
                        ios = IOSTAT_END  !end of the string
                    end if
                    ipos = ipos + 1

                end if

                char_count = char_count + 1    !character count in the current line

                if (IS_IOSTAT_END(ios)) then  !end of file

                    char_count = 0
                    eof = .true.

                elseif (IS_IOSTAT_EOR(ios) .or. c==newline) then    !end of record

                    char_count = 0
                    line_count = line_count + 1

                end if

            end if

            if (any(c == control_chars)) then

                ! non printing ascii characters

            else if (ignore .and. c == space) then



                popped = c

            end if

        end do

    end if

    end function pop_char