Test the swap
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer, | intent(out) | :: | error_cnt | report number of errors to caller |
subroutine test_16(error_cnt)
!! Test the `swap` function.
implicit none
integer,intent(out) :: error_cnt !! report number of errors to caller
type(json_core) :: json
type(json_value),pointer :: p,p1,p2
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') '================================='
write(error_unit,'(A)') ' TEST 16'
write(error_unit,'(A)') '================================='
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
error_cnt = 0
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'Original:'
call json%parse(p, '{"cities": ["New York","Los Angeles","Chicago"], '//&
'"value": 1, "iflag": true, "struct":{"vec":[1,2,3]}}')
if (json%failed()) then
call json%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
call json%print(p,error_unit)
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'Swap: cities <-> iflag'
call json%get(p,'cities',p1)
call json%get(p,'iflag',p2)
call json%swap(p1,p2)
call json%print(p,output_unit)
if (json%failed()) then
call json%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'Swap: iflag <-> value'
call json%get(p,'iflag',p1)
call json%get(p,'value',p2)
call json%swap(p1,p2)
call json%print(p,output_unit)
if (json%failed()) then
call json%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'Swap: iflag <-> struct.vec'
call json%get(p,'iflag',p1)
call json%get(p,'struct.vec',p2)
call json%swap(p1,p2)
call json%print(p,output_unit)
if (json%failed()) then
call json%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
call json%destroy(p)
! another case
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') '.....................................'
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'Original:'
call json%parse(p, '{ "stats": { "iflag": 0, "str": "ok" },'//&
'"vars": [{ "label": "r", "value": 0.0 }, '//&
'{ "label": "v", "value": 0.0 }],'//&
'"empty": { } }')
if (json%failed()) then
call json%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
call json%print(p,error_unit)
!this one is not allowed, and should fail:
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'Swap: vars(1).label <-> vars'
call json%get(p,'vars(1).label',p1)
call json%get(p,'vars',p2)
call json%swap(p1,p2)
call json%print(p,output_unit)
if (.not. json%failed()) then
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'Error: this should have failed.'
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
call json%clear_exceptions()
end if
!this one should work:
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'Swap: empty <-> stats.str'
call json%get(p,'empty',p1)
call json%get(p,'stats.str',p2)
call json%swap(p1,p2)
call json%print(p,output_unit)
if (json%failed()) then
call json%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
call json%destroy(p)
! other special cases:
!swap first and last items in a list
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') '.....................................'
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'Original:'
call json%parse(p, '{ "color": "red", "width": 10, "height": 2 }')
if (json%failed()) then
call json%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
call json%print(p,error_unit)
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'Swap: color <-> height'
call json%get(p,'color',p1)
call json%get(p,'height',p2)
call json%swap(p1,p2)
if (json%failed()) then
call json%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
call json%print(p,output_unit)
call json%destroy(p)
!p2 is first child:
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') '.....................................'
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'Original:'
call json%parse(p, '{ "color": "red", "width": 10, "height": 2 }')
if (json%failed()) then
call json%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
call json%print(p,error_unit)
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'Swap: width <-> color'
call json%get(p,'width',p1)
call json%get(p,'color',p2)
call json%swap(p1,p2)
if (json%failed()) then
call json%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
call json%print(p,output_unit)
call json%destroy(p)
!p2 is last child:
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') '.....................................'
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'Original:'
call json%parse(p, '{ "color": "red", "width": 10, "height": 2 }')
if (json%failed()) then
call json%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
call json%print(p,error_unit)
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'Swap: width <-> height'
call json%get(p,'width',p1)
call json%get(p,'height',p2)
call json%swap(p1,p2)
if (json%failed()) then
call json%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
call json%print(p,output_unit)
call json%destroy(p)
end subroutine test_16