Populate a JSON structure, write it to a file, then read it.
Also tests the json_value_to_string routine to write the file to a character string.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer, | intent(out) | :: | error_cnt |
subroutine test_4(error_cnt)
!! Populate a JSON structure, write it to a file,
!! then read it.
!! Also tests the json_value_to_string routine to write
!! the file to a character string.
implicit none
integer,intent(out) :: error_cnt
type(json_value),pointer :: p,inp
type(json_file) :: json
type(json_core) :: core !! factory for manipulating `json_value` pointers
integer :: i
character(kind=json_CK,len=10) :: istr
character(kind=json_CK,len=:),allocatable :: string,name
logical(json_LK) :: found
integer(json_IK) :: var_type,n_children
error_cnt = 0
call core%initialize()
if (core%failed()) then
call core%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') '================================='
write(error_unit,'(A)') ' EXAMPLE 4'
write(error_unit,'(A)') '================================='
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'creating structure'
call core%create_object(p,dir//filename4) !create the value and associate the pointer
!add the file name as the name of the overall structure
if (core%failed()) then
call core%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
!config structure:
call core%create_object(inp,'INPUTS') !an object
if (core%failed()) then
call core%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
!add just integers:
do i=1,100
write(istr,fmt='(I10)') i
istr = adjustl(istr)
call core%add(inp, 'x'//trim(istr),i)
if (core%failed()) then
call core%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
end do
call core%add(p, inp)
if (core%failed()) then
call core%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'write to file'
!write the file:
call core%print(p,trim(dir//filename4))
if (core%failed()) then
call core%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'write to string'
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
!write it to a string, and print to console:
call core%print_to_string(p, string)
if (core%failed()) then
call core%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
write(output_unit,'(A)') string
deallocate(string) !cleanup
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'json_info_by_path'
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
!get some info:
call core%info(p,'INPUTS',found,var_type,n_children,name)
if (found) then
!test again with CDK path (for unicode wrapper)
call core%info(p,json_cdk_'INPUTS',found,var_type,n_children,name)
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'Error getting info on INPUT'
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
!test without found:
call core%info(p,'INPUTS',var_type=var_type,n_children=n_children,name=name)
if (core%failed()) then
call core%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
!get with a variable that we know if not present:
call core%info(p,'BLAHBLAH',found,var_type,n_children,name)
if (found) then !should not be found
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'Error: BLAHBLAH should not be there'
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
call core%destroy(p)
if (core%failed()) then
call core%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'read file'
call json%load_file(filename = dir//filename4)
if (json%failed()) then
call json%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
write(error_unit,'(A)') ''
write(error_unit,'(A)') 'cleanup'
call json%destroy()
if (json%failed()) then
call json%print_error_message(error_unit)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1
end if
end subroutine test_4