hpsolb Subroutine

private subroutine hpsolb(n, t, Iorder, Iheap)

This subroutine sorts out the least element of t, and puts the remaining elements of t in a heap.


  • J. W. J. Williams, "Algorithm 232: Heapsort", Communications of the ACM 7 (6): 347-348 (1964)


  • NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) Optimization Technology Center. Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. Written by Ciyou Zhu in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: n

the dimension of the arrays t and iorder.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: t(n)

On entry t stores the elements to be sorted, On exit t(n) stores the least elements of t, and t(1) to t(n-1) stores the remaining elements in the form of a heap.

integer, intent(inout) :: Iorder(n)

On entry iorder(i) is the index of t(i). On exit iorder(i) is still the index of t(i), but iorder may be permuted in accordance with t.

integer, intent(in) :: Iheap

iheap == 0 if t(1) to t(n) is not in the form of a heap, iheap /= 0 if otherwise.

Called by

proc~~hpsolb~~CalledByGraph proc~hpsolb lbfgsb_module::hpsolb proc~cauchy lbfgsb_module::cauchy proc~cauchy->proc~hpsolb proc~mainlb lbfgsb_module::mainlb proc~mainlb->proc~cauchy proc~setulb lbfgsb_module::setulb proc~setulb->proc~mainlb

Source Code

      subroutine hpsolb(n,t,Iorder,Iheap)

      implicit none

      integer,intent(in) :: n !! the dimension of the arrays t and iorder.
      real(wp),intent(inout) :: t(n) !! On entry t stores the elements to be sorted,
                                     !! On exit t(n) stores the least elements of t, and t(1) to t(n-1)
                                     !! stores the remaining elements in the form of a heap.
      integer,intent(inout) :: Iorder(n) !! On entry iorder(i) is the index of t(i).
                                         !! On exit iorder(i) is still the index of t(i), but iorder may be
                                         !! permuted in accordance with t.
      integer,intent(in) :: Iheap !! `iheap == 0` if t(1) to t(n) is not in the form of a heap,
                                  !! `iheap /= 0` if otherwise.

      integer :: i , j , k , indxin , indxou
      real(wp) :: ddum , out

      if ( Iheap==0 ) then

         ! Rearrange the elements t(1) to t(n) to form a heap.

         do k = 2 , n
            ddum = t(k)
            indxin = Iorder(k)

            ! Add ddum to the heap.
            i = k
               if ( i>1 ) then
                  j = i/2
                  if ( ddum<t(j) ) then
                     t(i) = t(j)
                     Iorder(i) = Iorder(j)
                     i = j
            end do
            t(i) = ddum
            Iorder(i) = indxin

      ! Assign to 'out' the value of t(1), the least member of the heap,
      ! and rearrange the remaining members to form a heap as
      ! elements 1 to n-1 of t.

      if ( n>1 ) then
         i = 1
         out = t(1)
         indxou = Iorder(1)
         ddum = t(n)
         indxin = Iorder(n)

         ! Restore the heap
            j = i + i
            if ( j<=n-1 ) then
               if ( t(j+1)<t(j) ) j = j + 1
               if ( t(j)<ddum ) then
                  t(i) = t(j)
                  Iorder(i) = Iorder(j)
                  i = j
         end do
         t(i) = ddum
         Iorder(i) = indxin

         ! Put the least member in t(n).

         t(n) = out
         Iorder(n) = indxou

      end subroutine hpsolb