Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
active | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This subroutine initializes |
bmv | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This subroutine computes the product of the 2m x 2m middle matrix
in the compact L-BFGS formula of B and a 2m vector |
cauchy | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | For given |
cmprlb | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This subroutine computes |
daxpy | lbfgsb_blas_module | Subroutine | constant times a vector plus a vector. uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one. |
dcopy | lbfgsb_blas_module | Subroutine | copies a vector, x, to a vector, y. uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one. |
dcsrch | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This subroutine finds a step that satisfies a sufficient decrease condition and a curvature condition. |
dcstep | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This subroutine computes a safeguarded step for a search procedure and updates an interval that contains a step that satisfies a sufficient decrease and a curvature condition. |
ddot | lbfgsb_blas_module | Function | forms the dot product of two vectors. uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one. |
dpofa | lbfgsb_linpack_module | Subroutine | dpofa factors a real symmetric positive definite matrix. |
dscal | lbfgsb_blas_module | Subroutine | scales a vector by a constant. uses unrolled loops for increment equal to one. |
dtrsl | lbfgsb_linpack_module | Subroutine | dtrsl solves systems of the form |
errclb | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This subroutine checks the validity of the input data. |
formk | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This subroutine forms the |
formt | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This subroutine forms the upper half of the pos. def. and symm. T = thetaSS + LD^(-1)L', stores T in the upper triangle of the array wt, and performs the Cholesky factorization of T to produce JJ', with J' stored in the upper triangle of wt. |
freev | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This subroutine counts the entering and leaving variables when iter > 0, and finds the index set of free and active variables at the GCP. |
hpsolb | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This subroutine sorts out the least element of t, and puts the remaining elements of t in a heap. |
lnsrlb | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This subroutine calls subroutine dcsrch from the Minpack2 library to perform the line search. Subroutine dscrch is safeguarded so that all trial points lie within the feasible region. |
mainlb | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This subroutine solves bound constrained optimization problems by using the compact formula of the limited memory BFGS updates. |
matupd | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This subroutine updates matrices WS and WY, and forms the middle matrix in B. |
prn1lb | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This subroutine prints the input data, initial point, upper and lower bounds of each variable, machine precision, as well as the headings of the output. |
prn2lb | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This subroutine prints out new information after a successful line search. |
prn3lb | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This subroutine prints out information when either a built-in convergence test is satisfied or when an error message is generated. |
projgr | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This subroutine computes the infinity norm of the projected gradient. |
setulb | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | The main routine. |
subsm | lbfgsb_module | Subroutine | This routine contains the major changes in the updated version. The changes are described in the accompanying paper |