dsolpk Subroutine

subroutine dsolpk(Neq, Y, Savf, X, Ewt, Wm, Iwm, f, psol)

This routine interfaces to one of DSPIOM, DSPIGMR, DPCG, DPCGS, or DUSOL, for the solution of the linear system arising from a Newton iteration. It is called if MITER .ne. 0. In addition to variables described elsewhere, communication with DSOLPK uses the following variables:

real work space containing data for the algorithm
(Krylov basis vectors, Hessenberg matrix, etc.)
integer work space containing data for the algorithm

the right-hand side vector on input, and the solution vector on output, of length N.


output flag (in Common): ERSL = 0 means no trouble occurred. ERSL = 1 means the iterative method failed to converge. If the preconditioner is out of date, the step is repeated with a new preconditioner. Otherwise, the stepsize is reduced (forcing a new evaluation of the preconditioner) and the step is repeated. ERSL = -1 means there was a nonrecoverable error in the iterative solver, and an error exit occurs.

This routine also uses the Common variables TN, EL0, H, N, MITER, DELT, EPCON, SQRTN, RSQRTN, MAXL, KMP, MNEWT, NNI, NLI, NPS, NCFL, LOCWP, LOCIWP.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: Neq(*)
real(kind=dp) :: Y(*)
real(kind=dp) :: Savf(*)
real(kind=dp) :: X(*)
real(kind=dp) :: Ewt(*)
real(kind=dp) :: Wm(*)
integer :: Iwm(*)
real :: f
real :: psol


proc~~dsolpk~~CallsGraph proc~dsolpk dsolpk.inc::dsolpk dpcg dpcg proc~dsolpk->dpcg dpcgs dpcgs proc~dsolpk->dpcgs dscal dscal proc~dsolpk->dscal dspigmr dspigmr proc~dsolpk->dspigmr dspiom dspiom proc~dsolpk->dspiom dusol dusol proc~dsolpk->dusol


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=dp), public :: delta
real(kind=dp), public :: hl0
integer, public :: iflag
integer, public :: lb
integer, public :: ldl
integer, public :: lgmr
integer, public :: lhes
integer, public :: liom
integer, public :: lp
integer, public :: lpcg
integer, public :: lq
integer, public :: lr
integer, public :: lv
integer, public :: lw
integer, public :: lwk
integer, public :: lz
integer, public :: maxlp1
integer, public :: npsl

Source Code

subroutine dsolpk(Neq,Y,Savf,X,Ewt,Wm,Iwm,f,psol)

integer        :: Neq(*)
real(kind=dp)  :: Y(*)
real(kind=dp)  :: Savf(*)
real(kind=dp)  :: X(*)
real(kind=dp)  :: Ewt(*)
real(kind=dp)  :: Wm(*)
integer        :: Iwm(*)
external       :: f
external       :: psol

real(kind=dp) :: delta, hl0
integer :: iflag, lb, ldl, lgmr, lhes, liom, lp, lpcg, lq, lr, lv, lw, lwk, lz, maxlp1, npsl

   dls1%iersl = 0
   hl0 = dls1%h*dls1%el0
   delta = dlpk%delt*dlpk%epcon
   select case (dls1%miter)
   case (2)
   !  Use the SPIGMR algorithm to solve the linear system P*x = -f.
      maxlp1 = dlpk%maxl + 1
      lv = 1
      lb = lv + dls1%n*dlpk%maxl
      lhes = lb + dls1%n + 1
      lq = lhes + dlpk%maxl*maxlp1
      lwk = lq + 2*dlpk%maxl
      ldl = lwk + min(1,dlpk%maxl-dlpk%kmp)*dls1%n
      !X!call dcopy(dls1%n,X,1,Wm(lb),1)
      Wm(lb:lb+dls1%n-1) = X(1:dls1%n)!X!
      call dscal(dls1%n,dlpk%rsqrtn,Ewt,1)
      call dspigmr(Neq,dls1%tn,Y,Savf,Wm(lb),Ewt,dls1%n,dlpk%maxl,maxlp1, &
       & dlpk%kmp,delta,hl0,dlpk%jpre,dlpk%mnewt,f,psol,npsl,X,   &
       & Wm(lv),Wm(lhes),Wm(lq),lgmr,Wm(dlpk%locwp),Iwm(dlpk%lociwp),Wm(lwk),Wm(ldl),iflag)
      dlpk%nni = dlpk%nni + 1
      dlpk%nli = dlpk%nli + lgmr
      dlpk%nps = dlpk%nps + npsl
      call dscal(dls1%n,dlpk%sqrtn,Ewt,1)
      if ( iflag/=0 ) dlpk%ncfl = dlpk%ncfl + 1
      if ( iflag>=2 ) dls1%iersl = 1
      if ( iflag<0 ) dls1%iersl = -1
   case (3)
   !  Use DPCG to solve the linear system P*x = -f
      lr = 1
      lp = lr + dls1%n
      lw = lp + dls1%n
      lz = lw + dls1%n
      lwk = lz + dls1%n
      !X!call dcopy(dls1%n,X,1,Wm(lr),1)
      Wm(lr:lr+dls1%n-1) = X(1:dls1%n)!X!
      call dpcg(Neq,dls1%tn,Y,Savf,Wm(lr),Ewt,dls1%n,dlpk%maxl,delta,hl0, &
       & dlpk%jpre,dlpk%mnewt,f,psol,npsl,X,Wm(lp),Wm(lw),Wm(lz), &
       & lpcg,Wm(dlpk%locwp),Iwm(dlpk%lociwp),Wm(lwk),iflag)
      dlpk%nni = dlpk%nni + 1
      dlpk%nli = dlpk%nli + lpcg
      dlpk%nps = dlpk%nps + npsl
      if ( iflag/=0 ) dlpk%ncfl = dlpk%ncfl + 1
      if ( iflag>=2 ) dls1%iersl = 1
      if ( iflag<0 ) dls1%iersl = -1
   case (4)
   !  Use DPCGS to solve the linear system P*x = -f
      lr = 1
      lp = lr + dls1%n
      lw = lp + dls1%n
      lz = lw + dls1%n
      lwk = lz + dls1%n
      !X!call dcopy(dls1%n,X,1,Wm(lr),1)
      Wm(lr:lr+dls1%n-1) = X(1:dls1%n)!X!
      call dpcgs(Neq,dls1%tn,Y,Savf,Wm(lr),Ewt,dls1%n,dlpk%maxl,delta,hl0, &
       & dlpk%jpre,dlpk%mnewt,f,psol,npsl,X,Wm(lp),Wm(lw),Wm(lz),&
       & lpcg,Wm(dlpk%locwp),Iwm(dlpk%lociwp),Wm(lwk),iflag)
      dlpk%nni = dlpk%nni + 1
      dlpk%nli = dlpk%nli + lpcg
      dlpk%nps = dlpk%nps + npsl
      if ( iflag/=0 ) dlpk%ncfl = dlpk%ncfl + 1
      if ( iflag>=2 ) dls1%iersl = 1
      if ( iflag<0 ) dls1%iersl = -1
   case (5,6,7,8,9)
   !  Use DUSOL, which interfaces to PSOL, to solve the linear system
   !  (no Krylov iteration).
      lb = 1
      lwk = lb + dls1%n
      !X!call dcopy(dls1%n,X,1,Wm(lb),1)
      Wm(lb:lb+dls1%n-1) = X(1:dls1%n)!X!
      call dusol(Neq,dls1%tn,Y,Savf,Wm(lb),Ewt,dls1%n,delta,hl0,dlpk%mnewt, &
      dlpk%nni = dlpk%nni + 1
      dlpk%nps = dlpk%nps + npsl
      if ( iflag/=0 ) dlpk%ncfl = dlpk%ncfl + 1
      if ( iflag==3 ) dls1%iersl = 1
      if ( iflag<0 ) dls1%iersl = -1
   case default
   !  Use the SPIOM algorithm to solve the linear system P*x = -f.
      lv = 1
      lb = lv + dls1%n*dlpk%maxl
      lhes = lb + dls1%n
      lwk = lhes + dlpk%maxl*dlpk%maxl
      !X!call dcopy(dls1%n,X,1,Wm(lb),1)
      Wm(lb:lb+dls1%n-1) = X(1:dls1%n)!X!
      call dscal(dls1%n,dlpk%rsqrtn,Ewt,1)
      call dspiom(Neq,dls1%tn,Y,Savf,Wm(lb),Ewt,dls1%n,dlpk%maxl,dlpk%kmp, &
       & delta,hl0,dlpk%jpre,dlpk%mnewt,f,psol,npsl,X,Wm(lv),       &
       & Wm(lhes),Iwm,liom,Wm(dlpk%locwp),Iwm(dlpk%lociwp),Wm(lwk),iflag)
      dlpk%nni = dlpk%nni + 1
      dlpk%nli = dlpk%nli + liom
      dlpk%nps = dlpk%nps + npsl
      call dscal(dls1%n,dlpk%sqrtn,Ewt,1)
      if ( iflag/=0 ) dlpk%ncfl = dlpk%ncfl + 1
      if ( iflag>=2 ) dls1%iersl = 1
      if ( iflag<0 ) dls1%iersl = -1


end subroutine dsolpk