dsolpk.inc Source File

Source Code

!! This routine interfaces to one of DSPIOM, DSPIGMR, DPCG, DPCGS, or
!! DUSOL, for the solution of the linear system arising from a Newton
!! iteration.  It is called if MITER .ne. 0.
!! In addition to variables described elsewhere,
!! communication with DSOLPK uses the following variables:
!! WM
!! : real work space containing data for the algorithm
!! (Krylov basis vectors, Hessenberg matrix, etc.)
!! IWM
!! : integer work space containing data for the algorithm
!! X
!! : the right-hand side vector on input, and the solution vector
!! on output, of length N.
!! : output flag (in Common):
!!       ERSL =  0 means no trouble occurred.
!!       ERSL =  1 means the iterative method failed to converge.
!!                 If the preconditioner is out of date, the step
!!                 is repeated with a new preconditioner.
!!                 Otherwise, the stepsize is reduced (forcing a
!!                 new evaluation of the preconditioner) and the
!!                 step is repeated.
!!       ERSL = -1 means there was a nonrecoverable error in the
!!                 iterative solver, and an error exit occurs.
!! This routine also uses the Common variables TN, EL0, H, N, MITER,
subroutine dsolpk(Neq,Y,Savf,X,Ewt,Wm,Iwm,f,psol)

integer        :: Neq(*)
real(kind=dp)  :: Y(*)
real(kind=dp)  :: Savf(*)
real(kind=dp)  :: X(*)
real(kind=dp)  :: Ewt(*)
real(kind=dp)  :: Wm(*)
integer        :: Iwm(*)
external       :: f
external       :: psol

real(kind=dp) :: delta, hl0
integer :: iflag, lb, ldl, lgmr, lhes, liom, lp, lpcg, lq, lr, lv, lw, lwk, lz, maxlp1, npsl

   dls1%iersl = 0
   hl0 = dls1%h*dls1%el0
   delta = dlpk%delt*dlpk%epcon
   select case (dls1%miter)
   case (2)
   !  Use the SPIGMR algorithm to solve the linear system P*x = -f.
      maxlp1 = dlpk%maxl + 1
      lv = 1
      lb = lv + dls1%n*dlpk%maxl
      lhes = lb + dls1%n + 1
      lq = lhes + dlpk%maxl*maxlp1
      lwk = lq + 2*dlpk%maxl
      ldl = lwk + min(1,dlpk%maxl-dlpk%kmp)*dls1%n
      !X!call dcopy(dls1%n,X,1,Wm(lb),1)
      Wm(lb:lb+dls1%n-1) = X(1:dls1%n)!X!
      call dscal(dls1%n,dlpk%rsqrtn,Ewt,1)
      call dspigmr(Neq,dls1%tn,Y,Savf,Wm(lb),Ewt,dls1%n,dlpk%maxl,maxlp1, &
       & dlpk%kmp,delta,hl0,dlpk%jpre,dlpk%mnewt,f,psol,npsl,X,   &
       & Wm(lv),Wm(lhes),Wm(lq),lgmr,Wm(dlpk%locwp),Iwm(dlpk%lociwp),Wm(lwk),Wm(ldl),iflag)
      dlpk%nni = dlpk%nni + 1
      dlpk%nli = dlpk%nli + lgmr
      dlpk%nps = dlpk%nps + npsl
      call dscal(dls1%n,dlpk%sqrtn,Ewt,1)
      if ( iflag/=0 ) dlpk%ncfl = dlpk%ncfl + 1
      if ( iflag>=2 ) dls1%iersl = 1
      if ( iflag<0 ) dls1%iersl = -1
   case (3)
   !  Use DPCG to solve the linear system P*x = -f
      lr = 1
      lp = lr + dls1%n
      lw = lp + dls1%n
      lz = lw + dls1%n
      lwk = lz + dls1%n
      !X!call dcopy(dls1%n,X,1,Wm(lr),1)
      Wm(lr:lr+dls1%n-1) = X(1:dls1%n)!X!
      call dpcg(Neq,dls1%tn,Y,Savf,Wm(lr),Ewt,dls1%n,dlpk%maxl,delta,hl0, &
       & dlpk%jpre,dlpk%mnewt,f,psol,npsl,X,Wm(lp),Wm(lw),Wm(lz), &
       & lpcg,Wm(dlpk%locwp),Iwm(dlpk%lociwp),Wm(lwk),iflag)
      dlpk%nni = dlpk%nni + 1
      dlpk%nli = dlpk%nli + lpcg
      dlpk%nps = dlpk%nps + npsl
      if ( iflag/=0 ) dlpk%ncfl = dlpk%ncfl + 1
      if ( iflag>=2 ) dls1%iersl = 1
      if ( iflag<0 ) dls1%iersl = -1
   case (4)
   !  Use DPCGS to solve the linear system P*x = -f
      lr = 1
      lp = lr + dls1%n
      lw = lp + dls1%n
      lz = lw + dls1%n
      lwk = lz + dls1%n
      !X!call dcopy(dls1%n,X,1,Wm(lr),1)
      Wm(lr:lr+dls1%n-1) = X(1:dls1%n)!X!
      call dpcgs(Neq,dls1%tn,Y,Savf,Wm(lr),Ewt,dls1%n,dlpk%maxl,delta,hl0, &
       & dlpk%jpre,dlpk%mnewt,f,psol,npsl,X,Wm(lp),Wm(lw),Wm(lz),&
       & lpcg,Wm(dlpk%locwp),Iwm(dlpk%lociwp),Wm(lwk),iflag)
      dlpk%nni = dlpk%nni + 1
      dlpk%nli = dlpk%nli + lpcg
      dlpk%nps = dlpk%nps + npsl
      if ( iflag/=0 ) dlpk%ncfl = dlpk%ncfl + 1
      if ( iflag>=2 ) dls1%iersl = 1
      if ( iflag<0 ) dls1%iersl = -1
   case (5,6,7,8,9)
   !  Use DUSOL, which interfaces to PSOL, to solve the linear system
   !  (no Krylov iteration).
      lb = 1
      lwk = lb + dls1%n
      !X!call dcopy(dls1%n,X,1,Wm(lb),1)
      Wm(lb:lb+dls1%n-1) = X(1:dls1%n)!X!
      call dusol(Neq,dls1%tn,Y,Savf,Wm(lb),Ewt,dls1%n,delta,hl0,dlpk%mnewt, &
      dlpk%nni = dlpk%nni + 1
      dlpk%nps = dlpk%nps + npsl
      if ( iflag/=0 ) dlpk%ncfl = dlpk%ncfl + 1
      if ( iflag==3 ) dls1%iersl = 1
      if ( iflag<0 ) dls1%iersl = -1
   case default
   !  Use the SPIOM algorithm to solve the linear system P*x = -f.
      lv = 1
      lb = lv + dls1%n*dlpk%maxl
      lhes = lb + dls1%n
      lwk = lhes + dlpk%maxl*dlpk%maxl
      !X!call dcopy(dls1%n,X,1,Wm(lb),1)
      Wm(lb:lb+dls1%n-1) = X(1:dls1%n)!X!
      call dscal(dls1%n,dlpk%rsqrtn,Ewt,1)
      call dspiom(Neq,dls1%tn,Y,Savf,Wm(lb),Ewt,dls1%n,dlpk%maxl,dlpk%kmp, &
       & delta,hl0,dlpk%jpre,dlpk%mnewt,f,psol,npsl,X,Wm(lv),       &
       & Wm(lhes),Iwm,liom,Wm(dlpk%locwp),Iwm(dlpk%lociwp),Wm(lwk),iflag)
      dlpk%nni = dlpk%nni + 1
      dlpk%nli = dlpk%nli + liom
      dlpk%nps = dlpk%nps + npsl
      call dscal(dls1%n,dlpk%sqrtn,Ewt,1)
      if ( iflag/=0 ) dlpk%ncfl = dlpk%ncfl + 1
      if ( iflag>=2 ) dls1%iersl = 1
      if ( iflag<0 ) dls1%iersl = -1


end subroutine dsolpk