g8 Function

private function g8(me, x, h) result(f)

This is the 8-point formula from the original SLATEC routine DGAUS8.


class(integration_class_1d), intent(inout) :: me
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: x
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: h

Return Value real(kind=wp)


Source Code


Source Code

    function g8(me, x, h) result(f)

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: me
    real(wp), intent(in) :: x
    real(wp), intent(in) :: h
    real(wp)             :: f

    !> abscissae:
    real(wp),parameter ::   x1 = 0.18343464249564980493947614236018398066675781291297378231718847&
    real(wp),parameter ::   x2 = 0.52553240991632898581773904918924634904196424312039285775085709&
    real(wp),parameter ::   x3 = 0.79666647741362673959155393647583043683717173161596483207017029&
    real(wp),parameter ::   x4 = 0.96028985649753623168356086856947299042823523430145203827163977&

    !> weights:
    real(wp),parameter ::   w1 = 0.36268378337836198296515044927719561219414603989433054052482306&
    real(wp),parameter ::   w2 = 0.31370664587788728733796220198660131326032899900273493769026394&
    real(wp),parameter ::   w3 = 0.22238103445337447054435599442624088443013087005124956472590928&
    real(wp),parameter ::   w4 = 0.10122853629037625915253135430996219011539409105168495705900369&

    f = h * ( w1*( me%fun(x-x1*h) + me%fun(x+x1*h)) + &
              w2*( me%fun(x-x2*h) + me%fun(x+x2*h)) + &
              w3*( me%fun(x-x3*h) + me%fun(x+x3*h)) + &
              w4*( me%fun(x-x4*h) + me%fun(x+x4*h)) )

    end function g8