compute_crtpb_parameter Function

public pure function compute_crtpb_parameter(mu1, mu2) result(mu)

Compute , the normalized CRTBP parameter. It is equal to .


The inputs can either be mu's or masses, as long are they are both the same units.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: mu1

grav param for body 1

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: mu2

grav param for body 2

Return Value real(kind=wp)

CRTBP parameter

Called by

proc~~compute_crtpb_parameter~~CalledByGraph proc~compute_crtpb_parameter crtbp_module::compute_crtpb_parameter proc~crtbp_test crtbp_module::crtbp_test proc~crtbp_test->proc~compute_crtpb_parameter proc~halo_to_rv halo_orbit_module::halo_to_rv proc~halo_to_rv->proc~compute_crtpb_parameter proc~halo_to_rv_diffcorr halo_orbit_module::halo_to_rv_diffcorr proc~halo_to_rv_diffcorr->proc~compute_crtpb_parameter proc~halo_to_rv_diffcorr->proc~halo_to_rv proc~halo_orbit_test halo_orbit_module::halo_orbit_test proc~halo_orbit_test->proc~halo_to_rv

Source Code

    pure function compute_crtpb_parameter(mu1,mu2) result(mu)

    implicit none

    real(wp),intent(in) :: mu1  !! grav param for body 1 \([km^3/s^2]\)
    real(wp),intent(in) :: mu2  !! grav param for body 2 \([km^3/s^2]\)
    real(wp)            :: mu   !! CRTBP parameter \(\mu\)

    mu = mu2 / (mu1 + mu2)

    end function compute_crtpb_parameter