Abstract Interfaces

Abstract InterfaceLocationDescription
acc_function geopotential_module

Interface to the acceleration function for the different methods

c_cdot_func transformation_module
deriv_func rk_module_variable_step

derivative function

event_func rk_module_variable_step

event function

fcn_hybrd minpack_module

function for hybrd. calculate the functions at x and return this vector in fvec.

fcn_hybrj minpack_module

function for hybrj

func lambert_module

interface to the zeroin input function

func brent_module

Interface to the function to be minimized. It should evaluate f(x) for any x in the interval (ax,bx)

func newton_module

interface for the function and derivative

mean_obliquity_func obliquity_module

a function for computing the mean obliquity of the ecliptic.

norm_func rk_module_variable_step

Vector norm function. Must return a value .

order_func rk_module_variable_step
report_func rk_module_variable_step

report function

report_func relative_motion_module

for reporting the points in the cw_propagator.

rv_func ephemeris_module

function to return the state of the targ body relative to the obs body, in the inertial frame [ICRF].

step_func rk_module_variable_step

rk step function