The purpose of hybrd is to find a zero of a system of n nonlinear functions in n variables by a modification of the powell hybrid method. the user must provide a subroutine which calculates the functions. the jacobian is then calculated by a forward-difference approximation.
HYBRD is a modification of the Powell hybrid method. Two of its main characteristics involve the choice of the correction as a convex combination of the Newton and scaled gradient directions and the updating of the Jacobian by the rank-1 method of Broy- den. The choice of the correction guarantees (under reasonable conditions) global convergence for starting points far from the solution and a fast rate of convergence. The Jacobian is approximated by forward differences at the starting point, but forward differences are not used again until the rank-1 method fails to produce satisfactory progress.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
procedure(fcn_hybrd) | :: | fcn |
user-supplied subroutine which calculates the functions |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | n |
a positive integer input variable set to the number of functions and variables. |
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | x(n) |
array of length n. on input |
real(kind=wp), | intent(out) | :: | fvec(n) |
an output array of length |
real(kind=wp), | intent(in) | :: | xtol |
a nonnegative input variable. termination
occurs when the relative error between two consecutive
iterates is at most |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | maxfev |
a positive integer input variable. termination
occurs when the number of calls to |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | ml |
a nonnegative integer input variable which specifies
the number of subdiagonals within the band of the
jacobian matrix. if the jacobian is not banded, set
integer, | intent(in) | :: | mu |
a nonnegative integer input variable which specifies
the number of superdiagonals within the band of the
jacobian matrix. if the jacobian is not banded, set
real(kind=wp), | intent(in) | :: | epsfcn |
an input variable used in determining a suitable
step length for the forward-difference approximation. this
approximation assumes that the relative errors in the
functions are of the order of |
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | diag(n) |
an array of length |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | mode |
if |
real(kind=wp), | intent(in) | :: | factor |
a positive input variable used in determining the
initial step bound. this bound is set to the product of
integer, | intent(in) | :: | nprint |
an integer input variable that enables controlled
printing of iterates if it is positive. in this case,
integer, | intent(out) | :: | info |
an integer output variable. if the user has
terminated execution, |
integer, | intent(out) | :: | nfev |
output variable set to the number of calls to |
real(kind=wp), | intent(out) | :: | fjac(ldfjac,n) |
array which contains the
orthogonal matrix |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | ldfjac |
a positive integer input variable not less than |
real(kind=wp), | intent(out) | :: | r(lr) |
an output array which contains the upper triangular matrix produced by the QR factorization of the final approximate jacobian, stored rowwise. |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | lr |
a positive integer input variable not less than |
real(kind=wp), | intent(out) | :: | qtf(n) |
an output array of length |
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | wa1(n) |
work array |
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | wa2(n) |
work array |
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | wa3(n) |
work array |
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | wa4(n) |
work array |
subroutine hybrd(fcn,n,x,fvec,xtol,maxfev,ml,mu,epsfcn,diag,mode, & factor,nprint,info,nfev,fjac,ldfjac,r,lr,qtf,wa1,& wa2,wa3,wa4) implicit none procedure(fcn_hybrd) :: fcn !! user-supplied subroutine which calculates the functions integer,intent(in) :: n !! a positive integer input variable set to the number !! of functions and variables. integer,intent(in) :: maxfev !! a positive integer input variable. termination !! occurs when the number of calls to `fcn` is at least `maxfev` !! by the end of an iteration. integer,intent(in) :: ml !! a nonnegative integer input variable which specifies !! the number of subdiagonals within the band of the !! jacobian matrix. if the jacobian is not banded, set !! `ml` to at least `n - 1`. integer,intent(in) :: mu !! a nonnegative integer input variable which specifies !! the number of superdiagonals within the band of the !! jacobian matrix. if the jacobian is not banded, set !! `mu` to at least` n - 1`. integer,intent(in) :: mode !! if `mode = 1`, the !! variables will be scaled internally. if `mode = 2`, !! the scaling is specified by the input `diag`. other !! values of `mode` are equivalent to `mode = 1`. integer,intent(in) :: nprint !! an integer input variable that enables controlled !! printing of iterates if it is positive. in this case, !! `fcn` is called with `iflag = 0` at the beginning of the first !! iteration and every `nprint` iterations thereafter and !! immediately prior to return, with `x` and `fvec` available !! for printing. if `nprint` is not positive, no special calls !! of `fcn` with `iflag = 0` are made. integer,intent(out) :: info !! an integer output variable. if the user has !! terminated execution, `info` is set to the (negative) !! value of `iflag`. see description of `fcn`. otherwise, !! `info` is set as follows: !! * ***info = 0*** improper input parameters. !! * ***info = 1*** relative error between two consecutive iterates !! is at most `xtol`. !! * ***info = 2*** number of calls to `fcn` has reached or exceeded !! `maxfev`. !! * ***info = 3*** `xtol` is too small. no further improvement in !! the approximate solution `x` is possible. !! * ***info = 4*** iteration is not making good progress, as !! measured by the improvement from the last !! five jacobian evaluations. !! * ***info = 5*** iteration is not making good progress, as !! measured by the improvement from the last !! ten iterations. integer,intent(out) :: nfev !! output variable set to the number of calls to `fcn`. integer,intent(in):: ldfjac !! a positive integer input variable not less than `n` !! which specifies the leading dimension of the array `fjac`. integer,intent(in) :: lr !! a positive integer input variable not less than `(n*(n+1))/2`. real(wp),intent(in) :: xtol !! a nonnegative input variable. termination !! occurs when the relative error between two consecutive !! iterates is at most `xtol`. real(wp),intent(in) :: epsfcn !! an input variable used in determining a suitable !! step length for the forward-difference approximation. this !! approximation assumes that the relative errors in the !! functions are of the order of `epsfcn`. if `epsfcn` is less !! than the machine precision, it is assumed that the relative !! errors in the functions are of the order of the machine !! precision. real(wp),intent(in) :: factor !! a positive input variable used in determining the !! initial step bound. this bound is set to the product of !! `factor` and the euclidean norm of `diag*x` if nonzero, or else !! to `factor` itself. in most cases factor should lie in the !! interval (.1,100.). 100. is a generally recommended value. real(wp),intent(inout) :: x(n) !! array of length n. on input `x` must contain !! an initial estimate of the solution vector. on output `x` !! contains the final estimate of the solution vector. real(wp),intent(out) :: fvec(n) !! an output array of length `n` which contains !! the functions evaluated at the output `x`. real(wp),intent(inout) :: diag(n) !! an array of length `n`. if `mode = 1` (see !! below), `diag` is internally set. if `mode = 2`, `diag` !! must contain positive entries that serve as !! multiplicative scale factors for the variables. real(wp),intent(out) :: fjac(ldfjac,n) !! array which contains the !! orthogonal matrix `q` produced by the QR factorization !! of the final approximate jacobian. real(wp),intent(out) :: r(lr) !! an output array which contains the !! upper triangular matrix produced by the QR factorization !! of the final approximate jacobian, stored rowwise. real(wp),intent(out) :: qtf(n) !! an output array of length `n` which contains !! the vector `(q transpose)*fvec`. real(wp),intent(inout) :: wa1(n) !! work array real(wp),intent(inout) :: wa2(n) !! work array real(wp),intent(inout) :: wa3(n) !! work array real(wp),intent(inout) :: wa4(n) !! work array integer :: i , iflag , iter , j , jm1 , l , msum , ncfail , ncsuc , nslow1 , nslow2 integer :: iwa(1) logical :: jeval , sing real(wp) :: actred , delta , epsmch , fnorm , fnorm1 , & pnorm , prered , ratio ,& sum , temp , xnorm real(wp),parameter :: p1 = 1.0e-1_wp real(wp),parameter :: p5 = 5.0e-1_wp real(wp),parameter :: p001 = 1.0e-3_wp real(wp),parameter :: p0001 = 1.0e-4_wp epsmch = dpmpar(1) ! the machine precision info = 0 iflag = 0 nfev = 0 ! ! check the input parameters for errors. ! if ( n<=0 .or. xtol<zero .or. maxfev<=0 .or. ml<0 .or. mu<0 .or. & factor<=zero .or. ldfjac<n .or. lr<(n*(n+1))/2 ) goto 300 if ( mode==2 ) then do j = 1 , n if ( diag(j)<=zero ) goto 300 enddo endif ! ! evaluate the function at the starting point ! and calculate its norm. ! iflag = 1 call fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) nfev = 1 if ( iflag<0 ) goto 300 fnorm = enorm(n,fvec) ! ! determine the number of calls to fcn needed to compute ! the jacobian matrix. ! msum = min0(ml+mu+1,n) ! ! initialize iteration counter and monitors. ! iter = 1 ncsuc = 0 ncfail = 0 nslow1 = 0 nslow2 = 0 ! ! beginning of the outer loop. ! 100 jeval = .true. ! ! calculate the jacobian matrix. ! iflag = 2 call fdjac1(fcn,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag,ml,mu,epsfcn,wa1,wa2) nfev = nfev + msum if ( iflag<0 ) goto 300 ! ! compute the qr factorization of the jacobian. ! call qrfac(n,n,fjac,ldfjac,.false.,iwa,1,wa1,wa2,wa3) ! ! on the first iteration and if mode is 1, scale according ! to the norms of the columns of the initial jacobian. ! if ( iter==1 ) then if ( mode/=2 ) then do j = 1 , n diag(j) = wa2(j) if ( wa2(j)==zero ) diag(j) = one enddo endif ! ! on the first iteration, calculate the norm of the scaled x ! and initialize the step bound delta. ! do j = 1 , n wa3(j) = diag(j)*x(j) enddo xnorm = enorm(n,wa3) delta = factor*xnorm if ( delta==zero ) delta = factor endif ! ! form (q transpose)*fvec and store in qtf. ! do i = 1 , n qtf(i) = fvec(i) enddo do j = 1 , n if ( fjac(j,j)/=zero ) then sum = zero do i = j , n sum = sum + fjac(i,j)*qtf(i) enddo temp = -sum/fjac(j,j) do i = j , n qtf(i) = qtf(i) + fjac(i,j)*temp enddo endif enddo ! ! copy the triangular factor of the qr factorization into r. ! sing = .false. do j = 1 , n l = j jm1 = j - 1 if ( jm1>=1 ) then do i = 1 , jm1 r(l) = fjac(i,j) l = l + n - i enddo endif r(l) = wa1(j) if ( wa1(j)==zero ) sing = .true. enddo ! ! accumulate the orthogonal factor in fjac. ! call qform(n,n,fjac,ldfjac,wa1) ! ! rescale if necessary. ! if ( mode/=2 ) then do j = 1 , n diag(j) = dmax1(diag(j),wa2(j)) enddo endif ! ! beginning of the inner loop. ! ! ! if requested, call fcn to enable printing of iterates. ! 200 if ( nprint>0 ) then iflag = 0 if ( mod(iter-1,nprint)==0 ) call fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) if ( iflag<0 ) goto 300 endif ! ! determine the direction p. ! call dogleg(n,r,lr,diag,qtf,delta,wa1,wa2,wa3) ! ! store the direction p and x + p. calculate the norm of p. ! do j = 1 , n wa1(j) = -wa1(j) wa2(j) = x(j) + wa1(j) wa3(j) = diag(j)*wa1(j) enddo pnorm = enorm(n,wa3) ! ! on the first iteration, adjust the initial step bound. ! if ( iter==1 ) delta = dmin1(delta,pnorm) ! ! evaluate the function at x + p and calculate its norm. ! iflag = 1 call fcn(n,wa2,wa4,iflag) nfev = nfev + 1 if ( iflag>=0 ) then fnorm1 = enorm(n,wa4) ! ! compute the scaled actual reduction. ! actred = -one if ( fnorm1<fnorm ) actred = one - (fnorm1/fnorm)**2 ! ! compute the scaled predicted reduction. ! l = 1 do i = 1 , n sum = zero do j = i , n sum = sum + r(l)*wa1(j) l = l + 1 enddo wa3(i) = qtf(i) + sum enddo temp = enorm(n,wa3) prered = zero if ( temp<fnorm ) prered = one - (temp/fnorm)**2 ! ! compute the ratio of the actual to the predicted ! reduction. ! ratio = zero if ( prered>zero ) ratio = actred/prered ! ! update the step bound. ! if ( ratio>=p1 ) then ncfail = 0 ncsuc = ncsuc + 1 if ( ratio>=p5 .or. ncsuc>1 ) delta = dmax1(delta,pnorm/p5) if ( abs(ratio-one)<=p1 ) delta = pnorm/p5 else ncsuc = 0 ncfail = ncfail + 1 delta = p5*delta endif ! ! test for successful iteration. ! if ( ratio>=p0001 ) then ! ! successful iteration. update x, fvec, and their norms. ! do j = 1 , n x(j) = wa2(j) wa2(j) = diag(j)*x(j) fvec(j) = wa4(j) enddo xnorm = enorm(n,wa2) fnorm = fnorm1 iter = iter + 1 endif ! ! determine the progress of the iteration. ! nslow1 = nslow1 + 1 if ( actred>=p001 ) nslow1 = 0 if ( jeval ) nslow2 = nslow2 + 1 if ( actred>=p1 ) nslow2 = 0 ! ! test for convergence. ! if ( delta<=xtol*xnorm .or. fnorm==zero ) info = 1 if ( info==0 ) then ! ! tests for termination and stringent tolerances. ! if ( nfev>=maxfev ) info = 2 if ( p1*dmax1(p1*delta,pnorm)<=epsmch*xnorm ) info = 3 if ( nslow2==5 ) info = 4 if ( nslow1==10 ) info = 5 if ( info==0 ) then ! ! criterion for recalculating jacobian approximation ! by forward differences. ! if ( ncfail==2 ) goto 100 ! ! calculate the rank one modification to the jacobian ! and update qtf if necessary. ! do j = 1 , n sum = zero do i = 1 , n sum = sum + fjac(i,j)*wa4(i) enddo wa2(j) = (sum-wa3(j))/pnorm wa1(j) = diag(j)*((diag(j)*wa1(j))/pnorm) if ( ratio>=p0001 ) qtf(j) = sum enddo ! ! compute the qr factorization of the updated jacobian. ! call r1updt(n,n,r,lr,wa1,wa2,wa3,sing) call r1mpyq(n,n,fjac,ldfjac,wa2,wa3) call r1mpyq(1,n,qtf,1,wa2,wa3) ! ! end of the inner loop. ! jeval = .false. ! ! end of the outer loop. ! goto 200 endif endif endif ! ! termination, either normal or user imposed. ! 300 if ( iflag<0 ) info = iflag iflag = 0 if ( nprint>0 ) call fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) end subroutine hybrd