enorm Function

public function enorm(n, x)

given an n-vector x, this function calculates the euclidean norm of x.

the euclidean norm is computed by accumulating the sum of squares in three different sums. the sums of squares for the small and large components are scaled so that no overflows occur. non-destructive underflows are permitted. underflows and overflows do not occur in the computation of the unscaled sum of squares for the intermediate components. the definitions of small, intermediate and large components depend on two constants, rdwarf and rgiant. the main restrictions on these constants are that rdwarf2 not underflow and rgiant2 not overflow. the constants given here are suitable for every known computer.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: n

size of x

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(n) :: x

input array

Return Value real(kind=wp)

Called by

proc~~enorm~~CalledByGraph proc~enorm minpack_module::enorm proc~dogleg minpack_module::dogleg proc~dogleg->proc~enorm proc~hybrd minpack_module::hybrd proc~hybrd->proc~enorm proc~hybrd->proc~dogleg proc~qrfac minpack_module::qrfac proc~hybrd->proc~qrfac proc~hybrj minpack_module::hybrj proc~hybrj->proc~enorm proc~hybrj->proc~dogleg proc~hybrj->proc~qrfac proc~qrfac->proc~enorm proc~hybrd1 minpack_module::hybrd1 proc~hybrd1->proc~hybrd proc~hybrj1 minpack_module::hybrj1 proc~hybrj1->proc~hybrj proc~halo_to_rv_diffcorr halo_orbit_module::halo_to_rv_diffcorr proc~halo_to_rv_diffcorr->proc~hybrd1

Source Code

    real(wp) function enorm(n,x)

    implicit none

    integer,intent(in) :: n                 !! size of `x`
    real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in) :: x   !! input array

      integer i
      real(wp) agiant , floatn , s1 , s2 , s3 , xabs , x1max , x3max
      real(wp),parameter :: rdwarf = 3.834e-20_wp
      real(wp),parameter :: rgiant = 1.304e19_wp

      s1 = zero
      s2 = zero
      s3 = zero
      x1max = zero
      x3max = zero
      floatn = n
      agiant = rgiant/floatn
      do i = 1 , n
         xabs = abs(x(i))
         if ( xabs>rdwarf .and. xabs<agiant ) then
!           sum for intermediate components.
            s2 = s2 + xabs**2
         elseif ( xabs<=rdwarf ) then
!              sum for small components.
            if ( xabs<=x3max ) then
               if ( xabs/=zero ) s3 = s3 + (xabs/x3max)**2
               s3 = one + s3*(x3max/xabs)**2
               x3max = xabs
!              sum for large components.
         elseif ( xabs<=x1max ) then
            s1 = s1 + (xabs/x1max)**2
            s1 = one + s1*(x1max/xabs)**2
            x1max = xabs
!     calculation of norm.
      if ( s1/=zero ) then
         enorm = x1max*sqrt(s1+(s2/x1max)/x1max)
      elseif ( s2==zero ) then
         enorm = x3max*sqrt(s3)
         if ( s2>=x3max ) enorm = sqrt(s2*(one+(x3max/s2)*(x3max*s3)))
         if ( s2<x3max ) enorm = sqrt(x3max*((s2/x3max)+(x3max*s3)))

    end function enorm