fdjac1 Subroutine

public subroutine fdjac1(fcn, n, x, fvec, fjac, ldfjac, iflag, ml, mu, epsfcn, wa1, wa2)

this subroutine computes a forward-difference approximation to the n by n jacobian matrix associated with a specified problem of n functions in n variables. if the jacobian has a banded form, then function evaluations are saved by only approximating the nonzero terms.

the subroutine statement is

subroutine fdjac1(fcn,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag,ml,mu,epsfcn,wa1,wa2)


fcn is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which calculates the functions. fcn must be declared in an external statement in the user calling program, and should be written as follows.

subroutine fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag)
integer n,iflag
real(wp) x(n),fvec(n)
calculate the functions at x and
return this vector in fvec.

the value of iflag should not be changed by fcn unless
the user wants to terminate execution of fdjac1.
in this case set iflag to a negative integer.

n is a positive integer input variable set to the number of functions and variables.

x is an input array of length n.

fvec is an input array of length n which must contain the functions evaluated at x.

fjac is an output n by n array which contains the approximation to the jacobian matrix evaluated at x.

ldfjac is a positive integer input variable not less than n which specifies the leading dimension of the array fjac.

iflag is an integer variable which can be used to terminate the execution of fdjac1. see description of fcn.

ml is a nonnegative integer input variable which specifies the number of subdiagonals within the band of the jacobian matrix. if the jacobian is not banded, set ml to at least n - 1.

epsfcn is an input variable used in determining a suitable step length for the forward-difference approximation. this approximation assumes that the relative errors in the functions are of the order of epsfcn. if epsfcn is less than the machine precision, it is assumed that the relative errors in the functions are of the order of the machine precision.

mu is a nonnegative integer input variable which specifies the number of superdiagonals within the band of the jacobian matrix. if the jacobian is not banded, set mu to at least n - 1.

wa1 and wa2 are work arrays of length n. if ml + mu + 1 is at least n, then the jacobian is considered dense, and wa2 is not referenced.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
procedure(fcn_hybrd) :: fcn
integer :: n
real(kind=wp) :: x(n)
real(kind=wp) :: fvec(n)
real(kind=wp) :: fjac(ldfjac,n)
integer :: ldfjac
integer :: iflag
integer :: ml
integer :: mu
real(kind=wp) :: epsfcn
real(kind=wp) :: wa1(n)
real(kind=wp) :: wa2(n)


proc~~fdjac1~~CallsGraph proc~fdjac1 minpack_module::fdjac1 proc~dpmpar minpack_module::dpmpar proc~fdjac1->proc~dpmpar

Called by

proc~~fdjac1~~CalledByGraph proc~fdjac1 minpack_module::fdjac1 proc~hybrd minpack_module::hybrd proc~hybrd->proc~fdjac1 proc~hybrd1 minpack_module::hybrd1 proc~hybrd1->proc~hybrd proc~halo_to_rv_diffcorr halo_orbit_module::halo_to_rv_diffcorr proc~halo_to_rv_diffcorr->proc~hybrd1

Source Code

    subroutine fdjac1(fcn,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag,ml,mu,epsfcn,wa1,wa2)

    implicit none

    integer n , ldfjac , iflag , ml , mu
    real(wp) epsfcn
    real(wp) x(n) , fvec(n) , fjac(ldfjac,n) , wa1(n) , wa2(n)
    procedure(fcn_hybrd) :: fcn

      integer i , j , k , msum
      real(wp) eps , epsmch , h , temp

      epsmch = dpmpar(1) ! the machine precision
      eps = sqrt(max(epsfcn,epsmch))
      msum = ml + mu + 1
      if ( msum<n ) then
!        computation of banded approximate jacobian.
         do k = 1 , msum
            do j = k , n , msum
               wa2(j) = x(j)
               h = eps*abs(wa2(j))
               if ( h==zero ) h = eps
               x(j) = wa2(j) + h
            call fcn(n,x,wa1,iflag)
            if ( iflag<0 ) return
            do j = k , n , msum
               x(j) = wa2(j)
               h = eps*abs(wa2(j))
               if ( h==zero ) h = eps
               do i = 1 , n
                  fjac(i,j) = zero
                  if ( i>=j-mu .and. i<=j+ml ) fjac(i,j) = (wa1(i)-fvec(i))/h
!        computation of dense approximate jacobian.
         do j = 1 , n
            temp = x(j)
            h = eps*abs(temp)
            if ( h==zero ) h = eps
            x(j) = temp + h
            call fcn(n,x,wa1,iflag)
            if ( iflag<0 ) return
            x(j) = temp
            do i = 1 , n
               fjac(i,j) = (wa1(i)-fvec(i))/h

    end subroutine fdjac1