Find a zero of the function in the given interval to within a tolerance , where is the relative machine precision defined as the smallest representable number such that .
It is assumed that and have opposite signs.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(brent_class), | intent(inout) | :: | me | |||
real(kind=wp), | intent(in) | :: | ax |
left endpoint of initial interval |
real(kind=wp), | intent(in) | :: | bx |
right endpoint of initial interval |
real(kind=wp), | intent(in) | :: | tol |
desired length of the interval of uncertainty of the final result (>=0) |
real(kind=wp), | intent(out) | :: | xzero |
abscissa approximating a zero of |
real(kind=wp), | intent(out) | :: | fzero |
value of |
integer, | intent(out) | :: | iflag |
status flag ( |
real(kind=wp), | intent(in), | optional | :: | fax |
if |
real(kind=wp), | intent(in), | optional | :: | fbx |
if |
subroutine zeroin(me,ax,bx,tol,xzero,fzero,iflag,fax,fbx) use iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit implicit none class(brent_class),intent(inout) :: me real(wp),intent(in) :: ax !! left endpoint of initial interval real(wp),intent(in) :: bx !! right endpoint of initial interval real(wp),intent(in) :: tol !! desired length of the interval of uncertainty of the final result (>=0) real(wp),intent(out) :: xzero !! abscissa approximating a zero of `f` in the interval `ax`,`bx` real(wp),intent(out) :: fzero !! value of `f` at the root (`f(xzero)`) integer,intent(out) :: iflag !! status flag (`-1`=error, `0`=root found) real(wp),intent(in),optional :: fax !! if `f(ax)` is already known, it can be input here real(wp),intent(in),optional :: fbx !! if `f(ax)` is already known, it can be input here real(wp),parameter :: eps = epsilon(one) !! original code had d1mach(4) real(wp) :: a,b,c,d,e,fa,fb,fc,tol1,xm,p,q,r,s tol1 = eps+one a=ax b=bx if (present(fax)) then fa = fax else fa=me%f(a) end if if (present(fbx)) then fb = fbx else fb=me%f(b) end if !check trivial cases first: if (fa==zero) then iflag = 0 xzero = a fzero = fa elseif (fb==zero) then iflag = 0 xzero = b fzero = fb elseif (fa*(fb/abs(fb))<zero) then ! check that f(ax) and f(bx) have different signs c=a fc=fa d=b-a e=d do if (abs(fc)<abs(fb)) then a=b b=c c=a fa=fb fb=fc fc=fa end if tol1=two*eps*abs(b)+0.5_wp*tol xm = 0.5_wp*(c-b) if ((abs(xm)<=tol1).or.(fb==zero)) exit ! see if a bisection is forced if ((abs(e)>=tol1).and.(abs(fa)>abs(fb))) then s=fb/fa if (a/=c) then ! inverse quadratic interpolation q=fa/fc r=fb/fc p=s*(two*xm*q*(q-r)-(b-a)*(r-one)) q=(q-one)*(r-one)*(s-one) else ! linear interpolation p=two*xm*s q=one-s end if if (p<=zero) then p=-p else q=-q end if s=e e=d if (((two*p)>=(three*xm*q-abs(tol1*q))) .or. & (p>=abs(0.5_wp*s*q))) then d=xm e=d else d=p/q end if else d=xm e=d end if a=b fa=fb if (abs(d)<=tol1) then if (xm<=zero) then b=b-tol1 else b=b+tol1 end if else b=b+d end if fb=me%f(b) if ((fb*(fc/abs(fc)))>zero) then c=a fc=fa d=b-a e=d end if end do iflag = 0 xzero = b fzero = fb else iflag = -1 write(error_unit,'(A)')& 'Error in zeroin: f(ax) and f(bx) do not have different signs.' end if end subroutine zeroin