cw_equations Function

public function cw_equations(x0, dt, n) result(x)

Clohessy-Wiltshire equations for relative motion.

These apply to an RSW frame centered at the target spacecraft.



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(6) :: x0

initial state [r,v] of chaser (at t0) [km, km/s]

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: dt

elapsed time from t0 [sec]

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: n

mean motion of target orbit (sqrt(mu/a**3)) [1/sec]

Return Value real(kind=wp), dimension(6)

final state [r,v] of chaser [km, km/s]

Called by

proc~~cw_equations~~CalledByGraph proc~cw_equations relative_motion_module::cw_equations proc~cw_propagator relative_motion_module::cw_propagator proc~cw_propagator->proc~cw_equations

Source Code

    function cw_equations(x0,dt,n) result(x)

    implicit none

    real(wp),dimension(6),intent(in) :: x0    !! initial state [r,v] of chaser (at t0) [km, km/s]
    real(wp),intent(in)              :: dt    !! elapsed time from t0 [sec]
    real(wp),intent(in)              :: n     !! mean motion of target orbit (`sqrt(mu/a**3)`) [1/sec]
    real(wp),dimension(6)            :: x     !! final state [r,v] of chaser [km, km/s]

    real(wp) :: nt,cnt,snt

    if (dt==zero) then
        x = x0

        if (n==zero) then
            error stop 'Error: Target orbit mean motion must be non-zero.'

            nt = n*dt
            cnt = cos(nt)
            snt = sin(nt)

            x(1) = (four-three*cnt)*x0(1) + (snt/n)*x0(4) + (two/n)*(one-cnt)*x0(5)
            x(2) = six*(snt-nt)*x0(1) + x0(2) - (two/n)*(one-cnt)*x0(4) + one/n*(four*snt-three*nt)*x0(5)
            x(3) = cnt*x0(3) + (snt/n)*x0(6)
            x(4) = three*n*snt*x0(1) + cnt*x0(4) + two*snt*x0(5)
            x(5) = -(six*n*(one-cnt))*x0(1) - two*snt*x0(4) + (four*cnt-three)*x0(5)
            x(6) = -n*snt*x0(3) + cnt*x0(6)

        end if

    end if

    end function cw_equations