eispack_test Subroutine

public subroutine eispack_test()

Unit test




proc~~eispack_test~~CallsGraph proc~eispack_test eispack_module::eispack_test proc~compute_eigenvalues_and_eigenvectors eispack_module::compute_eigenvalues_and_eigenvectors proc~eispack_test->proc~compute_eigenvalues_and_eigenvectors proc~rg eispack_module::rg proc~compute_eigenvalues_and_eigenvectors->proc~rg proc~balanc eispack_module::balanc proc~rg->proc~balanc proc~balbak eispack_module::balbak proc~rg->proc~balbak proc~elmhes eispack_module::elmhes proc~rg->proc~elmhes proc~eltran eispack_module::eltran proc~rg->proc~eltran proc~hqr eispack_module::hqr proc~rg->proc~hqr proc~hqr2 eispack_module::hqr2 proc~rg->proc~hqr2 proc~cdiv eispack_module::cdiv proc~hqr2->proc~cdiv

Source Code

    subroutine eispack_test()

    implicit none

    real(wp),dimension(3,3),parameter :: a = reshape([1.0_wp,4.0_wp,-3.0_wp,&
                                                      3.0_wp,2.0_wp,1.001_wp], [3,3])

    real(wp),dimension(3,2) :: w    !! real and imaginary parts of the eigenvalues
    real(wp),dimension(3,3) :: z    !! real and imaginary parts of the eigenvectors
    integer :: ierr !! output flag
    integer :: i !! counter
    integer :: j !! counter
    complex(wp),dimension(3) :: v

    call compute_eigenvalues_and_eigenvectors(3, a, w, z, ierr)

    write(*,*) ''
    write(*,*) '---------------'
    write(*,*) ' eispack_test'
    write(*,*) '---------------'
    write(*,*) ''

    write(*,*) ''
    write(*,*) 'ierr = ', ierr
    write(*,*) ''
    write(*,*) 'eigenvalues:'
    do i = 1, 3
    write(*,*) w(i,:)
    end do
    write(*,*) ''
    write(*,*) 'eigenvectors (normalized):'

    do i = 1, 3

        if (w(i,2)==0.0_wp) then
            ! If the J-th eigenvalue is real, the
            ! J-th column of Z contains its eigenvector
            do j = 1, 3
                v(j) = cmplx(z(j,i), 0.0_wp, wp)
            end do
        elseif (w(i,2)>0.0_wp) then
            ! If the J-th eigenvalue is complex with positive imaginary part, the
            ! J-th and (J+1)-th columns of Z contain the real and
            ! imaginary parts of its eigenvector.
            do j = 1, 3
                v(j) = cmplx(z(j,i), z(j,i+1), wp)
            end do
            do j = 1, 3
                v(j) = cmplx(z(j,i-1), -z(j,i), wp)
            end do
        end if
        v = v / sqrt(dot_product(v,v))
        do j = 1, 3
            write(*,'(F16.6,F16.6)') v(j)%re, v(j)%im
        end do
        write(*,*) ''

    end do

   ! ... results:
   ! eigenvalues:
   ! -1.89041207397761       0.000000000000000E+000
   ! 3.44570603698881        5.01584673789593
   ! 3.44570603698881       -5.01584673789593
   ! eigenvectors:
   ! 0.650411095383963      -0.379058329718174      -0.373946474570154
   ! 0.605673686824173       0.640277015571315      -7.629236177444867E-002
   ! 8.565310483790509E-002 -0.395692850335186        1.34627813418190

   ! ... from numpy:
   ! eigenvalues:
   ! array([-1.89041207+0.j        ,  3.44570604+5.01584674j, 3.44570604-5.01584674j])
   ! eigenvectors:
   ! array([[ 0.77377504  ,  0.03085326-0.3669729j  ,  0.03085326+0.3669729j ],
   !        [-0.4509546   , -0.25965047-0.37137631j , -0.25965047+0.37137631j],
   !        [-0.44487317  ,  0.81181293             ,  0.81181293            ] ])

   end subroutine eispack_test