geopot Subroutine

private subroutine geopot(x, y, z, nmax, mmax, re, ksq, c, s, fx, fy, fz)

Compute the gravitational acceleration vector using the Mueller method.


  1. Alan C. Mueller, "A Fast Recursive Algorithm for Calculating the Forces due to the Geopotential (Program GEOPOT)", JSC Internal Note 75-FM-42, June 9, 1975.


WARNING: this one crashes if nmax/=mmax


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: x

position vector x-component

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: y

position vector y-component

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: z

position vector z-component

integer, intent(in) :: nmax

degree of model

integer, intent(in) :: mmax

order+1 of model

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: re

body radius

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: ksq

body GM

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(:) :: c

C coefficients

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(:) :: s

S coefficients

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: fx

gravitational acceleration x-component

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: fy

gravitational acceleration y-component

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: fz

gravitational acceleration z-component

Called by

proc~~geopot~~CalledByGraph proc~geopot geopotential_module::geopot proc~compute_gravity_acceleration_mueller geopotential_module::geopotential_model_mueller%compute_gravity_acceleration_mueller proc~compute_gravity_acceleration_mueller->proc~geopot proc~geopotential_module_test geopotential_module::geopotential_module_test proc~geopotential_module_test->proc~compute_gravity_acceleration_mueller

Source Code

    subroutine geopot(x,y,z,nmax,mmax,re,ksq,c,s,fx,fy,fz)

    implicit none

    !subroutine arguments:
    real(wp),intent(in)              :: x      !! position vector x-component
    real(wp),intent(in)              :: y      !! position vector y-component
    real(wp),intent(in)              :: z      !! position vector z-component
    integer,intent(in)               :: nmax   !! degree of model
    integer,intent(in)               :: mmax   !! order+1 of model
    real(wp),intent(in)              :: re     !! body radius
    real(wp),intent(in)              :: ksq    !! body GM
    real(wp),dimension(:),intent(in) :: c      !! C coefficients
    real(wp),dimension(:),intent(in) :: s      !! S coefficients
    real(wp),intent(out)             :: fx     !! gravitational acceleration x-component
    real(wp),intent(out)             :: fy     !! gravitational acceleration y-component
    real(wp),intent(out)             :: fz     !! gravitational acceleration z-component

    !local variables:
    real(wp) :: r,ri,reor,reorn,ksqor2,xor,yor,zor,rdedx,rdedy,rdedz,&
    integer :: i,j,k,im1,l,jm1,jp1,kk
    real(wp),dimension(0:mmax) :: p0,p1,p2,ctil,stil

    !write(*,'(A,1x,*(e20.5,1x/))') 'c=',c
    !write(*,'(A,1x,*(e20.5,1x/))') 's=',s


    r      = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
    ri     = one/r
    reor   = re*ri
    reorn  = reor
    ksqor2 = ksq*ri*ri
    zor    = z*ri
    xor    = x*ri
    yor    = y*ri

    !the derivatives of the argument of the legendre polynomial - zor

    rdedz = zor*zor - one
    rdedx = zor*xor
    rdedy = zor*yor


    k = 0
    do i=1,mmax
        p0(i) = zero
        p1(i) = zero
    end do
    p0(0)   = one
    p1(0)   = zor
    p1(1)   = one
    ctil(0) = one
    stil(0) = zero
    ctil(1) = xor
    stil(1) = yor
    sum1    = zero
    !sum2   = zero       !original
    sum2    = one        !JW : include central body term
    sum3    = zero
    sum4    = zero

    !computation of forces:

    do i = 2,nmax

        reorn = reorn*reor
        fact  = 2*i - 1
        im1   = i-1
        l     = 1

        !recursion formulas for legendre polynomial - p2(0)

        p2(0) = (fact*zor*p1(0)-im1*p0(0))/i
        k     = k + 1
        p2(1) = p0(1)+fact*p1(0)
        temp1 = p2(1)*c(k)
        temp2 = p2(0)*c(k)*(i+1)

        if (i < mmax) then

            !recursive formulas for:
            !    'ctilda' - ctil
            !    'stilda' - stil

            ctil(i) = ctil(1)*ctil(im1) - stil(1)*stil(im1)
            stil(i) = stil(1)*ctil(im1) + ctil(1)*stil(im1)
            temp3   = zero
            temp4   = zero

            do j=1,i

                jm1 = j-1
                jp1 = j+1

                !recursive formula for derivative of legendre polynomial - p2(j)

                p2(jp1) = p0(jp1) + fact*p1(j)
                kk      = k + j
                dcstld  = j*p2(j)
                temp    = (c(kk)*ctil(j)+s(kk)*stil(j))
                temp1   = temp1+p2(jp1)*temp
                temp2   = temp2+(i+jp1)*p2(j)*temp
                temp3   = temp3+dcstld*(c(kk)*ctil(jm1)+s(kk)*stil(jm1))
                temp4   = temp4-dcstld*(c(kk)*stil(jm1)-s(kk)*ctil(jm1))

            end do

            l = i
            sum3 = sum3+reorn*temp3
            sum4 = sum4+reorn*temp4

        end if

        sum1 = sum1+reorn*temp1
        sum2 = sum2+reorn*temp2
        k = k + i

        !shift indices:

        do j = 0, l
            p0(j) = p1(j)
            p1(j) = p2(j)
        end do

    end do

    fx = -ksqor2*(sum1*rdedx + sum2*xor - sum3 )
    fy = -ksqor2*(sum1*rdedy + sum2*yor - sum4 )
    fz = -ksqor2*(sum1*rdedz + sum2*zor        )

    end subroutine geopot