kepler_goodyear_stienon_klumpp Subroutine

public subroutine kepler_goodyear_stienon_klumpp(rv0, tau, mu, accy, rvf)

Kepler propagator based on the Goodyear code with modifications by Stienon and Klumpp.

See also

  • W. H. Goodyear, "Completely General Closed-Form Solution for Coordinates and Partial Derivatives of the Two-Body Problem", Astronomical Journal, Vol. 70, No. 3, April 1965. pdf
  • W. H. Goodyear, "A General Method for the Computation of Cartesian Coordinates and Partial Derivatives of the Two-Body Problem", NASA CR-522, Sep 1, 1966. pdf
  • A. Klumpp, "Performance Comparision of Lambert and Kepler Algorithms", JPL Interoffice Memorandum, 314.1-0426-ARK, Jan 2, 1991. (See the KEPGSK Fortran 77 routine)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(6) :: rv0

state vector at reference time T0 [km,km/s]

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: tau

Time interval T-T0 [sec]

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: mu

Central body gravitational constant [km^3/s^2]

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: accy

Fractional accuracy required [0->0.1]

real(kind=wp), intent(out), dimension(6) :: rvf

state vector at solution time T [km,km/s]

Source Code

    subroutine kepler_goodyear_stienon_klumpp(rv0,tau,mu,accy,rvf)

    implicit none

    real(wp),dimension(6),intent(in)  :: rv0   !! state vector at reference
                                               !! time T0 [km,km/s]
    real(wp),intent(in)               :: tau   !! Time interval T-T0 [sec]
    real(wp),intent(in)               :: mu    !! Central body gravitational
                                               !! constant [km^3/s^2]
    real(wp),intent(in)               :: accy  !! Fractional accuracy required
                                               !! [0->0.1]
    real(wp),dimension(6),intent(out) :: rvf   !! state vector at solution time
                                               !! T [km,km/s]

    real(wp),parameter :: onethird  = 1.0_wp / 3.0_wp !! 0.333333 in original code

    integer  :: iloop             !! loop counter defining number of iterations
    real(wp) :: r                 !! radius at solution time `T`
    real(wp) :: r0                !! radius at solution time `T0`
    integer  :: i                 !! index
    integer  :: j                 !! index
    integer  :: m                 !! counter for normalizing lambda
    real(wp) :: psi               !! independent variable in Kepler's equation
    real(wp) :: psin              !! lower limit to `psi`
    real(wp) :: psip              !! upper limit to `psi`
    real(wp) :: dlim              !! tau/periapsis distance = abs(limit to `psi`)
    real(wp) :: dtau              !! Kepler's equation residual
    real(wp) :: dtaun             !! lower limit to `dtau`
    real(wp) :: dtaup             !! upper limit to `dtau`
    real(wp) :: accrcy            !! accuracy = midval(zero, `accy`, 0.1)
    real(wp) :: sig0              !! dot product: `r` with `v`
    real(wp) :: alpha             !! twice the energy per unit mass
    real(wp) :: h2                !! square of angular momentum per unit mass
    real(wp) :: a                 !! reduced argument of `s_0`, `s_1`, etc.
    real(wp) :: ap                !! actual argument of `s_0`, `s_1`, etc.
    real(wp) :: c0                !! c(n) is the nth Goodyear polynomial `s_n`
                                  !! divided by its leading term, so that
                                  !! * `c0 = s_0 = cosh(z)`
                                  !! * `c1 = s_1/psi = sinh(z)/z`
                                  !! * `c(n+2) = (n+1)(n+2)[c(n)-1]/z^2`
                                  !! where `z = psi*sqrt(alpha)`. `ap=norm2(z)`
    real(wp) :: c1
    real(wp) :: c2
    real(wp) :: c3
    real(wp) :: c4
    real(wp) :: c5x3
    real(wp) :: s1                !! `s_n` is the nth Goodyear
                                  !! polynomial, given by
                                  !! `s_n = psi^n sim{z^(2k)/(2k)!} k >=0 `
    real(wp) :: s2
    real(wp) :: s3
    real(wp) :: g                 !! the G-function
    real(wp) :: gdm1              !! time derivative of the G-function minus one
    real(wp) :: fm1               !! the F-function minus one
    real(wp) :: fd                !! time derivative of the F-function
    real(wp),dimension(4) :: c    !! terms in F(psi)

    accrcy = min(max(zero, accy), 0.1_wp)

    r0    = dot_product(rv0(1:3), rv0(1:3)) ! r dot r
    sig0  = dot_product(rv0(1:3), rv0(4:6)) ! r dot v
    alpha = dot_product(rv0(4:6), rv0(4:6)) ! v dot v
    h2    = max(r0*alpha - sig0*sig0, zero)
    r0    = sqrt(r0)
    alpha = alpha - two*mu/r0

    !compute initial limits for phi and dtau:
    c0 = sqrt(max(mu*mu + h2*alpha, zero))    ! gm * eccentricity
    dlim = div(1.1_wp * tau * (c0 + mu), h2)  ! tau/periapsis distance = max(a).
                                              ! Arbitrary factor 1.1 ensures
                                              ! psin <= psi <= psip
                                              ! when converged, despite
                                              ! numerical imprecision.

    if (tau < zero) then
        psin  = dlim
        psip  = zero
        dtaun = psin
        dtaup = -tau
        psin  = zero
        psip  = dlim
        dtaun = -tau
        dtaup = psip
    end if

    !compute initial value of psi:
    psi = tau/r0

    if (alpha >= zero) then
        c2 = one
        if (tau < zero) c2 = -one
        c3 = abs(tau)
        if (alpha > zero) then
            c0 = h2*sqrt(h2)/(mu + c0)**2
            if (c3 > c0) then
                c1 = sqrt(alpha)
                psi = log(two*alpha*c1*c3/(r0*alpha + c2*c1*sig0 + mu))
                psi = max(psi,one)*c2/c1
            end if
        else    !parabola
            c0 = r0*sqrt(six*r0/mu)
            if (c3 > c0) psi = c2*(six*c3/mu)**onethird
        end if
    end if

    ! begin loop for solving Kepler's equation:

    m = 0
    iloop = 0

        iloop = iloop + 1

        ! begin series summation:

        !compute argument a in reduced series obtained by factoring out psi's:
        a = alpha*psi*psi
        if (abs(a)>one) then
            !save a in ap and mod a if a exceeds unity in magnitude
            ap = a
                m = m + 1
                a = a*0.25_wp
                if (abs(a)<=one) exit
            end do
        end if

        !sum series c5x3=3*s5/psi**5 and c4=s4/psi**4
        c4 = one
        c5x3 = one
        do i=9,3,-1
            j = 2*i
            c5x3 = one + a*c5x3/(j*(j+1))
            c4   = one + a*c4  /(j*(j-1))
        end do

        c5x3 = c5x3/40.0_wp
        c4   = c4  /24.0_wp

        !compute series c3=s3/psi**3,c2=s2/psi**2,c1=s1/psi,c0=rv0
        c3 = (0.5_wp + a*c5x3)/ three
        c2 = 0.5_wp + a*c4
        c1 = one + a*c3
        c0 = one + a*c2
        if (m>0) then

            !demod series c0 and c1 if necessary with double angle formulas:
                c1 = c1*c0
                c0 = two*c0*c0 - one
                m = m - 1
                if (m<=0) exit
            end do

            !compute c2,c3,c4,c5x3 from c0,c1,ap if demod required:
            c2 = (c0 - one)/ap
            c3 = (c1 - one)/ap
            c4 = (c2 - 0.5_wp)/ap
            c5x3 = (three*c3 - 0.5_wp)/ap

        end if

        !compute series s1,s2,s3 from c1,c2,c3:
        s1 = c1*psi
        s2 = c2*psi*psi
        s3 = c3*psi*psi*psi

        ! compute slope r and residuals for kepler's equation:

        c(1) = r0*s1
        c(2) = sig0*s2
        c(3) = mu*s3
        c(4) = tau
        g    = c(4) - c(3)
        dtau = c(1) + c(2) - g
        r    = abs(r0*c0 + (sig0*s1 + mu*s2))

        ! compute next psi:

            !method = 0
            if (dtau < zero) then
                psin  = psi
                dtaun = dtau
                psi   = psi - dtau/r
                if (psi < psip) exit    ! < (not <=) to avoid false convergence
                psip  = psi
                dtaup = dtau
                psi   = psi - dtau/r
                if (psi > psin) exit    ! > (not >=) to avoid false convergence
            end if

            !reset psi within bounds psin and psip:

            !try incrementing bound with dtau nearest zero by the ratio 4*dtau/tau
            !--method = 1
            if (abs(dtaun) < abs(dtaup)) psi = psin*(one-div(four*dtaun,tau))
            if (abs(dtaup) < abs(dtaun)) psi = psip*(one-div(four*dtaup,tau))
            if (psi_in(psi)) exit

            !try doubling bound closest to zero:
            !--method = 2
            if (tau > zero) psi = psin + psin
            if (tau < zero) psi = psip + psip
            if (psi_in(psi)) exit

            !try interpolating between bounds:
            !--method = 3
            psi = psin + (psip - psin) * div(-dtaun, dtaup - dtaun)
            if (psi_in(psi)) exit

            !try halving between bounds:
            !--method = 4
            psi = psin + (psip - psin) * 0.5_wp

        end do

        ! test for convergence
        i = 1
        do j=2,4
            if (abs(c(j)) > abs(c(i))) i = j
        end do

        if (abs(dtau)>abs(c(i))*accrcy .and. &
            psip-psin>abs(psi)*accrcy .and. &
            psi/=psin .and. psi/=psip ) then
        end if

    end do

    !compute remaining three of four functions: g, gdm1, fm1, fd
    gdm1 = -mu*s2/r
    fm1  = -mu*s2/r0
    fd   = -mu*s1/r0/r

    ! compute state at time T = T0 + TAU
    rvf(1:3) = rv0(1:3) + fm1*rv0(1:3) + g*rv0(4:6)   ! terminal positions
    rvf(4:6) = rv0(4:6) + fd*rv0(1:3) + gdm1*rv0(4:6) ! terminal velocities


    !  Returns a nonoverflowing quotient

        pure function div(num,den)

        implicit none

        real(wp)            :: div
        real(wp),intent(in) :: num
        real(wp),intent(in) :: den

        real(wp),parameter :: fsmall  = 1.0e-38_wp  !! small number above underflow limit
        real(wp),parameter :: flarge  = 1.0e+38_wp  !! large number below underflow limit

        div = num / ( sign(one,den) * max(abs(den),abs(num)/flarge, fsmall) )

        end function div

    !  Returns true if `phi` is within and not on bounds

        pure function psi_in(psi)

        implicit none

        logical :: psi_in
        real(wp),intent(in) :: psi

        ! > & < (not >= & <=) to avoid false convergence
        psi_in = (psi > psin .and. psi < psip)

        end function psi_in

    end subroutine kepler_goodyear_stienon_klumpp