standish_rv_func Subroutine

private subroutine standish_rv_func(me, et, targ, obs, rv, status_ok)

Return the state of the targ body relative to the obs body, in the inertial frame [ICRF].

This is the function that can be used in the ephemeris_class.

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(standish_ephemeris), intent(inout) :: me
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: et

ephemeris time [sec]

type(celestial_body), intent(in) :: targ

target body

type(celestial_body), intent(in) :: obs

observer body

real(kind=wp), intent(out), dimension(6) :: rv

state of targ w.r.t. obs [km, km/s]

logical, intent(out) :: status_ok

true if there were no problems


proc~~standish_rv_func~~CallsGraph proc~standish_rv_func standish_module::standish_ephemeris%standish_rv_func proc~ec2eq standish_module::ec2eq proc~standish_rv_func->proc~ec2eq proc~et_to_jd time_module::et_to_jd proc~standish_rv_func->proc~et_to_jd proc~helio standish_module::helio proc~standish_rv_func->proc~helio proc~spice_id_to_standish_id standish_module::spice_id_to_standish_id proc~standish_rv_func->proc~spice_id_to_standish_id proc~calcelements standish_module::calcelements proc~helio->proc~calcelements proc~el2op standish_module::el2op proc~helio->proc~el2op proc~op2ec standish_module::op2ec proc~helio->proc~op2ec proc~tbl standish_module::tbl proc~helio->proc~tbl proc~kepler standish_module::kepler proc~calcelements->proc~kepler

Called by

proc~~standish_rv_func~~CalledByGraph proc~standish_rv_func standish_module::standish_ephemeris%standish_rv_func proc~standish_module_test standish_module::standish_module_test proc~standish_module_test->proc~standish_rv_func

Source Code

    subroutine standish_rv_func(me,et,targ,obs,rv,status_ok)

    implicit none

    class(standish_ephemeris),intent(inout) :: me
    real(wp),intent(in)                     :: et         !! ephemeris time [sec]
    type(celestial_body),intent(in)         :: targ       !! target body
    type(celestial_body),intent(in)         :: obs        !! observer body
    real(wp),dimension(6),intent(out)       :: rv         !! state of targ w.r.t. obs [km, km/s]
    logical,intent(out)                     :: status_ok  !! true if there were no problems

    real(wp) :: jd
    integer :: itbl_targ, itbl_obs
    integer :: itarg
    integer :: iobs
    real(wp), dimension(6) :: targ_rv_au
    real(wp), dimension(6) :: obs_rv_au
    real(wp),dimension(6) :: rv_ecliptic

    integer,parameter :: naif_id_sun = 10 !! NAIF ID for the Sun

    if (targ==obs) then
        rv = zero
    end if

    jd = et_to_jd(et)

    if (targ%id==naif_id_sun) then
        itarg = -1 ! dummy
        itarg = spice_id_to_standish_id(targ%id)
    end if

    if (obs%id==naif_id_sun) then
        iobs = -1 ! dummy
        iobs = spice_id_to_standish_id(obs%id)
    end if

    if (itarg==0 .or. iobs==0) then

        ! if the bodies were not found in this ephemeris
        rv = zero
        status_ok = .false.


        if (targ%id/=naif_id_sun) then
            ! targ w.r.t sun [j2000 ecliptic]
            call helio (itarg, jd, targ_rv_au, itbl_targ)
            targ_rv_au = zero
            itbl_targ = 3 ! dummy value
        end if

        if (obs%id/=naif_id_sun) then
            ! obs w.r.t sun [j2000 ecliptic]
            call helio (iobs, jd, obs_rv_au, itbl_obs )
            obs_rv_au = zero
            itbl_obs = 3 ! dummy value
        end if

        if (itbl_targ>0 .and. itbl_obs>0) then

            ! vector from obs to targ [j2000 ecliptic]
            rv_ecliptic = targ_rv_au - obs_rv_au

            ! convert to ICRF:
            call ec2eq (rv_ecliptic, rv)

            ! Convert to km, km/s:
            rv = rv * au2m * m2km
            rv(4:6) = rv(4:6) / (year2day*day2sec)

            status_ok = .true.

            ! out of range of the ephemeris:
            rv = zero
            status_ok = .false.
        end if

    end if

    end subroutine standish_rv_func