two_body_rotating_frame_constructor Function

private pure function two_body_rotating_frame_constructor(primary_body, secondary_body, center, et) result(f)

Constructor for a two_body_rotating_frame


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(celestial_body), intent(in) :: primary_body

the primary body of the frame

type(celestial_body), intent(in) :: secondary_body

the secondary body used to construct the frame

integer, intent(in) :: center

the frame center (can be primary_body, secondary_body, or barycenter)

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: et

epoch at which the frame is defined [sec]

Return Value type(two_body_rotating_frame)

Called by

proc~~two_body_rotating_frame_constructor~~CalledByGraph proc~two_body_rotating_frame_constructor transformation_module::two_body_rotating_frame_constructor interface~two_body_rotating_frame transformation_module::two_body_rotating_frame interface~two_body_rotating_frame->proc~two_body_rotating_frame_constructor

Source Code

    pure function two_body_rotating_frame_constructor(&
                primary_body,secondary_body,center,et) result(f)

    implicit none

    type(two_body_rotating_frame) :: f
    type(celestial_body),intent(in) :: primary_body   !! the primary body of
                                                      !! the frame
    type(celestial_body),intent(in) :: secondary_body !! the secondary body used
                                                      !! to construct the frame
    integer,intent(in)              :: center         !! the frame center (can
                                                      !! be `primary_body`,
                                                      !! `secondary_body`, or
                                                      !! `barycenter`)
    real(wp),intent(in)             :: et             !! epoch at which the
                                                      !! frame is defined [sec]

    f%primary_body   = primary_body
    f%secondary_body = secondary_body
    f%center         = center
    f%et             = et

    end function two_body_rotating_frame_constructor