ddeabm_interp Subroutine

private subroutine ddeabm_interp(me, tc, yc)

Interpolation function. Can be used for dense output after a step. It calls the low-level routine dintp.

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(ddeabm_class), intent(inout) :: me
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: tc

point at which solution is desired

real(kind=wp), intent(out), dimension(me%neq) :: yc

interpolated state at tc


proc~~ddeabm_interp~~CallsGraph proc~ddeabm_interp ddeabm_class%ddeabm_interp proc~dintp dintp proc~ddeabm_interp->proc~dintp

Called by

proc~~ddeabm_interp~~CalledByGraph proc~ddeabm_interp ddeabm_class%ddeabm_interp proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper ddeabm_with_event_class%ddeabm_with_event_wrapper proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper->proc~ddeabm_interp

Source Code

   subroutine ddeabm_interp(me, tc, yc)

      implicit none

      class(ddeabm_class), intent(inout)       :: me
      real(wp), intent(in)                     :: tc  !! point at which solution is desired
      real(wp), dimension(me%neq), intent(out)  :: yc  !! interpolated state at `tc`

      ! interpolate to get the state at tc:
      call dintp(me%x, me%yy, tc, yc, &
                 me%ypout, me%neq, me%kold, me%phi, &
                 me%ivc, me%iv, me%kgi, me%gi, me%alpha, &
                 me%g, me%w, me%xold, me%p)

   end subroutine ddeabm_interp