Wrapper routine for ddeabm, with event finding.
It will integrate until g(t,x)=0
or t=tmax
(whichever comes first).
Note that a root at the initial time is ignored (user should check for
this manually)
If starting a new problem, must first call me%first_call()
Currently not using the recommended tols if idid=-2
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(ddeabm_with_event_class), | intent(inout) | :: | me | |||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | t | |||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(me%neq) | :: | y | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(in) | :: | tmax |
max time at which a solution is desired.
(if root not located, it will integrate to |
real(kind=wp), | intent(in), | optional | :: | tstop |
for some problems it may not be permissible to integrate
past a point |
integer, | intent(out) | :: | idid |
indicator reporting what the code did.
you must monitor this integer variable to
decide what action to take next.
real(kind=wp), | intent(out) | :: | gval |
value of the event function |
integer, | intent(in), | optional | :: | integration_mode |
Step mode:
1 - normal integration from |
real(kind=wp), | intent(in), | optional | :: | tstep |
Fixed time step to use for reporting and evaluation of event function. If not present, then default integrator steps are used. |
logical, | intent(in), | optional | :: | continue |
to continue after a previous event location. This option can be used after a previous call to this routine has found an event, to continue integration to the next event without having to restart the integration. It will not report the initial point (which would have been reported as the last point of the previous call). |
subroutine ddeabm_with_event_wrapper(me, t, y, tmax, tstop, idid, gval, integration_mode, tstep, continue) implicit none class(ddeabm_with_event_class), intent(inout) :: me real(wp), intent(inout) :: t real(wp), dimension(me%neq), intent(inout) :: y real(wp), intent(in) :: tmax !! max time at which a solution is desired. !! (if root not located, it will integrate to `tmax`) real(wp), intent(in), optional :: tstop !! for some problems it may not be permissible to integrate !! past a point `tstop` because a discontinuity occurs there !! or the solution or its derivative is not defined beyond !! `tstop`. when you have declared a `tstop` point (see `info(4)`), !! you have told the code not to integrate past `tstop`. !! in this case any `tmax` beyond `tstop` is invalid input. !! [not used if not present] integer, intent(out) :: idid !! indicator reporting what the code did. !! you must monitor this integer variable to !! decide what action to take next. !! `idid=1000` means a root was found. !! See [[ddeabm]] for other values. real(wp), intent(out) :: gval !! value of the event function `g(t,x)` at the final time `t` integer, intent(in), optional :: integration_mode !! Step mode: !! *1* - normal integration from `t` to `tout`, !! no reporting [default]. !! *2* - normal integration from `t` to `tout`, !! report each step. real(wp), intent(in), optional :: tstep !! Fixed time step to use for reporting and !! evaluation of event function. If not present, !! then default integrator steps are used. logical, intent(in), optional :: continue !! to continue after a previous event location. !! This option can be used after a previous call to this routine !! has found an event, to continue integration to the next event !! without having to restart the integration. It will not report !! the initial point (which would have been reported as the last !! point of the previous call). ! local variables: real(wp), dimension(:),allocatable :: y1 !! initial state in an interval real(wp), dimension(:),allocatable :: y2 !! final state in an interval real(wp), dimension(:),allocatable :: yc !! interpolated state at `tc` real(wp) :: g1 !! value of event function at `t1` real(wp) :: g2 !! value of event function at `t2` real(wp) :: t1 !! initial time of an interval real(wp) :: t2 !! final time of an interval real(wp) :: tzero !! time where an event occurs in `[t1,t2]` integer :: iflag !! root finder status flag logical :: first !! flag for the first step integer :: mode !! local copy of integration_mode logical :: fixed_step !! if using the fixed step size `tstep` logical :: last !! for fixed step size: the last step real(wp) :: dt !! for fixed step size: actual signed time step real(wp) :: direction !! direction of integration for !! fixed step size: `+1: dt>=0`, `-1: dt<0` logical :: continuing !! local copy of optional `continue` argument real(wp) :: first_dt !! for fixed step size: the `dt` for the !! first step (can differ from `dt` if !! continuing from a previous event solve) logical :: root_found !! if a root was found ! work arrays: allocate(y1(me%neq)) allocate(y2(me%neq)) allocate(yc(me%neq)) ! optional inputs: if (present(integration_mode)) then mode = integration_mode else mode = 1 !default end if if (present(continue)) then ! if there has not yet been a successful ! step yet, then proceed as normal without ! continuing. Otherwise, enable continue mode. continuing = (continue .and. allocated(me%x_saved)) else continuing = .false. end if ! if we are reporting the output at a fixed step size: fixed_step = present(tstep) if (fixed_step) then direction = sign(1.0_wp, tmax - t) dt = direction*abs(tstep) first_dt = dt last = .false. end if if (continuing) then ! if continuing, then we reset the t,y inputs ! to the values from the last successful step ! (note than an event may have been found in the ! last call, so the input values are not correct) if (fixed_step) then ! we need the first step to be from the ! last reported point, not the last ! successful step: first_dt = (t + dt) - me%t_saved ! make sure not a 0 dt or in the wrong direction: if (first_dt == 0.0_wp .or. sign(1.0_wp, first_dt) /= sign(1.0_wp, dt)) first_dt = dt end if t = me%t_saved y = me%x_saved me%info(1) = 1 ! necessary? (does not seem to matter) end if !check for invalid inputs: if (mode /= 1 .and. mode /= 2) then call report_error('ddeabm_with_event_wrapper', & 'integration_mode must be 1 or 2.', 0, 0) idid = -33 return end if if ((mode == 2) .and. (.not. associated(me%report))) then call report_error('ddeabm_with_event_wrapper', & 'REPORT procedure must be associated for integration_mode=2.', 0, 0) idid = -33 return end if !make sure the event function was set: if (.not. associated(me%gfunc)) then call report_error('ddeabm_with_event_wrapper', & 'the event function GFUNC has not been associated.', 0, 0) idid = -33 return end if !set info array: !info(1) is set when ddeabm_new_problem is called !info(2) if (me%scalar_tols) then me%info(2) = 0 else me%info(2) = 1 end if !info(3) if (fixed_step) then me%info(3) = 0 !return after integrating to the specified (fixed step) time else me%info(3) = 1 !intermediate output mode: return after each default step end if !info(4) if (present(tstop)) then me%info(4) = 1 me%tstop = tstop else me%info(4) = 0 me%tstop = 0.0_wp !not used end if !make a copy of the tols, since the routine might change them: me%rtol_tmp = me%rtol me%atol_tmp = me%atol !evaluate the event function at the initial point: first = .true. !to avoid catching a root at the initial time t1 = t y1 = y call me%gfunc(t1, y1, g1) if (mode == 2 .and. .not. continuing) call me%report(t, y) !initial point do if (fixed_step) then ! take one step to t2 and return if (first) then t2 = t + first_dt else t2 = t + dt end if last = direction*(tmax - t2) <= 0.0_wp ! if last point if (last) t2 = tmax ! adjust last time step if necessary else t2 = tmax ! take a step in the direction of tmax and return end if !call the lower-level routine: call me%ddeabm(neq=me%neq, & t=t, & y=y, & tout=t2, & info=me%info, & rtol=me%rtol_tmp, & atol=me%atol_tmp, & idid=idid) ! if there was an integration error (see ddeabm or idid codes): if (idid < 0) exit !if there was a user-triggered error: if (me%error) then idid = -1000 exit end if !save the last successful step in the class: me%t_saved = t me%x_saved = y !evaluate event function at new point: t2 = t y2 = y call me%gfunc(t2, y2, g2) if (first .and. abs(g1) <= me%tol) then ! ignore a root at the initial time (first point) ! (or if continuing integration from a previous root) ! warning: is this check always sufficient? or ! is it possible for zeroin to have ! converged to a root outside this tol? else if (g1*g2 <= 0.0_wp) then ! change in sign of the event function root_found = .true. ! the user bracket function can impose ! additional constraints on the root, so ! we check that now if it was associated: if (associated(me%bracket)) then root_found = me%bracket(t1, t2, y1, y2, g1, g2) end if if (root_found) then ! root somewhere on [t1,t2] ! call the root finder: call root_scalar(root_method_brent, & fun=zeroin_func, & ax=t1, & bx=t2, & rtol=me%tol, & ftol=me%tol, & xzero=tzero, & fzero=gval, & iflag=iflag, & fax=g1, & fbx=g2) if (iflag == 0) then ! root found at tzero idid = 1000 ! root found !evaluate again to get the final state for output: gval = zeroin_func(tzero) t = tzero y = yc if (mode == 2) call me%report(t, y) ! report this point return else ! unlikely to occur since zeroin is ! "guaranteed" to converge, but just in case: call report_error('ddeabm_with_event_wrapper', & 'Error locating root.', 0, 0) idid = -2000 ! no root is found return end if end if end if ! report this point: if (mode == 2) call me%report(t, y) ! integration is finished (see ddeabm or idid codes): if (fixed_step) then if (last) return else if (idid == 2 .or. idid == 3) return end if ! set up for next step: first = .false. g1 = g2 t1 = t2 y1 = y2 end do contains function zeroin_func(tc) result(g) !! evaluate the g function at `tc` !! using interpolation ([[dintp]]). implicit none real(wp), intent(in) :: tc !! current time real(wp) :: g !! value of event function ! interpolate to get the state at tc: call me%interpolate(tc, yc) ! user defined event function: call me%gfunc(tc, yc, g) end function zeroin_func end subroutine ddeabm_with_event_wrapper