ddeabm merely allocates storage for ddes to relieve the user of the inconvenience of a long call list. consequently ddes is used as described in the comments for ddeabm.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(ddeabm_class), | intent(inout) | :: | me | |||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | neq | |||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | t | |||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(neq) | :: | y | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(in) | :: | tout | |||
integer, | intent(inout), | dimension(4) | :: | info | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(:) | :: | rtol | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(:) | :: | atol | ||
integer, | intent(inout) | :: | idid | |||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(neq) | :: | ypout | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(neq) | :: | yp | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(neq) | :: | yy | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(neq) | :: | wt | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(neq) | :: | p | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(neq, 16) | :: | phi | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(12) | :: | alpha | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(12) | :: | beta | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(12) | :: | psi | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(12) | :: | v | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(12) | :: | w | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(13) | :: | sig | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(13) | :: | g | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(11) | :: | gi | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | h | |||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | eps | |||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | x | |||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | xold | |||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | hold | |||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | told | |||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | delsgn | |||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | tstop | |||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | twou | |||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout) | :: | fouru | |||
logical, | intent(inout) | :: | start | |||
logical, | intent(inout) | :: | phase1 | |||
logical, | intent(inout) | :: | nornd | |||
logical, | intent(inout) | :: | stiff | |||
logical, | intent(inout) | :: | intout | |||
integer, | intent(inout) | :: | ns | |||
integer, | intent(inout) | :: | kord | |||
integer, | intent(inout) | :: | kold | |||
integer, | intent(inout) | :: | init | |||
integer, | intent(inout) | :: | ksteps | |||
integer, | intent(inout) | :: | kle4 | |||
integer, | intent(inout) | :: | iquit | |||
integer, | intent(inout) | :: | kprev | |||
integer, | intent(inout) | :: | ivc | |||
integer, | intent(inout), | dimension(10) | :: | iv | ||
integer, | intent(inout) | :: | kgi |
subroutine ddes(me, neq, t, y, tout, info, rtol, atol, idid, & ypout, yp, yy, wt, p, phi, alpha, beta, psi, v, w, sig, g, gi, & h, eps, x, xold, hold, told, delsgn, tstop, twou, fouru, start, & phase1, nornd, stiff, intout, ns, kord, kold, init, ksteps, & kle4, iquit, kprev, ivc, iv, kgi) implicit none class(ddeabm_class), intent(inout) :: me integer, intent(in) :: neq real(wp), intent(inout) :: t real(wp), dimension(neq), intent(inout) :: y real(wp), intent(in) :: tout integer, dimension(4), intent(inout) :: info real(wp), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: rtol real(wp), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: atol integer, intent(inout) :: idid real(wp), dimension(neq), intent(inout) :: ypout real(wp), dimension(neq), intent(inout) :: yp real(wp), dimension(neq), intent(inout) :: yy real(wp), dimension(neq), intent(inout) :: wt real(wp), dimension(neq), intent(inout) :: p real(wp), dimension(neq, 16), intent(inout) :: phi real(wp), dimension(12), intent(inout) :: alpha real(wp), dimension(12), intent(inout) :: beta real(wp), dimension(12), intent(inout) :: psi real(wp), dimension(12), intent(inout) :: v real(wp), dimension(12), intent(inout) :: w real(wp), dimension(13), intent(inout) :: sig real(wp), dimension(13), intent(inout) :: g real(wp), dimension(11), intent(inout) :: gi real(wp), intent(inout) :: h real(wp), intent(inout) :: eps real(wp), intent(inout) :: x real(wp), intent(inout) :: xold real(wp), intent(inout) :: hold real(wp), intent(inout) :: told real(wp), intent(inout) :: delsgn real(wp), intent(inout) :: tstop real(wp), intent(inout) :: twou real(wp), intent(inout) :: fouru logical, intent(inout) :: start logical, intent(inout) :: phase1 logical, intent(inout) :: nornd logical, intent(inout) :: stiff logical, intent(inout) :: intout integer, intent(inout) :: ns integer, intent(inout) :: kord integer, intent(inout) :: kold integer, intent(inout) :: init integer, intent(inout) :: ksteps integer, intent(inout) :: kle4 integer, intent(inout) :: iquit integer, intent(inout) :: kprev integer, intent(inout) :: ivc integer, dimension(10), intent(inout) :: iv integer, intent(inout) :: kgi integer :: k, l, m, ltol, natolp, nrtolp real(wp) :: a, absdel, del, dt, ha, u logical :: crash character(len=8) :: xern1 character(len=16) :: xern3, xern4 if (me%error) return ! if user-triggered error ! on the first call, perform initialization if (info(1) == 0) then u = d1mach4 ! machine unit roundoff quantity twou = 2.0_wp*u ! set associated machine dependent parameters fouru = 4.0_wp*u ! iquit = 0 ! set termination flag init = 0 ! set initialization indicator ksteps = 0 ! set counter for attempted steps intout = .false. ! set indicator for intermediate-output stiff = .false. ! set indicator for stiffness detection kle4 = 0 ! set step counter for stiffness detection start = .true. ! set indicators for steps code phase1 = .true. ! nornd = .true. ! info(1) = 1 ! reset info(1) for subsequent calls end if ! check validity of input parameters on each entry if (info(1) /= 0 .and. info(1) /= 1) then write (xern1, '(i8)') info(1) call report_error('ddes', 'in ddeabm, info(1) must be '// & 'set to 0 for the start of a new problem, and must be '// & 'set to 1 following an interrupted task. you are '// & 'attempting to continue the integration illegally by '// & 'calling the code with info(1) = '//xern1, 3, 1) idid = -33 end if if (info(2) /= 0 .and. info(2) /= 1) then write (xern1, '(i8)') info(2) call report_error('ddes', 'in ddeabm, info(2) must be '// & '0 or 1 indicating scalar and vector error tolerances, '// & 'respectively. you have called the code with info(2) = '// & xern1, 4, 1) idid = -33 end if if (info(3) /= 0 .and. info(3) /= 1) then write (xern1, '(i8)') info(3) call report_error('ddes', 'in ddeabm, info(3) must be '// & '0 or 1 indicating the interval or intermediate-output '// & 'mode of integration, respectively. you have called '// & 'the code with info(3) = '//xern1, 5, 1) idid = -33 end if if (info(4) /= 0 .and. info(4) /= 1) then write (xern1, '(i8)') info(4) call report_error('ddes', 'in ddeabm, info(4) must be '// & '0 or 1 indicating whether or not the integration '// & 'interval is to be restricted by a point tstop. you '// & 'have called the code with info(4) = '//xern1, 14, 1) idid = -33 end if if (neq < 1) then write (xern1, '(i8)') neq call report_error('ddes', 'in ddeabm, the number of '// & 'equations neq must be a positive integer. you have '// & 'called the code with neq = '//xern1, 6, 1) idid = -33 end if nrtolp = 0 natolp = 0 do k = 1, neq if (nrtolp == 0 .and. rtol(k) < 0.0_wp) then write (xern1, '(i8)') k write (xern3, '(1pe15.6)') rtol(k) call report_error('ddes', 'in ddeabm, the relative '// & 'error tolerances rtol must be non-negative. you '// & 'have called the code with rtol('//xern1//') = '// & xern3//'. in the case of vector error tolerances, '// & 'no further checking of rtol components is done.', 7, 1) idid = -33 nrtolp = 1 end if if (natolp == 0 .and. atol(k) < 0.0_wp) then write (xern1, '(i8)') k write (xern3, '(1pe15.6)') atol(k) call report_error('ddes', 'in ddeabm, the absolute '// & 'error tolerances atol must be non-negative. you '// & 'have called the code with atol('//xern1//') = '// & xern3//'. in the case of vector error tolerances, '// & 'no further checking of atol components is done.', 8, 1) idid = -33 natolp = 1 end if if (info(2) == 0) exit if (natolp > 0 .and. nrtolp > 0) exit end do if (info(4) == 1) then if (sign(1.0_wp, tout - t) /= sign(1.0_wp, tstop - t) & .or. abs(tout - t) > abs(tstop - t)) then write (xern3, '(1pe15.6)') tout write (xern4, '(1pe15.6)') tstop call report_error('ddes', 'in ddeabm, you have '// & 'called the code with tout = '//xern3//' but '// & 'you have also told the code (info(4) = 1) not to '// & 'integrate past the point tstop = '//xern4// & ' these instructions conflict.', 14, 1) idid = -33 end if end if ! check some continuation possibilities if (init /= 0) then if (t == tout) then write (xern3, '(1pe15.6)') t call report_error('ddes', 'in ddeabm, you have '// & 'called the code with t = tout = '//xern3// & ' this is not allowed on continuation calls.', 9, 1) idid = -33 end if if (t /= told) then write (xern3, '(1pe15.6)') told write (xern4, '(1pe15.6)') t call report_error('ddes', 'in ddeabm, you have '// & 'changed the value of t from '//xern3//' to '// & xern4//' this is not allowed on continuation calls.', & 10, 1) idid = -33 end if if (init /= 1) then if (delsgn*(tout - t) < 0.0_wp) then write (xern3, '(1pe15.6)') tout call report_error('ddes', 'in ddeabm, by '// & 'calling the code with tout = '//xern3// & ' you are attempting to change the direction of '// & 'integration. this is not allowed without '// & 'restarting.', 11, 1) idid = -33 end if end if end if ! invalid input detected if (idid == -33) then if (iquit /= -33) then iquit = -33 info(1) = -1 else call report_error('ddes', 'in ddeabm, invalid '// & 'input was detected on successive entries. it is '// & 'impossible to proceed because you have not '// & 'corrected the problem, so execution is being '// & 'terminated.', 12, 2) end if return end if ! rtol = atol = 0. is allowed as valid input and interpreted as ! asking for the most accurate solution possible. in this case, ! the relative error tolerance rtol is reset to the smallest value ! fouru which is likely to be reasonable for this method and machine do k = 1, neq if (rtol(k) + atol(k) <= 0.0_wp) then rtol(k) = fouru idid = -2 end if if (info(2) == 0) exit end do if (idid == -2) then ! rtol=atol=0 on input, so rtol is changed to a small positive value info(1) = -1 return end if ! branch on status of initialization indicator ! init=0 means initial derivatives and nominal step size and direction not yet set ! init=1 means nominal step size and direction not yet set ! init=2 means no further initialization required if (init == 0) then ! more initialization -- ! -- evaluate initial derivatives init = 1 a = t call me%df(a, y, yp) if (me%error) return ! user-triggered error if (t == tout) then idid = 2 ypout = yp told = t return end if end if if (init == 1) then ! -- set independent and dependent variables ! x and yy(*) for steps ! -- set sign of integration direction ! -- initialize the step size init = 2 x = t yy = y delsgn = sign(1.0_wp, tout - t) h = sign(max(fouru*abs(x), abs(tout - x)), tout - x) end if ! on each call set information which determines the allowed interval ! of integration before returning with an answer at tout del = tout - t absdel = abs(del) do ! if already past output point, interpolate and return if (abs(x - t) >= absdel) then call dintp(x, yy, tout, y, ypout, neq, kold, phi, ivc, iv, kgi, gi, alpha, g, w, xold, p) idid = 3 if (x == tout) then idid = 2 intout = .false. end if t = tout told = t return end if ! if cannot go past tstop and sufficiently close, extrapolate and return if (info(4) == 1 .and. abs(tstop - x) < fouru*abs(x)) then dt = tout - x y = yy + dt*yp call me%df(tout, y, ypout) if (me%error) return ! user-triggered error idid = 3 t = tout told = t return end if ! intermediate-output mode if (info(3) /= 0 .and. intout) then idid = 1 y = yy ypout = yp t = x told = t intout = .false. return end if ! monitor number of steps attempted if (ksteps > me%maxnum) then ! a significant amount of work has been expended idid = -1 ksteps = 0 if (stiff) then ! problem appears to be stiff idid = -4 stiff = .false. kle4 = 0 end if y = yy ypout = yp t = x told = t info(1) = -1 intout = .false. return end if ! limit step size, set weight vector and take a step ha = abs(h) if (info(4) == 1) ha = min(ha, abs(tstop - x)) h = sign(ha, h) eps = 1.0_wp ltol = 1 do l = 1, neq if (info(2) == 1) ltol = l wt(l) = rtol(ltol)*abs(yy(l)) + atol(ltol) if (wt(l) <= 0.0_wp) then ! relative error criterion inappropriate idid = -3 y = yy ypout = yp t = x told = t info(1) = -1 intout = .false. return end if end do call me%dsteps(neq, yy, x, h, eps, wt, start, hold, kord, kold, crash, phi, p, & yp, psi, alpha, beta, sig, v, w, g, phase1, ns, nornd, ksteps, & twou, fouru, xold, kprev, ivc, iv, kgi, gi) if (me%error) return !user-triggered error if (crash) then ! tolerances too small idid = -2 rtol = eps*rtol atol = eps*atol y = yy ypout = yp t = x told = t info(1) = -1 intout = .false. return end if ! (stiffness test) count number of consecutive steps taken with the ! order of the method being less or equal to four kle4 = kle4 + 1 if (kold > 4) kle4 = 0 stiff = (kle4 >= 50) intout = .true. end do end subroutine ddes