
ProcedureLocationProcedure TypeDescription
ddeabm ddeabm_module Subroutine

solve an initial value problem in ordinary differential equations using an adams-bashforth method.

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ddeabm_initialize ddeabm_module Subroutine

Initialize the ddeabm_class, and set the variables that cannot be changed during a problem.

ddeabm_interp ddeabm_module Subroutine

Interpolation function. Can be used for dense output after a step. It calls the low-level routine dintp.

ddeabm_new_problem ddeabm_module Subroutine

Call this to indicate that a new problem is being solved. It sets info(1) = 0 (see ddeabm documentation).

ddeabm_stop_integration ddeabm_module Subroutine

Call this to abort the integration if there is an error. (Can be called in df by the user.) The step will be considered invalid and not returned.

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ddeabm_with_event_initialize ddeabm_module Subroutine

Initialize ddeabm_with_event_class class, and set the variables that cannot be changed during a problem.

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ddeabm_with_event_initialize_vec ddeabm_module Subroutine

Initialize ddeabm_with_event_class_vec class, and set the variables that cannot be changed during a problem.

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ddeabm_with_event_wrapper ddeabm_module Subroutine

Wrapper routine for ddeabm, with event finding. It will integrate until g(t,x)=0 or t=tmax (whichever comes first). Note that a root at the initial time is ignored (user should check for this manually)

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ddeabm_with_event_wrapper_vec ddeabm_module Subroutine

Wrapper routine for ddeabm, with event finding for multiple functions. It will integrate until any g(t,x)=0 or t=tmax (whichever comes first). Note that a root at the initial time is ignored (user should check for this manually)

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ddeabm_wrapper ddeabm_module Subroutine

Wrapper routine for ddeabm.

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ddes ddeabm_module Subroutine

ddeabm merely allocates storage for ddes to relieve the user of the inconvenience of a long call list. consequently ddes is used as described in the comments for ddeabm.

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destroy_ddeabm ddeabm_module Subroutine

Destructor for ddeabm_class.

dhstrt ddeabm_module Subroutine

Computes a starting step size to be used in solving initial value problems in ordinary differential equations.

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dhvnrm ddeabm_module Function

Compute the maximum norm of the first n elements of vector v. Replacement for the original SLATEC routine.

dintp ddeabm_module Subroutine

approximate the solution at xout by evaluating the polynomial computed in dsteps at xout. must be used in conjunction with dsteps.

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dsteps ddeabm_module Subroutine

integrate a system of first order ordinary differential equations one step.

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report_error ddeabm_module Subroutine

Report an error message.

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call~~graph~~CallGraph proc~ddeabm ddeabm_class%ddeabm proc~ddes ddeabm_class%ddes proc~ddeabm->proc~ddes proc~report_error report_error proc~ddeabm->proc~report_error proc~ddeabm_initialize ddeabm_class%ddeabm_initialize proc~destroy_ddeabm ddeabm_class%destroy_ddeabm proc~ddeabm_initialize->proc~destroy_ddeabm proc~ddeabm_interp ddeabm_class%ddeabm_interp proc~dintp dintp proc~ddeabm_interp->proc~dintp proc~ddeabm_new_problem ddeabm_class%ddeabm_new_problem proc~ddeabm_stop_integration ddeabm_class%ddeabm_stop_integration proc~ddeabm_with_event_initialize ddeabm_with_event_class%ddeabm_with_event_initialize proc~ddeabm_with_event_initialize->proc~ddeabm_initialize proc~ddeabm_with_event_initialize_vec ddeabm_with_event_class_vec%ddeabm_with_event_initialize_vec proc~ddeabm_with_event_initialize_vec->proc~ddeabm_initialize proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper ddeabm_with_event_class%ddeabm_with_event_wrapper proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper->proc~ddeabm proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper->proc~ddeabm_interp proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper->proc~report_error info info proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper->info report report proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper->report root_scalar root_scalar proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper->root_scalar proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper_vec ddeabm_with_event_class_vec%ddeabm_with_event_wrapper_vec proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper_vec->proc~ddeabm proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper_vec->proc~report_error proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper_vec->info proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper_vec->report proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper_vec->root_scalar proc~ddeabm_wrapper ddeabm_class%ddeabm_wrapper proc~ddeabm_wrapper->proc~ddeabm proc~ddeabm_wrapper->proc~report_error proc~ddes->proc~dintp proc~dsteps ddeabm_class%dsteps proc~ddes->proc~dsteps proc~ddes->proc~report_error proc~dhstrt ddeabm_class%dhstrt proc~dhvnrm dhvnrm proc~dhstrt->proc~dhvnrm proc~dsteps->proc~dhstrt