dsteps Subroutine

private subroutine dsteps(me, neqn, y, x, h, eps, wt, start, hold, k, kold, crash, phi, p, yp, psi, alpha, beta, sig, v, w, g, phase1, ns, nornd, ksteps, twou, fouru, xold, kprev, ivc, iv, kgi, gi)

integrate a system of first order ordinary differential equations one step.

subroutine dsteps is normally used indirectly through subroutine ddeabm. because ddeabm suffices for most problems and is much easier to use, using it should be considered before using dsteps alone.

subroutine dsteps integrates a system of neqn first order ordinary differential equations one step, normally from x to x+h, using a modified divided difference form of the adams pece formulas. local extrapolation is used to improve absolute stability and accuracy. the code adjusts its order and step size to control the local error per unit step in a generalized sense. special devices are included to control roundoff error and to detect when the user is requesting too much accuracy.

Input to dsteps

first call

the user must provide storage in his calling program for all arrays in the call list, namely

 dimension y(neqn),wt(neqn),phi(neqn,16),p(neqn),yp(neqn),psi(12),&


the user must also declare start, crash, phase1 and nornd logical variables and df an external subroutine, supply the subroutine df(x,y,yp) to evaluate dy(i)/dx = yp(i) = df(x,y(1),y(2),...,y(neqn)) and initialize only the following parameters:

    neqn   : number of equations to be integrated
    y(*)   : vector of initial values of dependent variables
    x      : initial value of the independent variable
    h      : nominal step size indicating direction of integration
           : and maximum size of step.  must be variable
    eps    : local error tolerance per step.  must be variable
    wt(*)  : vector of non-zero weights for error criterion
    start  : .true.
    yp(*)  : vector of initial derivative values
    ksteps : set ksteps to zero
    twou   : 2.*u where u is machine unit roundoff quantity
    fouru  : 4.*u where u is machine unit roundoff quantity

define u to be the machine unit roundoff quantity by calling the function routine d1mach, u = d1mach(4), or by computing u so that u is the smallest positive number such that 1.0+u > 1.0.

dsteps requires that the l2 norm of the vector with components local error(l)/wt(l) be less than eps for a successful step. the array wt allows the user to specify an error test appropriate for his problem. for example, wt(l) = 1.0 specifies absolute error, = abs(y(l)) error relative to the most recent value of the l-th component of the solution, = abs(yp(l)) error relative to the most recent value of the l-th component of the derivative, = max(wt(l),abs(y(l))) error relative to the largest magnitude of l-th component obtained so far, = abs(y(l))*relerr/eps + abserr/eps specifies a mixed relative-absolute test where relerr is relative error, abserr is absolute error and eps = max(relerr,abserr) .

Subsequent calls

subroutine dsteps is designed so that all information needed to continue the integration, including the step size h and the order k, is returned with each step. with the exception of the step size, the error tolerance, and the weights, none of the parameters should be altered. the array wt must be updated after each step to maintain relative error tests like those above. normally the integration is continued just beyond the desired endpoint and the solution interpolated there with subroutine dintp. if it is impossible to integrate beyond the endpoint, the step size may be reduced to hit the endpoint since the code will not take a step larger than the h input. changing the direction of integration, i.e., the sign of h, requires the user set start = .true. before calling dsteps again. this is the only situation in which start should be altered.

Output from dsteps

successful step

the subroutine returns after each successful step with start and crash set .false. . x represents the independent variable advanced one step of length hold from its value on input and y the solution vector at the new value of x. all other parameters represent information corresponding to the new x needed to continue the integration.

unsuccessful step

when the error tolerance is too small for the machine precision, the subroutine returns without taking a step and crash = .true.. an appropriate step size and error tolerance for continuing are estimated and all other information is restored as upon input before returning. to continue with the larger tolerance, the user just calls the code again. a restart is neither required nor desirable.


  • L. F. Shampine, M. K. Gordon, "Solving ordinary differential equations with ODE, STEP, and INTERP", Report SLA-73-1060, Sandia Laboratories, 1973.
  • L. F. Shampine, M. K. Gordon, "Computer solution of ordinary differential equations, the initial value problem", W. H. Freeman and Company, 1975.


  • 740101 date written -- shampine, l. f., (snla) gordon, m. k., (snla) modified by h.a. watts
  • 890531 changed all specific intrinsics to generic. (wrb)
  • 890831 modified array declarations. (wrb)
  • 890831 revision date from version 3.2
  • 891214 prologue converted to version 4.0 format. (bab)
  • 920501 reformatted the references section. (wrb)
  • December, 2015 : Refactored this routine (jw)
  • January, 2017 : Added options for initial step mode (jw)

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(ddeabm_class), intent(inout) :: me
integer, intent(in) :: neqn

number of equations to be integrated

real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(neqn) :: y

solution vector at x

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: x

independent variable

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: h

appropriate step size for next step. normally determined by code

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: eps

local error tolerance

real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(neqn) :: wt

vector of weights for error criterion

logical, intent(inout) :: start

logical variable set .true. for first step, .false. otherwise

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: hold

step size used for last successful step

integer, intent(inout) :: k

appropriate order for next step (determined by code)

integer, intent(inout) :: kold

order used for last successful step

logical, intent(inout) :: crash

logical variable set .true. when no step can be taken, .false. otherwise.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(neqn, 16) :: phi

required for the interpolation subroutine dintp

real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(neqn) :: p

required for the interpolation subroutine dintp

real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(neqn) :: yp

derivative of solution vector at x after successful step

real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(12) :: psi
real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(12) :: alpha

required for the interpolation subroutine dintp

real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(12) :: beta
real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(13) :: sig
real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(12) :: v
real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(12) :: w

required for the interpolation subroutine dintp

real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(13) :: g

required for the interpolation subroutine dintp

logical, intent(inout) :: phase1
integer, intent(inout) :: ns

number of dsteps taken with size h

logical, intent(inout) :: nornd
integer, intent(inout) :: ksteps

counter on attempted steps

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: twou

2.*u where u is machine unit roundoff quantity

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: fouru

4.*u where u is machine unit roundoff quantity

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: xold

required for the interpolation subroutine dintp

integer, intent(inout) :: kprev
integer, intent(inout) :: ivc

required for the interpolation subroutine dintp

integer, intent(inout), dimension(10) :: iv

required for the interpolation subroutine dintp

integer, intent(inout) :: kgi

required for the interpolation subroutine dintp

real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(11) :: gi

required for the interpolation subroutine dintp


proc~~dsteps~~CallsGraph proc~dsteps ddeabm_class%dsteps proc~dhstrt ddeabm_class%dhstrt proc~dsteps->proc~dhstrt proc~dhvnrm dhvnrm proc~dhstrt->proc~dhvnrm

Called by

proc~~dsteps~~CalledByGraph proc~dsteps ddeabm_class%dsteps proc~ddes ddeabm_class%ddes proc~ddes->proc~dsteps proc~ddeabm ddeabm_class%ddeabm proc~ddeabm->proc~ddes proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper ddeabm_with_event_class%ddeabm_with_event_wrapper proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper->proc~ddeabm proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper_vec ddeabm_with_event_class_vec%ddeabm_with_event_wrapper_vec proc~ddeabm_with_event_wrapper_vec->proc~ddeabm proc~ddeabm_wrapper ddeabm_class%ddeabm_wrapper proc~ddeabm_wrapper->proc~ddeabm

Source Code

   subroutine dsteps(me, neqn, y, x, h, eps, wt, start, hold, k, &
                     kold, crash, phi, p, yp, psi, alpha, beta, sig, v, w, g, &
                     phase1, ns, nornd, ksteps, twou, fouru, xold, kprev, ivc, iv, &
                     kgi, gi)

      implicit none

      class(ddeabm_class), intent(inout) :: me
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: x      !! independent variable
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: h      !! appropriate step size for next step.  normally determined by code
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: eps    !! local error tolerance
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: hold   !! step size used for last successful step
      integer, intent(inout)  :: k      !! appropriate order for next step (determined by code)
      integer, intent(inout)  :: kold   !! order used for last successful step
      integer, intent(inout)  :: ns     !! number of dsteps taken with size h
      integer, intent(inout)  :: ksteps !! counter on attempted steps
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: twou   !! 2.*u where u is machine unit roundoff quantity
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: fouru  !! 4.*u where u is machine unit roundoff quantity
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: xold   !! required for the interpolation subroutine [[dintp]]
      integer, intent(inout)  :: kprev
      integer, intent(inout)  :: ivc    !! required for the interpolation subroutine [[dintp]]
      integer, intent(inout)  :: kgi    !! required for the interpolation subroutine [[dintp]]
      integer, intent(in)     :: neqn   !! number of equations to be integrated
      logical, intent(inout)  :: start  !! logical variable set .true. for first step, .false. otherwise
      logical, intent(inout)  :: crash  !! logical variable set .true. when no step can be taken, .false. otherwise.
      logical, intent(inout)  :: phase1
      logical, intent(inout)  :: nornd
      real(wp), dimension(neqn), intent(inout) :: y      !! solution vector at x
      real(wp), dimension(neqn), intent(inout) :: wt     !! vector of weights for error criterion
      real(wp), dimension(neqn, 16), intent(inout) :: phi !! required for the interpolation subroutine [[dintp]]
      real(wp), dimension(neqn), intent(inout) :: p      !! required for the interpolation subroutine [[dintp]]
      real(wp), dimension(neqn), intent(inout) :: yp     !! derivative of solution vector at x after successful step
      real(wp), dimension(12), intent(inout) :: psi
      real(wp), dimension(12), intent(inout) :: alpha    !! required for the interpolation subroutine [[dintp]]
      real(wp), dimension(12), intent(inout) :: beta
      real(wp), dimension(13), intent(inout) :: sig
      real(wp), dimension(12), intent(inout) :: v
      real(wp), dimension(12), intent(inout) :: w        !! required for the interpolation subroutine [[dintp]]
      real(wp), dimension(13), intent(inout) :: g        !! required for the interpolation subroutine [[dintp]]
      real(wp), dimension(11), intent(inout) :: gi       !! required for the interpolation subroutine [[dintp]]
      integer, dimension(10), intent(inout)  :: iv      !! required for the interpolation subroutine [[dintp]]

      integer  :: i, ifail, im1, ip1, iq, j, km1, km2, knew, &
                  kp1, kp2, l, limit1, limit2, nsm2, &
                  nsp1, nsp2, jv
      real(wp) :: absh, big, &
                  erk, erkm1, erkm2, erkp1, err, &
                  hnew, p5eps, r, &
                  reali, realns, rho, round, sum, tau, temp1, &
                  temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, u

      if (me%error) return !user-triggered error

      !       ***     begin block 0     ***
      !   check if step size or error tolerance is too small for machine
      !   precision.  if first step, initialize phi array and estimate a
      !   starting step size.
      !                   ***

      ! if step size is too small, determine an acceptable one
      crash = .true.
      if (abs(h) < fouru*abs(x)) then
         h = sign(fouru*abs(x), h)
      end if

      p5eps = 0.5_wp*eps

      ! if error tolerance is too small, increase it to an acceptable value
      round = 0.0_wp
      do l = 1, neqn
         round = round + (y(l)/wt(l))**2
      end do
      round = twou*sqrt(round)
      if (p5eps < round) then
         eps = 2.0_wp*round*(1.0_wp + fouru)
      end if

      crash = .false.
      g(1) = 1.0_wp
      g(2) = 0.5_wp
      sig(1) = 1.0_wp

      if (start) then

         ! initialize.  compute appropriate step size for first step
         ! [There are three modes]

         if (me%initial_step_mode == 2) then
            call me%df(x, y, yp)
            if (me%error) return ! user-triggered error
         end if
         u = d1mach4
         big = sqrt(d1mach2)
         if (me%initial_step_mode == 2) sum = 0.0_wp
         do l = 1, neqn
            phi(l, 1) = yp(l)
            phi(l, 2) = 0.0_wp
            if (me%initial_step_mode == 2) sum = sum + (yp(l)/wt(l))**2
         end do
         select case (me%initial_step_mode)
         case (1)
            call me%dhstrt(neqn, x, x + h, y, yp, wt, 1, u, big, &
                           phi(1, 3), phi(1, 4), phi(1, 5), phi(1, 6), h)
            if (me%error) return !user-triggered error
            me%initial_step_size = h ! save it
         case (2)
            sum = sqrt(sum)
            absh = abs(h)
            if (eps < 16.0_wp*sum*h*h) absh = 0.25_wp*sqrt(eps/sum)
            h = sign(max(absh, fouru*abs(x)), h)
            me%initial_step_size = h ! save it
         case (3)
            h = sign(abs(me%initial_step_size), h)   ! user specified
         case default
            error stop 'invalid value for initial_step_mode'
         end select

         hold = 0.0_wp
         k = 1
         kold = 0
         kprev = 0
         start = .false.
         phase1 = .true.
         nornd = .true.
         if (p5eps <= 100.0_wp*round) then
            nornd = .false.
            do l = 1, neqn
               phi(l, 15) = 0.0_wp
            end do
         end if

      end if

      ifail = 0

      !       ***     end block 0     ***

      !       ***     begin block 1     ***
      !   compute coefficients of formulas for this step.  avoid computing
      !   those quantities not changed when step size is not changed.
      !                   ***
      main: do

         kp1 = k + 1
         kp2 = k + 2
         km1 = k - 1
         km2 = k - 2

         ! ns is the number of dsteps taken with size h, including the current
         ! one.  when k<ns, no coefficients change

         if (h /= hold) ns = 0
         if (ns <= kold) ns = ns + 1
         nsp1 = ns + 1

         if (k >= ns) then

            ! compute those components of alpha(*),beta(*),psi(*),sig(*) which
            ! are changed

            beta(ns) = 1.0_wp
            realns = ns
            alpha(ns) = 1.0_wp/realns
            temp1 = h*realns
            sig(nsp1) = 1.0_wp
            if (k >= nsp1) then
               do i = nsp1, k
                  im1 = i - 1
                  temp2 = psi(im1)
                  psi(im1) = temp1
                  beta(i) = beta(im1)*psi(im1)/temp2
                  temp1 = temp2 + h
                  alpha(i) = h/temp1
                  reali = i
                  sig(i + 1) = reali*alpha(i)*sig(i)
               end do
            end if
            psi(k) = temp1

            ! compute coefficients g(*)
            ! initialize v(*) and set w(*).

            if (ns > 1) then

               ! if order was raised, update diagonal part of v(*)

               if (k > kprev) then
                  if (ivc /= 0) then
                     jv = kp1 - iv(ivc)
                     ivc = ivc - 1
                     jv = 1
                     temp4 = k*kp1
                     v(k) = 1.0_wp/temp4
                     w(k) = v(k)
                     if (k == 2) then
                        kgi = 1
                        gi(1) = w(2)
                     end if
                  end if
                  nsm2 = ns - 2
                  if (nsm2 >= jv) then
                     do j = jv, nsm2
                        i = k - j
                        v(i) = v(i) - alpha(j + 1)*v(i + 1)
                        w(i) = v(i)
                     end do
                     if (i == 2) then
                        kgi = ns - 1
                        gi(kgi) = w(2)
                     end if
                  end if
               end if

               !update v(*) and set w(*)

               limit1 = kp1 - ns
               temp5 = alpha(ns)
               do iq = 1, limit1
                  v(iq) = v(iq) - temp5*v(iq + 1)
                  w(iq) = v(iq)
               end do
               g(nsp1) = w(1)
               if (limit1 /= 1) then
                  kgi = ns
                  gi(kgi) = w(2)
               end if
               w(limit1 + 1) = v(limit1 + 1)
               if (k < kold) then
                  ivc = ivc + 1
                  iv(ivc) = limit1 + 2
               end if


               do iq = 1, k
                  temp3 = iq*(iq + 1)
                  v(iq) = 1.0_wp/temp3
                  w(iq) = v(iq)
               end do
               ivc = 0
               kgi = 0
               if (k /= 1) then
                  kgi = 1
                  gi(1) = w(2)
               end if

            end if

            ! compute the g(*) in the work vector w(*)

            nsp2 = ns + 2
            kprev = k
            if (kp1 >= nsp2) then
               do i = nsp2, kp1
                  limit2 = kp2 - i
                  temp6 = alpha(i - 1)
                  do iq = 1, limit2
                     w(iq) = w(iq) - temp6*w(iq + 1)
                  end do
                  g(i) = w(1)
               end do
            end if

         end if

         !       ***     end block 1     ***

         !       ***     begin block 2     ***
         !   predict a solution p(*), evaluate derivatives using predicted
         !   solution, estimate local error at order k and errors at orders k,
         !   k-1, k-2 as if constant step size were used.
         !                   ***
         !   increment counter on attempted dsteps
         ksteps = ksteps + 1
         !   change phi to phi star
         if (k >= nsp1) then
            do i = nsp1, k
               temp1 = beta(i)
               do l = 1, neqn
                  phi(l, i) = temp1*phi(l, i)
               end do
            end do
         end if
         !   predict solution and differences
         do l = 1, neqn
            phi(l, kp2) = phi(l, kp1)
            phi(l, kp1) = 0.0_wp
            p(l) = 0.0_wp
         end do
         do j = 1, k
            i = kp1 - j
            ip1 = i + 1
            temp2 = g(i)
            do l = 1, neqn
               p(l) = p(l) + temp2*phi(l, i)
               phi(l, i) = phi(l, i) + phi(l, ip1)
            end do
         end do
         if (nornd) then
            p = y + h*p
            do l = 1, neqn
               tau = h*p(l) - phi(l, 15)
               p(l) = y(l) + tau
               phi(l, 16) = (p(l) - y(l)) - tau
            end do
         end if
         xold = x
         x = x + h
         absh = abs(h)
         call me%df(x, p, yp)
         if (me%error) return ! user-triggered error
         !   estimate errors at orders k,k-1,k-2
         erkm2 = 0.0_wp
         erkm1 = 0.0_wp
         erk = 0.0_wp
         do l = 1, neqn
            temp3 = 1.0_wp/wt(l)
            temp4 = yp(l) - phi(l, 1)
            if (km2 >= 0.0_wp) then
               if (km2 > 0.0_wp) erkm2 = erkm2 + ((phi(l, km1) + temp4)*temp3)**2
               erkm1 = erkm1 + ((phi(l, k) + temp4)*temp3)**2
            end if
            erk = erk + (temp4*temp3)**2
         end do
         if (km2 >= 0.0_wp) then
            if (km2 > 0.0_wp) erkm2 = absh*sig(km1)*me%gstr(km2)*sqrt(erkm2)
            erkm1 = absh*sig(k)*me%gstr(km1)*sqrt(erkm1)
         end if
         temp5 = absh*sqrt(erk)
         err = temp5*(g(k) - g(kp1))
         erk = temp5*sig(kp1)*me%gstr(k)
         knew = k

         !   test if order should be lowered
         if (km2 > 0.0_wp) then
            if (max(erkm1, erkm2) <= erk) knew = km1
         else if (km2 == 0.0_wp) then
            if (erkm1 <= 0.5_wp*erk) knew = km1
         end if
         !       ***     end block 2     ***

         !test if step successful
         if (err > eps) then

            !       ***     begin block 3     ***
            !   the step is unsuccessful.  restore  x, phi(*,*), psi(*) .
            !   if third consecutive failure, set order to one.  if step fails more
            !   than three times, consider an optimal step size.  double error
            !   tolerance and return if estimated step size is too small for machine
            !   precision.

            !   restore x, phi(*,*) and psi(*)

            phase1 = .false.
            x = xold
            do i = 1, k
               temp1 = 1.0_wp/beta(i)
               ip1 = i + 1
               do l = 1, neqn
                  phi(l, i) = temp1*(phi(l, i) - phi(l, ip1))
               end do
            end do
            if (k >= 2) then
               do i = 2, k
                  psi(i - 1) = psi(i) - h
               end do
            end if

            !   on third failure, set order to one.  thereafter, use optimal step
            !   size

            ifail = ifail + 1
            temp2 = 0.5_wp
            if (ifail - 3 >= 0.0_wp) then
               if (ifail - 3 > 0.0_wp .and. p5eps < 0.25_wp*erk) &
                  temp2 = sqrt(p5eps/erk)
               knew = 1
            end if
            h = temp2*h
            k = knew
            ns = 0
            if (abs(h) >= fouru*abs(x)) cycle main
            crash = .true.
            h = sign(fouru*abs(x), h)
            eps = eps + eps

            exit main
         end if

      end do main

      !       ***     end block 3     ***

      block4: block
         !       ***     begin block 4     ***
         !   the step is successful.  correct the predicted solution, evaluate
         !   the derivatives using the corrected solution and update the
         !   differences.  determine best order and step size for next step.

         kold = k
         hold = h

         !   correct and evaluate

         temp1 = h*g(kp1)
         if (nornd) then
            do l = 1, neqn
               temp3 = y(l)
               y(l) = p(l) + temp1*(yp(l) - phi(l, 1))
               p(l) = temp3
            end do
            do l = 1, neqn
               temp3 = y(l)
               rho = temp1*(yp(l) - phi(l, 1)) - phi(l, 16)
               y(l) = p(l) + rho
               phi(l, 15) = (y(l) - p(l)) - rho
               p(l) = temp3
            end do
         end if
         call me%df(x, y, yp)
         if (me%error) return ! user-triggered error

         !   update differences for next step

         do l = 1, neqn
            phi(l, kp1) = yp(l) - phi(l, 1)
            phi(l, kp2) = phi(l, kp1) - phi(l, kp2)
         end do
         do i = 1, k
            do l = 1, neqn
               phi(l, i) = phi(l, i) + phi(l, kp1)
            end do
         end do

         !   estimate error at order k+1 unless:
         !     in first phase when always raise order,
         !     already decided to lower order,
         !     step size not constant so estimate unreliable

         erkp1 = 0.0_wp
         if (knew == km1 .or. k == 12) phase1 = .false.
         if (phase1) then
            call raise_order()
            exit block4
         end if
         if (knew == km1) then
            call lower_order()
            exit block4
         end if
         if (kp1 > ns) exit block4
         do l = 1, neqn
            erkp1 = erkp1 + (phi(l, kp2)/wt(l))**2
         end do
         erkp1 = absh*me%gstr(kp1)*sqrt(erkp1)

         !   using estimated error at order k+1, determine appropriate order
         !   for next step

         if (k > 1) then
            if (erkm1 <= min(erk, erkp1)) then
               call lower_order()
               exit block4
            end if
            if (erkp1 >= erk .or. k == 12) exit block4
            if (erkp1 >= 0.5_wp*erk) exit block4
         end if

         !   here erkp1 < erk < max(erkm1,erkm2) else order would have
         !   been lowered in block 2.  thus order is to be raised
         call raise_order()

      end block block4

      ! with new order determine appropriate step size for next step
      hnew = h + h
      if (.not. phase1) then
         if (p5eps < erk*me%two(k + 1)) then
            hnew = h
            if (p5eps < erk) then
               temp2 = k + 1
               r = (p5eps/erk)**(1.0_wp/temp2)
               hnew = absh*max(0.5_wp, min(0.9_wp, r))
               hnew = sign(max(hnew, fouru*abs(x)), h)
            end if
         end if
      end if
      h = hnew
      !       ***     end block 4     ***


      subroutine raise_order()
         !! raise order
         k = kp1
         erk = erkp1
      end subroutine raise_order

      subroutine lower_order()
         !! lower order
         k = km1
         erk = erkm1
      end subroutine lower_order

   end subroutine dsteps