lbfgsb_linpack_module.f90 Source File

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sourcefile~~lbfgsb_linpack_module.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~lbfgsb_linpack_module.f90 lbfgsb_linpack_module.f90 sourcefile~lbfgsb_blas_module.f90 lbfgsb_blas_module.F90 sourcefile~lbfgsb_linpack_module.f90->sourcefile~lbfgsb_blas_module.f90 sourcefile~lbfgsb_kinds_module.f90 lbfgsb_kinds_module.F90 sourcefile~lbfgsb_linpack_module.f90->sourcefile~lbfgsb_kinds_module.f90 sourcefile~lbfgsb_blas_module.f90->sourcefile~lbfgsb_kinds_module.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~lbfgsb_linpack_module.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~lbfgsb_linpack_module.f90 lbfgsb_linpack_module.f90 sourcefile~lbfgsb.f90 lbfgsb.f90 sourcefile~lbfgsb.f90->sourcefile~lbfgsb_linpack_module.f90

Source Code

!> license: BSD
!  LINPACK support routines for LBFGSB.
!  These have been refactored into modern Fortran.

module lbfgsb_linpack_module

   use lbfgsb_blas_module
   use lbfgsb_kinds_module, only: wp => lbfgsb_wp

   implicit none


   public :: dpofa,dtrsl


!  dpofa factors a real symmetric positive definite matrix.
!### History
!  * linpack.  this version dated 08/14/78 .
!    cleve moler, university of new mexico, argonne national lab.

   subroutine dpofa(a,lda,n,info)

   integer,intent(in) :: lda !! the leading dimension of the array `a`.
   integer,intent(in) :: n !! the order of the matrix a.
   integer,intent(out) :: info !!  * `info = 0` for normal return.
                               !!  * `info = k` signals an error condition.  the leading minor
                               !!     of order `k` is not positive definite.
   real(wp),intent(inout) :: a(lda,*) !! Dimension `(lda, n)`:
                                      !!  * On entry: the symmetric matrix to be factored.  only the
                                      !!    diagonal and upper triangle are used.
                                      !!  * On return: an upper triangular matrix `r` so that `a = trans(r)*r`
                                      !!    where `trans(r)` is the transpose.
                                      !!    the strict lower triangle is unaltered.
                                      !!    if `info /= 0`, the factorization is not complete.

   real(wp) :: t
   real(wp) :: s
   integer :: j,jm1,k

      do j = 1, n
         info = j
         s = 0.0_wp
         jm1 = j - 1
         if (jm1 >= 1) then
            do k = 1, jm1
               t = a(k,j) - ddot(k-1,a(1,k),1,a(1,j),1)
               t = t/a(k,k)
               a(k,j) = t
               s = s + t*t
            end do
         end if
         s = a(j,j) - s
         if (s <= 0.0_wp) return
         a(j,j) = sqrt(s)
      end do
      info = 0
   end subroutine dpofa

!  dtrsl solves systems of the form
!   `t * x = b`
!  or
!   `trans(t) * x = b`
!  where t is a triangular matrix of order n. here trans(t)
!  denotes the transpose of the matrix t.
!### History
!  * linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 .
!    g. w. stewart, university of maryland, argonne national lab.

subroutine dtrsl(t,ldt,n,b,job,info)

integer,intent(in) :: ldt !! the leading dimension of the array t.
integer,intent(in) :: n !! the order of the system.
integer,intent(in) :: job !! job specifies what kind of system is to be solved.
                          !! if job is:
                          !!  * `00`   solve `t*x=b`, t lower triangular,
                          !!  * `01`   solve `t*x=b`, t upper triangular,
                          !!  * `10`   solve `trans(t)*x=b`, t lower triangular,
                          !!  * `11`   solve `trans(t)*x=b`, t upper triangular.
integer,intent(out) :: info !! info contains zero if the system is nonsingular.
                            !! otherwise info contains the index of
                            !! the first zero diagonal element of t.
real(wp),intent(in) :: t(ldt,*) !! t contains the matrix of the system. the zero
                                !! elements of the matrix are not referenced, and
                                !! the corresponding elements of the array can be
                                !! used to store other information.
real(wp),intent(inout) :: b(*) !! On entry: the right hand side of the system.
                               !! On return: the solution, if info == 0. otherwise b is unaltered.

real(wp) :: temp
integer :: case,j,jj

   ! check for zero diagonal elements.
   do info = 1, n
      if (t(info,info) == 0.0_wp) return
   end do
   info = 0

   ! determine the task and go to it.
   case = 1
   if (mod(job,10) /= 0) case = 2
   if (mod(job,100)/10 /= 0) case = case + 2

   select case (case)
   case(1) ! solve t*x=b for t lower triangular
      b(1) = b(1)/t(1,1)
      if (n >= 2) then
         do j = 2, n
            temp = -b(j-1)
            call daxpy(n-j+1,temp,t(j,j-1),1,b(j),1)
            b(j) = b(j)/t(j,j)
         end do
      end if

   case(2) ! solve t*x=b for t upper triangular.
      b(n) = b(n)/t(n,n)
      if (n >= 2) then
         do jj = 2, n
            j = n - jj + 1
            temp = -b(j+1)
            call daxpy(j,temp,t(1,j+1),1,b(1),1)
            b(j) = b(j)/t(j,j)
         end do
      end if

   case(3) ! solve trans(t)*x=b for t lower triangular.
      b(n) = b(n)/t(n,n)
      if (n >= 2) then
         do jj = 2, n
            j = n - jj + 1
            b(j) = b(j) - ddot(jj-1,t(j+1,j),1,b(j+1),1)
            b(j) = b(j)/t(j,j)
         end do
      end if

   case(4) ! solve trans(t)*x=b for t upper triangular.
      b(1) = b(1)/t(1,1)
      if (n >= 2) then
         do j = 2, n
            b(j) = b(j) - ddot(j-1,t(1,j),1,b(1),1)
            b(j) = b(j)/t(j,j)
         end do
      end if

   end select

end subroutine dtrsl

end module lbfgsb_linpack_module