igrf Subroutine

private subroutine igrf(me, lon, lat, height, year, xl, bbx)

Wrapper for IGRF functions.

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(shellig_type), intent(inout) :: me
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: lon

geodetic longitude in degrees (east)

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: lat

geodetic latitude in degrees (north)

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: height

altitude in km above sea level

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: year

decimal year for which geomagnetic field is to be calculated (e.g.:1995.5 for day 185 of 1995)

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: xl


real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: bbx

b_total / b_equatorial ratio


proc~~igrf~~CallsGraph proc~igrf shellig_module::shellig_type%igrf proc~feldcof shellig_module::shellig_type%feldcof proc~igrf->proc~feldcof proc~feldg shellig_module::shellig_type%feldg proc~igrf->proc~feldg proc~findb0 shellig_module::shellig_type%findb0 proc~igrf->proc~findb0 proc~shellg shellig_module::shellig_type%shellg proc~igrf->proc~shellg proc~extrashc shellig_module::extrashc proc~feldcof->proc~extrashc proc~get_data_file_dir shellig_module::shellig_type%get_data_file_dir proc~feldcof->proc~get_data_file_dir proc~getshc shellig_module::getshc proc~feldcof->proc~getshc proc~intershc shellig_module::intershc proc~feldcof->proc~intershc proc~stoer shellig_module::shellig_type%stoer proc~findb0->proc~stoer proc~geo_to_cart shellig_module::geo_to_cart proc~shellg->proc~geo_to_cart proc~shellg->proc~stoer proc~feldi shellig_module::shellig_type%feldi proc~stoer->proc~feldi

Called by

proc~~igrf~~CalledByGraph proc~igrf shellig_module::shellig_type%igrf proc~get_flux_g_ radbelt_module::radbelt_type%get_flux_g_ proc~get_flux_g_->proc~igrf none~get_flux radbelt_module::radbelt_type%get_flux none~get_flux->proc~get_flux_g_ proc~get_flux_c radbelt_module::get_flux_c proc~get_flux_c->none~get_flux proc~get_flux_g radbelt_module::get_flux_g proc~get_flux_g->none~get_flux proc~get_flux_g_c radbelt_c_module::get_flux_g_c proc~get_flux_g_c->none~get_flux interface~get_flux radbelt_module::get_flux interface~get_flux->proc~get_flux_c interface~get_flux->proc~get_flux_g

Source Code

    subroutine igrf(me, lon, lat, height, year, xl, bbx)

        class(shellig_type), intent(inout) :: me
        real(wp), intent(in) :: lon !! geodetic longitude in degrees (east)
        real(wp), intent(in) :: lat !! geodetic latitude in degrees (north)
        real(wp), intent(in) :: height !! altitude in km above sea level
        real(wp), intent(in) :: year !! decimal year for which geomagnetic field is to
                                  !! be calculated (e.g.:1995.5 for day 185 of 1995)
        real(wp), intent(out) :: xl !! l-value
        real(wp), intent(out) :: bbx !! b_total / b_equatorial ratio

        real(wp) :: bab1, babs, bdel, bdown, beast, &
                    beq, bequ, bnorth, dimo, rr0
        integer :: icode
        logical :: val

        real(wp), parameter :: stps = 0.05_wp

        ! JW : do we need to reset some or all of these ?
        me%sp = 0.0_wp
        me%xi = 0.0_wp
        me%h = 0.0_wp
        me%step = 0.20_wp
        me%steq = 0.03_wp

        call me%feldcof(year, dimo)
        call me%feldg(lat, lon, height, bnorth, beast, bdown, babs)
        call me%shellg(lat, lon, height, dimo, xl, icode, bab1)

        bequ = dimo / (xl * xl * xl)
        if (icode == 1) then
            bdel = 1.0e-3_wp
            call me%findb0(stps, bdel, val, beq, rr0)
            if (val) bequ = beq
        end if
        bbx = babs / bequ

    end subroutine igrf