stoer Subroutine

private subroutine stoer(me, p, bq, r)

subroutine used for field line tracing in shellg. calls entry point feldi in geomagnetic field subroutine feldg

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(shellig_type), intent(inout) :: me
real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(7) :: p
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: bq
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: r


proc~~stoer~~CallsGraph proc~stoer shellig_module::shellig_type%stoer proc~feldi shellig_module::shellig_type%feldi proc~stoer->proc~feldi

Called by

proc~~stoer~~CalledByGraph proc~stoer shellig_module::shellig_type%stoer proc~findb0 shellig_module::shellig_type%findb0 proc~findb0->proc~stoer proc~shellg shellig_module::shellig_type%shellg proc~shellg->proc~stoer proc~igrf shellig_module::shellig_type%igrf proc~igrf->proc~findb0 proc~igrf->proc~shellg proc~igrfc shellig_module::shellig_type%igrfc proc~igrfc->proc~findb0 proc~shellc shellig_module::shellig_type%shellc proc~igrfc->proc~shellc proc~shellc->proc~shellg proc~get_flux_c_ radbelt_module::radbelt_type%get_flux_c_ proc~get_flux_c_->proc~igrfc proc~get_flux_g_ radbelt_module::radbelt_type%get_flux_g_ proc~get_flux_g_->proc~igrf none~get_flux radbelt_module::radbelt_type%get_flux none~get_flux->proc~get_flux_c_ none~get_flux->proc~get_flux_g_ proc~get_flux_c radbelt_module::get_flux_c proc~get_flux_c->none~get_flux proc~get_flux_g radbelt_module::get_flux_g proc~get_flux_g->none~get_flux proc~get_flux_g_c radbelt_c_module::get_flux_g_c proc~get_flux_g_c->none~get_flux interface~get_flux radbelt_module::get_flux interface~get_flux->proc~get_flux_c interface~get_flux->proc~get_flux_g

Source Code

    subroutine stoer(me, p, bq, r)

        class(shellig_type), intent(inout) :: me
        real(wp), dimension(7), intent(inout) :: p
        real(wp), intent(out) :: bq
        real(wp), intent(out) :: r

        real(wp) :: dr, dsq, dx, dxm, dy, dym, dz, &
                    dzm, fli, q, rq, wr, xm, ym, zm

        ! xm,ym,zm are geomagnetic cartesian inverse co-ordinates
        zm = P(3)
        fli = P(1) * P(1) + P(2) * P(2) + 1.0e-15_wp
        R = 0.5_wp * (fli + sqrt(fli * fli + (zm + zm)**2))
        rq = R * R
        wr = sqrt(R)
        xm = P(1) * wr
        ym = P(2) * wr
        ! transform to geographic co-ordinate system
        me%Xi(1) = xm * u(1, 1) + ym * u(1, 2) + zm * u(1, 3)
        me%Xi(2) = xm * u(2, 1) + ym * u(2, 2) + zm * u(2, 3)
        me%Xi(3) = xm * u(3, 1) + zm * u(3, 3)
        ! compute derivatives
        ! Changed from CALL FELDI(XI,H); XI, H are in COMMON block; results
        ! are the same; dkb Feb 1998.
        ! JW : feb 2024 : xi, h now class variables.
        call me%feldi()
        q = me%H(1) / rq
        dx = me%H(3) + me%H(3) + q * me%Xi(1)
        dy = me%H(4) + me%H(4) + q * me%Xi(2)
        dz = me%H(2) + me%H(2) + q * me%Xi(3)
        ! transform back to geomagnetic co-ordinate system
        dxm = u(1, 1) * dx + u(2, 1) * dy + u(3, 1) * dz
        dym = u(1, 2) * dx + u(2, 2) * dy
        dzm = u(1, 3) * dx + u(2, 3) * dy + u(3, 3) * dz
        dr = (xm * dxm + ym * dym + zm * dzm) / R
        ! form slowly varying expressions
        P(4) = (wr * dxm - 0.5_wp * P(1) * dr) / (R * dzm)
        P(5) = (wr * dym - 0.5_wp * P(2) * dr) / (R * dzm)
        dsq = rq * (dxm * dxm + dym * dym + dzm * dzm)
        Bq = dsq * rq * rq
        P(6) = sqrt(dsq / (rq + 3.0_wp * zm * zm))
        P(7) = P(6) * (rq + zm * zm) / (rq * dzm)

    end subroutine stoer