shellg Subroutine

private subroutine shellg(me, glat, glon, alt, dimo, fl, icode, b0, v)

calculates l-value for specified geodaetic coordinates, altitude and gemagnetic field model.





Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(shellig_type), intent(inout) :: me
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: glat

geodetic latitude in degrees (north)

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: glon

geodetic longitude in degrees (east)

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: alt

altitude in km above sea level

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: dimo

dipol moment in gauss (normalized to earth radius)

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: fl


integer, intent(out) :: icode
  • =1 normal completion
  • =2 unphysical conjugate point (fl meaningless)
  • =3 shell parameter greater than limit up to which accurate calculation is required; approximation is used.
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: b0

magnetic field strength in gauss

real(kind=wp), intent(in), optional, dimension(3) :: v

cartesian coordinates in earth radii (6371.2 km)

  • x-axis pointing to equator at 0 longitude
  • y-axis pointing to equator at 90 long.
  • z-axis pointing to north pole

If this argument is present, it is used instead of glat,glon,alt. See shellc.


proc~~shellg~~CallsGraph proc~shellg shellig_module::shellig_type%shellg proc~geo_to_cart shellig_module::geo_to_cart proc~shellg->proc~geo_to_cart proc~stoer shellig_module::shellig_type%stoer proc~shellg->proc~stoer proc~feldi shellig_module::shellig_type%feldi proc~stoer->proc~feldi

Called by

proc~~shellg~~CalledByGraph proc~shellg shellig_module::shellig_type%shellg proc~igrf shellig_module::shellig_type%igrf proc~igrf->proc~shellg proc~shellc shellig_module::shellig_type%shellc proc~shellc->proc~shellg proc~get_flux_g_ radbelt_module::radbelt_type%get_flux_g_ proc~get_flux_g_->proc~igrf proc~igrfc shellig_module::shellig_type%igrfc proc~igrfc->proc~shellc none~get_flux radbelt_module::radbelt_type%get_flux none~get_flux->proc~get_flux_g_ proc~get_flux_c_ radbelt_module::radbelt_type%get_flux_c_ none~get_flux->proc~get_flux_c_ proc~get_flux_c_->proc~igrfc proc~get_flux_c radbelt_module::get_flux_c proc~get_flux_c->none~get_flux proc~get_flux_g radbelt_module::get_flux_g proc~get_flux_g->none~get_flux proc~get_flux_g_c radbelt_c_module::get_flux_g_c proc~get_flux_g_c->none~get_flux interface~get_flux radbelt_module::get_flux interface~get_flux->proc~get_flux_c interface~get_flux->proc~get_flux_g

Source Code

    subroutine shellg(me, glat, glon, alt, dimo, fl, icode, b0, v)

        class(shellig_type), intent(inout) :: me
        real(wp), intent(in) :: glat !! geodetic latitude in degrees (north)
        real(wp), intent(in) :: glon !! geodetic longitude in degrees (east)
        real(wp), intent(in) :: alt !! altitude in km above sea level
        real(wp), intent(in) :: dimo !! dipol moment in gauss (normalized to earth radius)
        real(wp), intent(out) :: fl !! l-value
        integer, intent(out) :: icode !! * =1 normal completion
                                 !! * =2 unphysical conjugate point (fl meaningless)
                                 !! * =3 shell parameter greater than limit up to
                                 !!   which accurate calculation is required;
                                 !!   approximation is used.
        real(wp), intent(out) :: b0 !! magnetic field strength in gauss
        real(wp), dimension(3), intent(in), optional :: v !! cartesian coordinates in earth radii (6371.2 km)
                                                  !! * x-axis pointing to equator at 0 longitude
                                                  !! * y-axis pointing to equator at 90 long.
                                                  !! * z-axis pointing to north pole
                                                  !! If this argument is present, it is used
                                                  !! instead of glat,glon,alt. See [[shellc]].

        real(wp) :: arg1, arg2, bequ, bq1, bq2, bq3, c0, c1, c2, c3, &
                    d0, d1, d2, dimob0, e0, e1, e2, ff, fi, gg, &
                    hli, oradik, oterm, r, r1, r2, r3, r3h, radik, &
                    rq, step12, step2, stp, t, term, xx, z, zq, zz
        integer :: i, iequ, n

        real(wp), parameter :: rmin = 0.05_wp !! boundaries for identification of `icode=2 and 3`
        real(wp), parameter :: rmax = 1.01_wp !! boundaries for identification of `icode=2 and 3`

        if (.not. allocated(me%p)) allocate (me%p(8, max_loop_index + 1)) ! because `p(:,n+1)` in the loop

        bequ = 1.0e10_wp

        if (present(v)) then
            me%xi(1) = v(1)
            me%xi(2) = v(2)
            me%xi(3) = v(3)
            me%xi = geo_to_cart(glat, glon, alt)
        end if

        associate (p => me%p)

            radik = 0.0_wp ! to avoid -Wmaybe-uninitialized warnings

            ! convert to dipol-oriented co-ordinates
            rq = 1.0_wp / (me%xi(1) * me%xi(1) + me%xi(2) * me%xi(2) + me%xi(3) * me%xi(3))
            r3h = sqrt(rq * sqrt(rq))
            p(1, 2) = (me%xi(1) * u(1, 1) + me%xi(2) * u(2, 1) + me%xi(3) * u(3, 1)) * r3h
            p(2, 2) = (me%xi(1) * u(1, 2) + me%xi(2) * u(2, 2)) * r3h
            p(3, 2) = (me%xi(1) * u(1, 3) + me%xi(2) * u(2, 3) + me%xi(3) * u(3, 3)) * rq
            ! first three points of field line
            me%step = -sign(me%step, p(3, 2))
            call me%stoer(p(1, 2), bq2, r2)
            b0 = sqrt(bq2)
            p(1, 3) = p(1, 2) + 0.5_wp * me%step * p(4, 2)
            p(2, 3) = p(2, 2) + 0.5_wp * me%step * p(5, 2)
            p(3, 3) = p(3, 2) + 0.5_wp * me%step
            call me%stoer(p(1, 3), bq3, r3)
            p(1, 1) = p(1, 2) - me%step * (2.0_wp * p(4, 2) - p(4, 3))
            p(2, 1) = p(2, 2) - me%step * (2.0_wp * p(5, 2) - p(5, 3))
            p(3, 1) = p(3, 2) - me%step
            call me%stoer(p(1, 1), bq1, r1)
            p(1, 3) = p(1, 2) + me%step * (20.0_wp * p(4, 3) - 3.*p(4, 2) + p(4, 1)) / 18.0_wp
            p(2, 3) = p(2, 2) + me%step * (20.0_wp * p(5, 3) - 3.*p(5, 2) + p(5, 1)) / 18.0_wp
            p(3, 3) = p(3, 2) + me%step
            call me%stoer(p(1, 3), bq3, r3)
            ! invert sense if required
            if (bq3 > bq1) then
                me%step = -me%step
                r3 = r1
                bq3 = bq1
                do i = 1, 7
                    zz = p(i, 1)
                    p(i, 1) = p(i, 3)
                    p(i, 3) = zz
                end do
            end if
            ! search for lowest magnetic field strength
            if (bq1 < bequ) then
                bequ = bq1
                iequ = 1
            end if
            if (bq2 < bequ) then
                bequ = bq2
                iequ = 2
            end if
            if (bq3 < bequ) then
                bequ = bq3
                iequ = 3
            end if
            ! initialization of integration loops
            step12 = me%step / 12.0_wp
            step2 = me%step + me%step
            me%steq = sign(me%steq, me%step)
            fi = 0.0_wp
            icode = 1
            oradik = 0.0_wp
            oterm = 0.0_wp
            stp = r2 * me%steq
            z = p(3, 2) + stp
            stp = stp / 0.75_wp
            p(8, 1) = step2 * (p(1, 1) * p(4, 1) + p(2, 1) * p(5, 1))
            p(8, 2) = step2 * (p(1, 2) * p(4, 2) + p(2, 2) * p(5, 2))
            ! main loop (field line tracing)
            main: do n = 3, max_loop_index
                ! corrector (field line tracing)
                p(1, n) = p(1, n - 1) + step12 * (5.0_wp * p(4, n) + 8.0_wp * p(4, n - 1) - p(4, n - 2))
                p(2, n) = p(2, n - 1) + step12 * (5.0_wp * p(5, n) + 8.0_wp * p(5, n - 1) - p(5, n - 2))
                ! prepare expansion coefficients for interpolation
                ! of slowly varying quantities
                p(8, n) = step2 * (p(1, n) * p(4, n) + p(2, n) * p(5, n))
                c0 = p(1, n - 1)**2 + p(2, n - 1)**2
                c1 = p(8, n - 1)
                c2 = (p(8, n) - p(8, n - 2)) * 0.25_wp
                c3 = (p(8, n) + p(8, n - 2) - c1 - c1) / 6.0_wp
                d0 = p(6, n - 1)
                d1 = (p(6, n) - p(6, n - 2)) * 0.5_wp
                d2 = (p(6, n) + p(6, n - 2) - d0 - d0) * 0.5_wp
                e0 = p(7, n - 1)
                e1 = (p(7, n) - p(7, n - 2)) * 0.5_wp
                e2 = (p(7, n) + p(7, n - 2) - e0 - e0) * 0.5_wp
                inner: do
                    ! inner loop (for quadrature)
                    t = (z - p(3, n - 1)) / me%step
                    if (t > 1.0_wp) then
                        ! predictor (field line tracing)
                        p(1, n + 1) = p(1, n) + step12 * (23.0_wp * p(4, n) - 16.0_wp * p(4, n - 1) + 5.0_wp * p(4, n - 2))
                        p(2, n + 1) = p(2, n) + step12 * (23.0_wp * p(5, n) - 16.0_wp * p(5, n - 1) + 5.0_wp * p(5, n - 2))
                        p(3, n + 1) = p(3, n) + me%step
                        call me%stoer(p(1, n + 1), bq3, r3)
                        ! search for lowest magnetic field strength
                        if (bq3 < bequ) then
                            iequ = n + 1
                            bequ = bq3
                        end if
                        exit inner
                        hli = 0.5_wp * (((c3 * t + c2) * t + c1) * t + c0)
                        zq = z * z
                        r = hli + sqrt(hli * hli + zq)
                        if (r <= rmin) then
                            ! approximation for high values of l.
                            icode = 3
                            t = -p(3, n - 1) / me%step
                            fl = 1.0_wp / (abs(((c3 * t + c2) * t + c1) * t + c0) + 1.0e-15_wp)
                        end if
                        rq = r * r
                        ff = sqrt(1.0_wp + 3.0_wp * zq / rq)
                        radik = b0 - ((d2 * t + d1) * t + d0) * r * rq * ff
                        if (r > rmax) then
                            icode = 2
                            radik = radik - 12.0_wp * (r - rmax)**2
                        end if
                        if (radik + radik <= oradik) exit main
                        term = sqrt(radik) * ff * ((e2 * t + e1) * t + e0) / (rq + zq)
                        fi = fi + stp * (oterm + term)
                        oradik = radik
                        oterm = term
                        stp = r * me%steq
                        z = z + stp
                    end if
                end do inner
            end do main
            if (iequ < 2) iequ = 2
            me%sp(1) = p(1, iequ - 1)
            me%sp(2) = p(2, iequ - 1)
            me%sp(3) = p(3, iequ - 1)
            if (oradik >= 1.0e-15_wp) fi = fi + stp / &
                                           0.75_wp * oterm * oradik / &
                                           (oradik - radik)

            ! the minimal allowable value of fi was changed from 1e-15 to 1e-12,
            ! because 1e-38 is the minimal allowable arg. for alog in our envir.
            ! d. bilitza, nov 87.
            fi = 0.5_wp * abs(fi) / sqrt(b0) + 1.0e-12_wp

            ! compute l from b and i.  same as carmel in invar.
            ! correct dipole moment is used here. d. bilitza, nov 87.
            dimob0 = dimo / b0
            arg1 = log(fi)
            arg2 = log(dimob0)
            ! arg = fi*fi*fi/dimob0
            ! if(abs(arg)>88.0_wp) arg=88.0_wp
            xx = 3 * arg1 - arg2
            if (xx > 23.0_wp) then
                gg = xx - 3.0460681_wp
            elseif (xx > 11.7_wp) then
                gg = (((((2.8212095e-8_wp * xx - 3.8049276e-6_wp) * xx + &
                         2.170224e-4_wp) * xx - 6.7310339e-3_wp) * xx + &
                       1.2038224e-1_wp) * xx - 1.8461796e-1_wp) * xx + 2.0007187_wp
            elseif (xx > +3.0_wp) then
                gg = ((((((((6.3271665e-10_wp * xx - 3.958306e-8_wp) * xx + &
                            9.9766148e-07_wp) * xx - 1.2531932e-5_wp) * xx + &
                          7.9451313e-5_wp) * xx - 3.2077032e-4_wp) * xx + &
                        2.1680398e-3_wp) * xx + 1.2817956e-2_wp) * xx + &
                      4.3510529e-1_wp) * xx + 6.222355e-1_wp
            elseif (xx > -3.0_wp) then
                gg = ((((((((2.6047023e-10_wp * xx + 2.3028767e-9_wp) * xx - &
                            2.1997983e-8_wp) * xx - 5.3977642e-7_wp) * xx - &
                          3.3408822e-6_wp) * xx + 3.8379917e-5_wp) * xx + &
                        1.1784234e-3_wp) * xx + 1.4492441e-2_wp) * xx + &
                      4.3352788e-1_wp) * xx + 6.228644e-1_wp
            elseif (xx > -22.0_wp) then
                gg = ((((((((-8.1537735e-14_wp * xx + 8.3232531e-13_wp) * xx + &
                            1.0066362e-9_wp) * xx + 8.1048663e-8_wp) * xx + &
                          3.2916354e-6_wp) * xx + 8.2711096e-5_wp) * xx + &
                        1.3714667e-3_wp) * xx + 1.5017245e-2_wp) * xx + &
                      4.3432642e-1_wp) * xx + 6.2337691e-1_wp
                gg = 3.33338e-1_wp * xx + 3.0062102e-1_wp
            end if
            fl = exp(log((1.0_wp + exp(gg)) * dimob0) / 3.0_wp)

        end associate

    end subroutine shellg