initialize Subroutine

private subroutine initialize(me, n, f, report, g)

Initialize the rk_class.

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(rk_class), intent(inout) :: me
integer, intent(in) :: n

number of variables

procedure(deriv_func) :: f

derivative function

procedure(report_func), optional :: report

for reporting the steps

procedure(event_func), optional :: g

for stopping at an event


proc~~initialize~2~~CallsGraph proc~initialize~2 rk_module::rk_class%initialize proc~destroy~2 rk_module::rk_class%destroy proc~initialize~2->proc~destroy~2

Called by

proc~~initialize~2~~CalledByGraph proc~initialize~2 rk_module::rk_class%initialize proc~compute_halo_monodromy_matrix halo_orbit_module::compute_halo_monodromy_matrix proc~compute_halo_monodromy_matrix->proc~initialize~2 proc~halo_to_rv_diffcorr halo_orbit_module::halo_to_rv_diffcorr proc~halo_to_rv_diffcorr->proc~initialize~2

Source Code

    subroutine initialize(me,n,f,report,g)

    implicit none

    class(rk_class),intent(inout)   :: me
    integer,intent(in)              :: n       !! number of variables
    procedure(deriv_func)           :: f       !! derivative function
    procedure(report_func),optional :: report  !! for reporting the steps
    procedure(event_func),optional  :: g       !! for stopping at an event

    call me%destroy()

    me%n = n
    me%f => f
    if (present(report)) me%report => report
    if (present(g))      me%g      => g

    end subroutine initialize