step_size_test Subroutine

public subroutine step_size_test()

Unit tests for step size adjustment routines.




proc~~step_size_test~~CallsGraph proc~step_size_test rk_module_variable_step::step_size_test proc~compute_stepsize rk_module_variable_step::stepsize_class%compute_stepsize proc~step_size_test->proc~compute_stepsize proc~stepsize_class_constructor rk_module_variable_step::stepsize_class%stepsize_class_constructor proc~step_size_test->proc~stepsize_class_constructor

Source Code

    subroutine step_size_test()

    implicit none

    type(stepsize_class)   :: s1     !! for testing the different methods
    type(stepsize_class)   :: s2     !! for testing the different methods
    type(stepsize_class)   :: s3     !! for testing the different methods
    real(wp)               :: h      !! current step size
    real(wp)               :: tol    !! abs error tolerance
    real(wp)               :: err    !! truncation error estimate
    integer                :: p      !! order of the method
    real(wp)               :: hnew   !! new step size
    logical                :: accept !! if the step is accepted

    write(*,*) ''
    write(*,*) '---------------'
    write(*,*) ' step_size_test'
    write(*,*) '---------------'
    write(*,*) ''

    h   = 10.0_wp
    tol = 1.0e-9_wp
    err = 1.0e-7_wp
    p   = 4

    call s1%initialize()
    call s1%compute_stepsize(h,tol,err,p,hnew,accept)
    write(*,*) 'stepsize_hull    : hnew = ', hnew

    call s2%initialize()
    call s2%compute_stepsize(h,tol,err,p,hnew,accept)
    write(*,*) 'stepsize_stoer_1 : hnew = ', hnew

    call s3%initialize()
    call s3%compute_stepsize(h,tol,err,p,hnew,accept)
    write(*,*) 'stepsize_stoer_2 : hnew = ', hnew

    end subroutine step_size_test