h12 Subroutine

private subroutine h12(mode, lpivot, l1, m, u, iue, up, c, ice, icv, ncv)

Construction and/or application of a single householder transformation .


  • C.L. Lawson, R.J. Hanson, 'Solving least squares problems' Prentice Hall, 1974. (revised 1995 edition)
  • lawson-hanson from Netlib.


  • Jacob Williams, refactored into modern Fortran, Jan. 2016.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: mode

1 or 2 -- selects algorithm h1 to construct and apply a householder transformation, or algorithm h2 to apply a previously constructed transformation.

integer, intent(in) :: lpivot

the index of the pivot element

integer, intent(in) :: l1

if l1 <= m the transformation will be constructed to zero elements indexed from l1 through m. if l1 > m the subroutine does an identity transformation.

integer, intent(in) :: m

see li.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(iue,*) :: u

on entry with mode = 1, u contains the pivot vector. iue is the storage increment between elements. on exit when mode = 1, u and up contain quantities defining the vector u of the householder transformation. on entry with mode = 2, u and up should contain quantities previously computed with mode = 1. these will not be modified during the entry with mode = 2. dimension[u(iue,m)]

integer, intent(in) :: iue

see u.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: up

see u.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(*) :: c

on entry with mode = 1 or 2, c contains a matrix which will be regarded as a set of vectors to which the householder transformation is to be applied. on exit c contains the set of transformed vectors.

integer, intent(in) :: ice

storage increment between elements of vectors in c.

integer, intent(in) :: icv

storage increment between vectors in c.

integer, intent(in) :: ncv

number of vectors in c to be transformed. if ncv <= 0 no operations will be done on c.

Called by

proc~~h12~~CalledByGraph proc~h12 slsqp_core::h12 proc~hfti slsqp_core::hfti proc~hfti->proc~h12 proc~lsei slsqp_core::lsei proc~lsei->proc~h12 proc~lsei->proc~hfti proc~lsi slsqp_core::lsi proc~lsei->proc~lsi proc~lsi->proc~h12 proc~ldp slsqp_core::ldp proc~lsi->proc~ldp proc~nnls slsqp_core::nnls proc~nnls->proc~h12 proc~ldp->proc~nnls proc~lsq slsqp_core::lsq proc~lsq->proc~lsei proc~slsqpb slsqp_core::slsqpb proc~slsqpb->proc~lsq proc~slsqp slsqp_core::slsqp proc~slsqp->proc~slsqpb proc~slsqp_wrapper slsqp_module::slsqp_solver%slsqp_wrapper proc~slsqp_wrapper->proc~slsqp

Source Code

    subroutine h12(mode,lpivot,l1,m,u,iue,up,c,ice,icv,ncv)

    implicit none

    integer,intent(in)                      :: mode   !! `1` or `2` -- selects algorithm ***h1*** to construct and apply a
                                                      !! householder transformation, or algorithm ***h2*** to apply a
                                                      !! previously constructed transformation.
    integer,intent(in)                      :: lpivot !! the index of the pivot element
    integer,intent(in)                      :: l1     !! if `l1 <= m` the transformation will be constructed to
                                                      !! zero elements indexed from `l1` through `m`.
                                                      !! if `l1 > m` the subroutine does an identity transformation.
    integer,intent(in)                      :: m      !! see `li`.
    integer,intent(in)                      :: iue    !! see `u`.
    real(wp),dimension(iue,*),intent(inout) :: u      !! on entry with `mode = 1`, `u` contains the pivot
                                                      !! vector.  `iue` is the storage increment between elements.
                                                      !! on exit when `mode = 1`, `u` and `up` contain quantities
                                                      !! defining the vector `u` of the householder transformation.
                                                      !! on entry with `mode = 2`, `u` and `up` should contain
                                                      !! quantities previously computed with `mode = 1`.  these will
                                                      !! not be modified during the entry with `mode = 2`.
                                                      !! `dimension[u(iue,m)]`
    real(wp),intent(inout)                  :: up     !! see `u`.
    real(wp),dimension(*),intent(inout)     :: c      !! on entry with `mode = 1 or 2`, `c` contains a matrix which
                                                      !! will be regarded as a set of vectors to which the
                                                      !! householder transformation is to be applied.
                                                      !! on exit `c` contains the set of transformed vectors.
    integer,intent(in)                      :: ice    !! storage increment between elements of vectors in `c`.
    integer,intent(in)                      :: icv    !! storage increment between vectors in `c`.
    integer,intent(in)                      :: ncv    !! number of vectors in `c` to be transformed. if `ncv <= 0`
                                                      !! no operations will be done on `c`.

    integer  :: i, i2, i3, i4, incr, j
    real(wp) :: b, cl, clinv, sm

    if ( 0>=lpivot .or. lpivot>=l1 .or. l1>m ) return
    cl = abs(u(1,lpivot))
    if ( mode/=2 ) then
        ! construct the transformation.
        do j = l1 , m
            cl = max(abs(u(1,j)),cl)
        end do
        if ( cl<=zero ) return
        clinv = one/cl
        sm = (u(1,lpivot)*clinv)**2
        do j = l1 , m
            sm = sm + (u(1,j)*clinv)**2
        end do
        cl = cl*sqrt(sm)
        if ( u(1,lpivot)>zero ) cl = -cl
        up = u(1,lpivot) - cl
        u(1,lpivot) = cl
    else if ( cl<=zero ) then
    end if

    if ( ncv>0 ) then
        ! apply the transformation i+u*(u**t)/b to c.
        b = up*u(1,lpivot)
        ! b must be nonpositive here.
        if ( b<zero ) then
            b = one/b
            i2 = 1 - icv + ice*(lpivot-1)
            incr = ice*(l1-lpivot)
            do j = 1 , ncv
                i2 = i2 + icv
                i3 = i2 + incr
                i4 = i3
                sm = c(i2)*up
                do i = l1 , m
                    sm = sm + c(i3)*u(1,i)
                    i3 = i3 + ice
                end do
                if ( abs(sm)>zero ) then
                    sm = sm*b
                    c(i2) = c(i2) + sm*up
                    do i = l1 , m
                        c(i4) = c(i4) + sm*u(1,i)
                        i4 = i4 + ice
                    end do
                end if
            end do
        end if
    end if

    end subroutine h12