slsqp Subroutine

public subroutine slsqp(m, meq, la, n, x, xl, xu, f, c, g, a, acc, iter, mode, w, l_w, sdat, ldat, alphamin, alphamax, tolf, toldf, toldx, max_iter_ls, nnls_mode, infinite_bound)

slsqp: sequential least squares programming to solve general nonlinear optimization problems

a nonlinear programming method with quadratic programming subproblems this subroutine solves the general nonlinear programming problem:


subject to

  • ,
  • ,
  • ,

the algorithm implements the method of Han and Powell with BFGS-update of the b-matrix and L1-test function within the steplength algorithm.


  • Dieter Kraft: "A software package for sequential quadratic programming", DFVLR-FB 88-28, 1988


  • implemented by: Dieter Kraft, DFVLR oberpfaffenhofen
  • date: april - october, 1981.
  • December, 31-st, 1984.
  • March , 21-st, 1987, revised to fortran 77
  • March , 20-th, 1989, revised to ms-fortran
  • April , 14-th, 1989, hesse in-line coded
  • February, 28-th, 1991, fortran/2 version 1.04 accepts statement functions
  • March , 1-st, 1991, tested with salford ftn77/386 compiler vers 2.40 in protected mode
  • January , 2016, Refactored into modern Fortran by Jacob Williams


Original version copyright 1991: Dieter Kraft, FHM. Released under a BSD license.


f, c, g, a must all be set by the user before each call.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: m

is the total number of constraints,

integer, intent(in) :: meq

is the number of equality constraints,

integer, intent(in) :: la

see a,

integer, intent(in) :: n

is the number of variables,

real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(n) :: x

x() stores the current iterate of the n vector x on entry x() must be initialized. on exit x() stores the solution vector x if mode = 0.

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(n) :: xl

xl() stores an n vector of lower bounds xl to x.

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(n) :: xu

xu() stores an n vector of upper bounds xu to x.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: f

is the value of the objective function.

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(la) :: c

c() stores the m vector c of constraints, equality constraints (if any) first. dimension of c must be greater or equal la, which must be greater or equal max(1,m).

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(n+1) :: g

g() stores the n vector g of partials of the objective function; dimension of g must be greater or equal n+1.

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(la,n+1) :: a

the la by n + 1 array a() stores the m by n matrix a of constraint normals. a() has first dimensioning parameter la, which must be greater or equal max(1,m).

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: acc

abs(acc) controls the final accuracy. if acc < zero an exact linesearch is performed, otherwise an armijo-type linesearch is used.

integer, intent(inout) :: iter

prescribes the maximum number of iterations. on exit iter indicates the number of iterations.

integer, intent(inout) :: mode

mode controls calculation:

reverse communication is used in the sense that the program is initialized by mode = 0; then it is to be called repeatedly by the user until a return with mode /= abs(1) takes place. if mode = -1 gradients have to be calculated, while with mode = 1 functions have to be calculated. mode must not be changed between subsequent calls of slsqp.

evaluation modes:

  • ** -1 **: gradient evaluation, (g & a)
  • ** 0 : on entry: initialization, (f, g, c, a), on exit: required accuracy for solution obtained
  • ** 1 **: function evaluation, (f & c)

failure modes:

  • ** 2 **: number of equality constraints larger than n
  • ** 3 **: more than 3*n iterations in lsq subproblem
  • ** 4 **: inequality constraints incompatible
  • ** 5 **: singular matrix e in lsq subproblem
  • ** 6 **: singular matrix c in lsq subproblem
  • ** 7 **: rank-deficient equality constraint subproblem hfti
  • ** 8 **: positive directional derivative for linesearch
  • ** 9 **: more than iter iterations in sqp
  • ** >=10 **: working space w too small, w should be enlarged to l_w=mode/1000,
real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(l_w) :: w

w() is a one dimensional working space. the first m+n+n*n1/2 elements of w must not be changed between subsequent calls of slsqp. on return w(1) ... w(m) contain the multipliers associated with the general constraints, while w(m+1) ... w(m+n(n+1)/2) store the cholesky factor l*d*l(t) of the approximate hessian of the lagrangian columnwise dense as lower triangular unit matrix l with d in its 'diagonal' and w(m+n(n+1)/2+n+2 ... w(m+n(n+1)/2+n+2+m+2n) contain the multipliers associated with all constraints of the quadratic program finding the search direction to the solution x*

integer, intent(in) :: l_w

the length of w, which should be at least:

  • (3*n1+m)*(n1+1) for lsq
  • +(n1-meq+1)*(mineq+2) + 2*mineq for lsi
  • +(n1+mineq)*(n1-meq) + 2*meq + n1 for lsei
  • + n1*n/2 + 2*m + 3*n + 3*n1 + 1 for slsqpb

with mineq = m - meq + 2*n1 & n1 = n+1

type(slsqpb_data), intent(inout) :: sdat

data for slsqpb.

type(linmin_data), intent(inout) :: ldat

data for linmin.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: alphamin

min for line search

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: alphamax

max for line search

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: tolf

stopping criterion if then stop.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: toldf

stopping criterion if then stop.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: toldx

stopping criterion if then stop.

integer, intent(in) :: max_iter_ls

maximum number of iterations in the nnls problem

integer, intent(in) :: nnls_mode

which NNLS method to use

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: infinite_bound

"infinity" for the upper and lower bounds. if xl<=-infinite_bound or xu>=infinite_bound then these bounds are considered nonexistant. If infinite_bound=0 then huge() is used for this.


proc~~slsqp~~CallsGraph proc~slsqp slsqp_core::slsqp proc~slsqpb slsqp_core::slsqpb proc~slsqp->proc~slsqpb proc~check_convergence slsqp_core::check_convergence proc~slsqpb->proc~check_convergence proc~daxpy slsqp_support::daxpy proc~slsqpb->proc~daxpy proc~dcopy slsqp_support::dcopy proc~slsqpb->proc~dcopy proc~ddot slsqp_support::ddot proc~slsqpb->proc~ddot proc~dscal slsqp_support::dscal proc~slsqpb->proc~dscal proc~enforce_bounds slsqp_core::enforce_bounds proc~slsqpb->proc~enforce_bounds proc~ldl slsqp_core::ldl proc~slsqpb->proc~ldl proc~linmin slsqp_core::linmin proc~slsqpb->proc~linmin proc~lsq slsqp_core::lsq proc~slsqpb->proc~lsq proc~dnrm2 slsqp_support::dnrm2 proc~check_convergence->proc~dnrm2 proc~lsq->proc~dcopy proc~lsq->proc~ddot proc~lsq->proc~dscal proc~lsq->proc~enforce_bounds proc~lsei slsqp_core::lsei proc~lsq->proc~lsei proc~lsei->proc~dcopy proc~lsei->proc~ddot proc~lsei->proc~dnrm2 proc~h12 slsqp_core::h12 proc~lsei->proc~h12 proc~hfti slsqp_core::hfti proc~lsei->proc~hfti proc~lsi slsqp_core::lsi proc~lsei->proc~lsi proc~hfti->proc~h12 proc~lsi->proc~daxpy proc~lsi->proc~ddot proc~lsi->proc~dnrm2 proc~lsi->proc~h12 proc~ldp slsqp_core::ldp proc~lsi->proc~ldp proc~ldp->proc~daxpy proc~ldp->proc~dcopy proc~ldp->proc~ddot proc~ldp->proc~dnrm2 proc~bvls_wrapper bvls_module::bvls_wrapper proc~ldp->proc~bvls_wrapper proc~nnls slsqp_core::nnls proc~ldp->proc~nnls proc~bvls bvls_module::bvls proc~bvls_wrapper->proc~bvls proc~nnls->proc~h12 proc~g1 slsqp_core::g1 proc~nnls->proc~g1

Called by

proc~~slsqp~~CalledByGraph proc~slsqp slsqp_core::slsqp proc~slsqp_wrapper slsqp_module::slsqp_solver%slsqp_wrapper proc~slsqp_wrapper->proc~slsqp

Source Code

    subroutine slsqp(m,meq,la,n,x,xl,xu,f,c,g,a,acc,iter,mode,w,l_w, &

    implicit none

    integer,intent(in) :: m                     !! is the total number of constraints, \( m \ge 0 \)
    integer,intent(in) :: meq                   !! is the number of equality constraints, \( m_{eq} \ge 0 \)
    integer,intent(in) :: la                    !! see `a`, \( la \ge \max(m,1) \)
    integer,intent(in) :: n                     !! is the number of variables, \( n \ge 1 \)
    real(wp),dimension(n),intent(inout) :: x    !! `x()` stores the current iterate of the `n` vector `x`
                                                !! on entry `x()` must be initialized. on exit `x()`
                                                !! stores the solution vector `x` if `mode = 0`.
    real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in) :: xl      !! `xl()` stores an n vector of lower bounds `xl` to `x`.
    real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in) :: xu      !! `xu()` stores an n vector of upper bounds `xu` to `x`.
    real(wp),intent(in) :: f                    !! is the value of the objective function.
    real(wp),dimension(la),intent(in) :: c      !! `c()` stores the `m` vector `c` of constraints,
                                                !! equality constraints (if any) first.
                                                !! dimension of `c` must be greater or equal `la`,
                                                !! which must be greater or equal `max(1,m)`.
    real(wp),dimension(n+1),intent(in) :: g     !! `g()` stores the `n` vector `g` of partials of the
                                                !! objective function; dimension of `g` must be
                                                !! greater or equal `n+1`.
    real(wp),dimension(la,n+1),intent(in) ::  a !! the `la` by `n + 1` array `a()` stores
                                                !! the `m` by `n` matrix `a` of constraint normals.
                                                !! `a()` has first dimensioning parameter `la`,
                                                !! which must be greater or equal `max(1,m)`.
    real(wp),intent(inout) :: acc   !! `abs(acc)` controls the final accuracy.
                                    !! if `acc` < zero an exact linesearch is performed,
                                    !! otherwise an armijo-type linesearch is used.
    integer,intent(inout) :: iter   !! prescribes the maximum number of iterations.
                                    !! on exit `iter` indicates the number of iterations.
    integer,intent(inout) :: mode   !! mode controls calculation:
                                    !! reverse communication is used in the sense that
                                    !! the program is initialized by `mode = 0`; then it is
                                    !! to be called repeatedly by the user until a return
                                    !! with `mode /= abs(1)` takes place.
                                    !! if `mode = -1` gradients have to be calculated,
                                    !! while with `mode = 1` functions have to be calculated.
                                    !! mode must not be changed between subsequent calls of [[slsqp]].
                                    !! **evaluation modes**:
                                    !! * ** -1 **: gradient evaluation, (`g` & `a`)
                                    !! * **  0 **: *on entry*: initialization, (`f`, `g`, `c`, `a`),
                                    !!   *on exit*: required accuracy for solution obtained
                                    !! * **  1 **: function evaluation, (`f` & `c`)
                                    !! **failure modes**:
                                    !! * ** 2 **: number of equality constraints larger than `n`
                                    !! * ** 3 **: more than `3*n` iterations in [[lsq]] subproblem
                                    !! * ** 4 **: inequality constraints incompatible
                                    !! * ** 5 **: singular matrix `e` in [[lsq]] subproblem
                                    !! * ** 6 **: singular matrix `c` in [[lsq]] subproblem
                                    !! * ** 7 **: rank-deficient equality constraint subproblem [[hfti]]
                                    !! * ** 8 **: positive directional derivative for linesearch
                                    !! * ** 9 **: more than `iter` iterations in sqp
                                    !! * ** >=10 **: working space `w` too small,
                                    !!   `w` should be enlarged to `l_w=mode/1000`,
    integer,intent(in) :: l_w       !! the length of `w`, which should be at least:
                                    !! * `(3*n1+m)*(n1+1)`                     **for lsq**
                                    !! * `+(n1-meq+1)*(mineq+2) + 2*mineq`     **for lsi**
                                    !! * `+(n1+mineq)*(n1-meq) + 2*meq + n1`   **for lsei**
                                    !! * `+ n1*n/2 + 2*m + 3*n + 3*n1 + 1`     **for slsqpb**
                                    !! with `mineq = m - meq + 2*n1` & `n1 = n+1`
    real(wp),dimension(l_w),intent(inout) :: w  !! `w()` is a one dimensional working space.
                                                !! the first `m+n+n*n1/2` elements of `w` must not be
                                                !! changed between subsequent calls of [[slsqp]].
                                                !! on return `w(1) ... w(m)` contain the multipliers
                                                !! associated with the general constraints, while
                                                !! `w(m+1) ... w(m+n(n+1)/2)` store the cholesky factor
                                                !! `l*d*l(t)` of the approximate hessian of the
                                                !! lagrangian columnwise dense as lower triangular
                                                !! unit matrix `l` with `d` in its 'diagonal' and
                                                !! `w(m+n(n+1)/2+n+2 ... w(m+n(n+1)/2+n+2+m+2n)`
                                                !! contain the multipliers associated with all
                                                !! constraints of the quadratic program finding
                                                !! the search direction to the solution `x*`
    type(slsqpb_data),intent(inout) :: sdat  !! data for [[slsqpb]].
    type(linmin_data),intent(inout) :: ldat  !! data for [[linmin]].
    real(wp),intent(in) :: alphamin  !! min \( \alpha \) for line search
                                     !! \( 0 < \alpha_{min} < \alpha_{max} \le 1 \)
    real(wp),intent(in) :: alphamax  !! max \( \alpha \) for line search
                                     !! \( 0 < \alpha_{min} < \alpha_{max} \le 1 \)
    real(wp),intent(in) :: tolf      !! stopping criterion if \( |f| < tolf \) then stop.
    real(wp),intent(in) :: toldf     !! stopping criterion if \( |f_{n+1} - f_n| < toldf \) then stop.
    real(wp),intent(in) :: toldx     !! stopping criterion if \( ||x_{n+1} - x_n|| < toldx \) then stop.
    integer,intent(in)  :: max_iter_ls !! maximum number of iterations in the [[nnls]] problem
    integer,intent(in)  :: nnls_mode !! which NNLS method to use
    real(wp),intent(in) :: infinite_bound !! "infinity" for the upper and lower bounds.
                                          !! if `xl<=-infinite_bound` or `xu>=infinite_bound`
                                          !! then these bounds are considered nonexistant.
                                          !! If `infinite_bound=0` then `huge()` is used for this.

    integer :: il , im , ir , is , iu , iv , iw , ix , mineq, n1
    real(wp) :: infBnd !! local copy of `infinite_bound`

    if (infinite_bound==zero) then
        infBnd = huge(one)
        infBnd = abs(infinite_bound)
    end if

    ! check length of working arrays
    n1 = n + 1
    mineq = m - meq + n1 + n1
    il = (3*n1+m)*(n1+1) + (n1-meq+1)*(mineq+2) + 2*mineq + (n1+mineq)&
         *(n1-meq) + 2*meq + n1*n/2 + 2*m + 3*n + 4*n1 + 1
    im = max(mineq,n1-meq)
    if ( l_w<il ) then
        mode = 1000*max(10,il)
        mode = mode + max(10,im)
        iter = 0
    end if
    if (meq>n) then
        ! note: calling lsq when meq>n is corrupting the
        ! memory in some way, so just catch this here.
        mode = 2
        iter = 0
    end if

    ! prepare data for calling sqpbdy  -  initial addresses in w

    im = 1
    il = im + max(1,m)
    il = im + la
    ix = il + n1*n/2 + 1
    ir = ix + n
    is = ir + n + n + max(1,m)
    is = ir + n + n + la
    iu = is + n1
    iv = iu + n1
    iw = iv + n1

    sdat%n1 = n1

    call slsqpb(m,meq,la,n,x,xl,xu,f,c,g,a,acc,iter,mode,&

    end subroutine slsqp