initialize_slsqp Subroutine

private subroutine initialize_slsqp(me, n, m, meq, max_iter, acc, f, g, xl, xu, status_ok, linesearch_mode, iprint, report, alphamin, alphamax, gradient_mode, gradient_delta, tolf, toldf, toldx, max_iter_ls, nnls_mode, infinite_bound)

initialize the slsqp_solver class. see slsqp for more details.

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(slsqp_solver), intent(inout) :: me
integer, intent(in) :: n

the number of variables,

integer, intent(in) :: m

total number of constraints,

integer, intent(in) :: meq

number of equality constraints,

integer, intent(in) :: max_iter

maximum number of iterations

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: acc


procedure(func) :: f

problem function

procedure(grad) :: g

function to compute gradients (must be associated if gradient_mode=0)

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(n) :: xl

lower bounds on x. xl(i)=NaN (or xl(i)<=-infinite_bound) indicates to ignore ith bound

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(n) :: xu

upper bounds on x. xu(i)=NaN (or xu(i)>=infinite_bound) indicates to ignore ith bound

logical, intent(out) :: status_ok

will be false if there were errors

integer, intent(in), optional :: linesearch_mode

1 = inexact (default), 2 = exact

integer, intent(in), optional :: iprint

unit number of status messages (default=output_unit)

procedure(iterfunc), optional :: report

user-defined procedure that will be called once per iteration

real(kind=wp), intent(in), optional :: alphamin

minimum alpha for linesearch [default 0.1]

real(kind=wp), intent(in), optional :: alphamax

maximum alpha for linesearch [default 1.0]

integer, intent(in), optional :: gradient_mode

how the gradients are to be computed:

  • 0 - use the user-supplied g subroutine. [default]
  • 1 - approximate by basic backward differences
  • 2 - approximate by basic forward differences
  • 3 - approximate by basic central differences

Note that modes 1-3 do not respect the variable bounds.

real(kind=wp), intent(in), optional :: gradient_delta

perturbation step size (>epsilon) to compute the approximated gradient by finite differences (gradient_mode 1-3). note that this is an absolute step that does not respect the xl or xu variable bounds.

real(kind=wp), intent(in), optional :: tolf

stopping criterion if then stop.

real(kind=wp), intent(in), optional :: toldf

stopping criterion if then stop

real(kind=wp), intent(in), optional :: toldx

stopping criterion if then stop

integer, intent(in), optional :: max_iter_ls

maximum number of iterations in the nnls problem

integer, intent(in), optional :: nnls_mode

Which NNLS method to use:

  1. Use the original nnls
  2. Use the newer bvls
real(kind=wp), intent(in), optional :: infinite_bound

"infinity" for the upper and lower bounds. if xl<=-infinite_bound or xu>=infinite_bound then these bounds are considered nonexistant. If not present then huge() is used for this.


proc~~initialize_slsqp~~CallsGraph proc~initialize_slsqp slsqp_module::slsqp_solver%initialize_slsqp proc~destroy_slsqp slsqp_module::slsqp_solver%destroy_slsqp proc~initialize_slsqp->proc~destroy_slsqp proc~report_message slsqp_module::slsqp_solver%report_message proc~initialize_slsqp->proc~report_message

Source Code

    subroutine initialize_slsqp(me,n,m,meq,max_iter,acc,f,g,xl,xu,status_ok,&

    implicit none

    class(slsqp_solver),intent(inout) :: me
    integer,intent(in)                :: n               !! the number of variables, \( n \ge 1 \)
    integer,intent(in)                :: m               !! total number of constraints, \( m \ge 0 \)
    integer,intent(in)                :: meq             !! number of equality constraints, \( m_{eq} \ge 0 \)
    integer,intent(in)                :: max_iter        !! maximum number of iterations
    procedure(func)                   :: f               !! problem function
    procedure(grad)                   :: g               !! function to compute gradients (must be
                                                         !! associated if `gradient_mode=0`)
    real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in)  :: xl              !! lower bounds on `x`.
                                                         !! `xl(i)=NaN` (or `xl(i)<=-infinite_bound`) indicates to ignore `i`th bound
    real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in)  :: xu              !! upper bounds on `x`.
                                                         !! `xu(i)=NaN` (or `xu(i)>=infinite_bound`) indicates to ignore `i`th bound
    real(wp),intent(in)               :: acc             !! accuracy
    logical,intent(out)               :: status_ok       !! will be false if there were errors
    integer,intent(in),optional       :: linesearch_mode !! 1 = inexact (default), 2 = exact
    integer,intent(in),optional       :: iprint          !! unit number of status messages (default=`output_unit`)
    procedure(iterfunc),optional      :: report          !! user-defined procedure that will be called once per iteration
    real(wp),intent(in),optional      :: alphamin        !! minimum alpha for linesearch [default 0.1]
    real(wp),intent(in),optional      :: alphamax        !! maximum alpha for linesearch [default 1.0]
    integer,intent(in),optional       :: gradient_mode   !! how the gradients are to be computed:
                                                         !! * 0 - use the user-supplied `g` subroutine. [default]
                                                         !! * 1 - approximate by basic backward differences
                                                         !! * 2 - approximate by basic forward differences
                                                         !! * 3 - approximate by basic central differences
                                                         !! Note that modes 1-3 do not respect the variable bounds.
    real(wp),intent(in),optional      :: gradient_delta  !! perturbation step size (>epsilon) to compute the approximated
                                                         !! gradient by finite differences (`gradient_mode` 1-3).
                                                         !! note that this is an absolute step that does not respect
                                                         !! the `xl` or `xu` variable bounds.
    real(wp),intent(in),optional      :: tolf            !! stopping criterion if \( |f| < tolf \) then stop.
    real(wp),intent(in),optional      :: toldf           !! stopping criterion if \( |f_{n+1} - f_n| < toldf \) then stop
    real(wp),intent(in),optional      :: toldx           !! stopping criterion if \( ||x_{n+1} - x_n|| < toldx \) then stop
    integer,intent(in),optional       :: max_iter_ls     !! maximum number of iterations in the [[nnls]] problem
    integer,intent(in),optional       :: nnls_mode       !! Which NNLS method to use:
                                                         !! 1. Use the original [[nnls]]
                                                         !! 2. Use the newer [[bvls]]
    real(wp),intent(in),optional :: infinite_bound !! "infinity" for the upper and lower bounds.
                                                   !! if `xl<=-infinite_bound` or `xu>=infinite_bound`
                                                   !! then these bounds are considered nonexistant.
                                                   !! If not present then `huge()` is used for this.

    integer :: n1,mineq,i

    status_ok = .false.
    call me%destroy()

    if (present(iprint)) me%iprint = iprint

    if (size(xl)/=size(xu) .or. size(xl)/=n) then
        call me%report_message('error: invalid upper or lower bound vector size')
        call me%report_message('  size(xl) =',ival=size(xl))
        call me%report_message('  size(xu) =',ival=size(xu))
        call me%report_message('  n        =',ival=n)
    else if (meq<0 .or. meq>m) then
        call me%report_message('error: invalid meq value:', ival=meq)
    else if (m<0) then
        call me%report_message('error: invalid m value:', ival=m)
    else if (n<1) then
        call me%report_message('error: invalid n value:', ival=n)
    else if (any(xl>xu .and. .not. ieee_is_nan(xl) .and. .not. ieee_is_nan(xu))) then
        call me%report_message('error: lower bounds must be <= upper bounds.')
        do i=1,n
            if (xl(i)>xu(i) .and. .not. ieee_is_nan(xl(i)) .and. .not. ieee_is_nan(xu(i))) then
                call me%report_message('  xl(i)>xu(i) for variable',ival=i)
            end if
        end do

        if (present(linesearch_mode)) then
            !two linesearch modes:
            select case (linesearch_mode)
            case(1)     !inexact
                me%linesearch_mode = linesearch_mode
            case(2)     !exact
                me%linesearch_mode = linesearch_mode
            case default
                call me%report_message('error: invalid linesearch_mode (must be 1 or 2): ',&
                call me%destroy()
            end select
        end if

        !optional linesearch bounds:
        if (present(alphamin)) me%alphamin = alphamin
        if (present(alphamax)) me%alphamax = alphamax

        !verify valid values for alphamin and alphamax: 0<alphamin<alphamax<=1
        if (me%alphamin<=zero .or. me%alphamax<=zero .or. &
            me%alphamax<=me%alphamin .or. &
            me%alphamin>=one .or. me%alphamax>one) then

            call me%report_message('error: invalid values for alphamin or alphamax.')
            call me%report_message('  alphamin =',rval=me%alphamin)
            call me%report_message('  alphamax =',rval=me%alphamax)
            call me%destroy()

        end if

        if (present(tolf))  me%tolf  = tolf
        if (present(toldf)) me%toldf = toldf
        if (present(toldx)) me%toldx = toldx

        if (present(max_iter_ls)) me%max_iter_ls = max_iter_ls
        if (present(nnls_mode)) then
            select case (nnls_mode)
                me%nnls_mode = nnls_mode
            case default
                call me%report_message('error: invalid value for nnls_mode. defaulting to 1.')
                me%nnls_mode = 1
            end select
        end if

        status_ok = .true.
        me%n = n
        me%m = m
        me%meq = meq
        me%max_iter = max_iter
        me%acc = acc
        me%f => f
        me%g => g
        if (present(report)) me%report => report

        allocate(me%xl(n)); me%xl = xl
        allocate(me%xu(n)); me%xu = xu

        !work arrays:
        n1 = n+1
        mineq = m - meq + 2*n1

        me%l_w = n1*(n1+1) + meq*(n1+1) + mineq*(n1+1) + &   !for lsq
                 (n1-meq+1)*(mineq+2) + 2*mineq        + &   !for lsi
                 (n1+mineq)*(n1-meq) + 2*meq + n1      + &   !for lsei
                  n1*n/2 + 2*m + 3*n +3*n1 + 1               !for slsqpb

        me%w = zero

        if (present(gradient_mode)) then
            me%gradient_mode = gradient_mode
            if (present(gradient_delta)) then
                me%gradient_delta = gradient_delta
            end if
        end if

        if (present(infinite_bound)) then
            me%infinite_bound = abs(infinite_bound)
            me%infinite_bound = huge(one)
        end if

    end if

    end subroutine initialize_slsqp