Ephemeris test routine.
This routine requires the DE405 and DE421 JPL binary ephemeris files
to be present in the ./eph
These can be built by using the instructions
For example (on Linux):
wget ftp://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/eph/planets/fortran/*
wget ftp://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/eph/planets/ascii/de405/*
#edit asc2eph.f file to set NRECL = 4:
sed -i '_original' '/^C.*PARAMETER ( NRECL = 4 )/s/^C//' asc2eph.f
gfortran asc2eph.f -o asc2eph
cat header.405 ascp*.405 | ./asc2eph
mkdir Fortran-Astrodynamics-Toolkit/eph
mv JPLEPH Fortran-Astrodynamics-Toolkit/eph/JPLEPH.405
subroutine ephemeris_test() implicit none character(len=6),dimension(nmax) :: nams real(wp) :: jd real(wp),dimension(6) :: rv,rv1,rv2,diffrv real(wp),dimension(3) :: ss real(wp),dimension(nmax) :: vals integer :: nvs,ntarg,nctr,i,j type(jpl_ephemeris) :: eph405, eph421 logical :: status_ok_405,status_ok_421 character(len=*),parameter :: ephemeris_file_405 = './eph/JPLEPH.405' !! JPL DE405 ephemeris file character(len=*),parameter :: ephemeris_file_421 = './eph/JPLEPH.421' !! JPL DE421 ephemeris file write(*,*) '' write(*,*) '---------------' write(*,*) ' ephemeris_test' write(*,*) '---------------' write(*,*) '' !initialize: call eph405%initialize(filename=ephemeris_file_405,status_ok=status_ok_405) call eph421%initialize(filename=ephemeris_file_421,status_ok=status_ok_421) if (status_ok_405) then !get some constants from the file: call eph405%get_constants(nams,vals,ss,nvs) write(*,'(A)') '' write(*,'(A)') 'Ephemeris initialized' write(*,'(A,1X,F15.3,1X,A,1X,F15.3)') 'JD range: ',ss(1), 'to ', ss(2) write(*,'(A)') '' do i=1,nvs write(*,'(A,1X,D25.16)') nams(i), vals(i) end do jd = 2451536.5d0 ! julian date if (jd < ss(1) .or. jd > ss(2)) then write(*,'(A)') '' write(*,*) 'error: jed out of bounds.' write(*,*) 'jed = ', jd write(*,*) 'ss(1) = ', ss(1) write(*,*) 'ss(2) = ', ss(2) else !test DE405: do j=1,2 if (j==1) then ntarg = 3 !earth nctr = 11 !sun else ntarg = 10 !moon nctr = 3 !earth end if write(*,*) '' write(*,*) 'DE405' write(*,*) 'state of "'//trim(list_of_bodies(ntarg))//& '" wrt "'//trim(list_of_bodies(nctr))//'"' do i=1,10 call eph405%get_state( jd, ntarg, nctr, rv, status_ok_405) write(*,'(F15.2,1X,*(E25.16,1X))') jd, norm2(rv(1:3)), rv jd = jd + 10.0_wp end do end do end if else write(*,*) 'Error opening DE405 ephemeris file' end if if (status_ok_405 .and. status_ok_421) then !compare DE405 with DE421 do j=1,2 if (j==1) then ntarg = 3 !earth nctr = 11 !sun else ntarg = 10 !moon nctr = 3 !earth end if write(*,*) '' write(*,*) 'DE421 - DE405 Difference' write(*,*) 'state of "'//trim(list_of_bodies(ntarg))//& '" wrt "'//trim(list_of_bodies(nctr))//'"' do i=1,10 call eph405%get_state( jd, ntarg, nctr, rv1, status_ok_405) call eph421%get_state( jd, ntarg, nctr, rv2, status_ok_421) diffrv = rv2 - rv1 write(*,'(F15.2,1X,*(E25.16,1X))') jd, norm2(diffrv(1:3)), norm2(diffrv(4:6)) jd = jd + 10.0_wp end do end do else write(*,*) 'Error opening DE421 ephemeris file' end if !cleanup: call eph405%close() call eph421%close() end subroutine ephemeris_test