get_state Subroutine

private subroutine get_state(me, jd, ntarg, ncent, rrd, status_ok)

This subroutine reads the JPL planetary ephemeris and gives the position and velocity of the point ntarg with respect to ncent.


The numbering convention for ntarg and ncent is:

1 = mercury      8 = neptune
2 = venus        9 = pluto
3 = earth       10 = moon
4 = mars        11 = sun
5 = jupiter     12 = solar-system barycenter
6 = saturn      13 = earth-moon barycenter
7 = uranus      14 = nutations (longitude and obliq)
                15 = librations, if on eph file

(if nutations are wanted, set ntarg = 14. for librations, set ntarg = 15. set ncent=0.)

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(jpl_ephemeris), intent(inout) :: me
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: jd

d.p. Julian ephemeris date at which interpolation is wanted.

integer, intent(in) :: ntarg

integer number of 'target' point.

integer, intent(in) :: ncent

integer number of 'center' point.

real(kind=wp), intent(out), dimension(6) :: rrd

output 6-word d.p. array containing position and velocity of point ntarg relative to ncent. the units are AU and AU/day (or km and km/sec if me%km=.true.). For librations the units are radians and radians per day. In the case of nutations the first four words of rrd will be set to nutations and rates, having units of radians and radians/day.

logical, intent(out) :: status_ok

true if there were no problems


proc~~get_state~~CallsGraph proc~get_state jpl_ephemeris_module::jpl_ephemeris%get_state proc~state jpl_ephemeris_module::jpl_ephemeris%state proc~get_state->proc~state proc~interp jpl_ephemeris_module::jpl_ephemeris%interp proc~state->proc~interp proc~split jpl_ephemeris_module::split proc~state->proc~split

Called by

proc~~get_state~~CalledByGraph proc~get_state jpl_ephemeris_module::jpl_ephemeris%get_state proc~ephemeris_test jpl_ephemeris_module::ephemeris_test proc~ephemeris_test->proc~get_state proc~get_rv_from_jpl_ephemeris jpl_ephemeris_module::jpl_ephemeris%get_rv_from_jpl_ephemeris proc~get_rv_from_jpl_ephemeris->proc~get_state

Source Code

    subroutine get_state(me,jd,ntarg,ncent,rrd,status_ok)

    implicit none

    class(jpl_ephemeris),intent(inout) :: me
    real(wp),intent(in)                :: jd         !! d.p. Julian ephemeris date at which interpolation is wanted.
    integer,intent(in)                 :: ntarg      !! integer number of 'target' point.
    integer,intent(in)                 :: ncent      !! integer number of 'center' point.
    real(wp),dimension(6),intent(out)  :: rrd        !! output 6-word d.p. array containing position and velocity
                                                     !! of point `ntarg` relative to `ncent`.
                                                     !! the units are AU and AU/day (or km and km/sec if `me%km=.true.`).
                                                     !! For librations the units are radians and radians
                                                     !! per day. In the case of nutations the first four words of
                                                     !! `rrd` will be set to nutations and rates, having units of
                                                     !! radians and radians/day.
    logical,intent(out)                :: status_ok  !! true if there were no problems

    real(wp),dimension(2)    :: et2
    real(wp),dimension(6,13) :: pv
    real(wp),dimension(6,11) :: pvst
    real(wp),dimension(4)    :: pnut
    integer,dimension(12)    :: list
    integer                  :: i,j,k
    logical                  :: bsave

    status_ok = .false.

    if (me%initialized) then

        ! initialize et2 for 'state' and set up component count
        et2(1) = jd
        et2(2) = 0.0_wp
        list   = 0
        rrd    = 0.0_wp

        if (ntarg /= ncent) then

            select case (ntarg)

            case (14)    !nutation

                if (me%ipt(2,12)>0) then            !me%ipt(35)
                    list(11) = 2
                    call me%state(et2,list,pvst,pnut,status_ok)
                    if (.not. status_ok) then
                        write(error_unit,'(A)') 'error interpolating nutations in get_state.'
                    end if
                    rrd(1:4) = pnut(1:4)
                    rrd(5) = 0.0_wp
                    rrd(6) = 0.0_wp
                    rrd(1:4) = 0.0_wp
                    write(error_unit,'(A)') 'error in get_state: the ephemeris file does not contain nutations.'

            case (15)    !librations

                if (me%ipt(2,13)>0) then            !me%ipt(38)
                    list(12) = 2
                    call me%state(et2,list,pvst,pnut,status_ok)
                    if (.not. status_ok) then
                        write(error_unit,'(A)') 'error interpolating librations in get_state.'
                    end if
                    rrd = pvst(:,11)
                    write(error_unit,'(A)') 'error in get_state: the ephemeris file does not contain librations.'

               case default

                ! force barycentric output by 'state'

                bsave = me%bary
                me%bary  = .true.

                ! set up proper entries in 'list' array for state call

                do i=1,2
                    if (i == 2)  k = ncent
                    if (k <= 10) list(k)  = 2
                    if (k == 10) list(3)  = 2
                    if (k == 3)  list(10) = 2
                    if (k == 13) list(3)  = 2

                ! make call to state

                call me%state(et2,list,pvst,pnut,status_ok)
                if (.not. status_ok) then
                    write(error_unit,'(A)') 'error interpolating state in get_state.'
                end if
                do i=1,10
                    do j = 1,6
                        pv(j,i) = pvst(j,i)
                    end do

                if (ntarg == 11 .or. ncent == 11) pv(:,11) = me%pvsun
                if (ntarg == 12 .or. ncent == 12) pv(:,12) = 0.0_wp
                if (ntarg == 13 .or. ncent == 13) pv(:,13) = pvst(:,3)

                if (ntarg*ncent == 30 .and. ntarg+ncent == 13) then
                    pv(:,3) = 0.0_wp
                    if (list(3) == 2)  pv(:,3)  = pvst(:,3) - pvst(:,10)/(1.0_wp+me%emrat)
                    if (list(10) == 2) pv(:,10) = pv(:,3) + pvst(:,10)
                end if

                rrd = pv(:,ntarg) - pv(:,ncent)

                me%bary = bsave

            end select

        end if

        status_ok = .true.

        write(error_unit,'(A)') 'error in get_state: the ephemeris is not initialized.'
    end if

    end subroutine get_state