interp Subroutine

private subroutine interp(me, buf, t, ncf, ncm, na, ifl, pv)

this subroutine differentiates and interpolates a set of chebyshev coefficients to give position and velocity.

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(jpl_ephemeris), intent(inout) :: me
real(kind=wp), dimension(ncf,ncm,*) :: buf

1st location of array of d.p. chebyshev coefficients of position

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(2) :: t
integer, intent(in) :: ncf

of coefficients per component

integer, intent(in) :: ncm

of components per set of coefficients

integer, intent(in) :: na

of sets of coefficients in full array

(i.e., # of sub-intervals in full interval)

integer, intent(in) :: ifl

integer flag = 1 for positions only = 2 for pos and vel

real(kind=wp), dimension(ncm,*) :: pv

interpolated quantities requested. dimension expected is pv(ncm,ifl), dp.

Called by

proc~~interp~~CalledByGraph proc~interp jpl_ephemeris_module::jpl_ephemeris%interp proc~state jpl_ephemeris_module::jpl_ephemeris%state proc~state->proc~interp proc~get_state jpl_ephemeris_module::jpl_ephemeris%get_state proc~get_state->proc~state proc~ephemeris_test jpl_ephemeris_module::ephemeris_test proc~ephemeris_test->proc~get_state proc~get_rv_from_jpl_ephemeris jpl_ephemeris_module::jpl_ephemeris%get_rv_from_jpl_ephemeris proc~get_rv_from_jpl_ephemeris->proc~get_state

Source Code

    subroutine interp(me,buf,t,ncf,ncm,na,ifl,pv)

    implicit none

    class(jpl_ephemeris),intent(inout) :: me
    integer,intent(in)                 :: ncf  !! # of coefficients per component
    integer,intent(in)                 :: ncm  !! # of components per set of coefficients
    real(wp),dimension(ncf,ncm,*)      :: buf  !! 1st location of array of d.p. chebyshev coefficients of position
    real(wp),dimension(2),intent(in)   :: t
    integer,intent(in)                 :: na   !! # of sets of coefficients in full array
                                               !! (i.e., # of sub-intervals in full interval)
    integer,intent(in)                 :: ifl  !! integer flag
                                               !! = 1 for positions only
                                               !! = 2 for pos and vel
    real(wp),dimension(ncm,*)          :: pv   !! interpolated quantities requested.  dimension
                                               !! expected is pv(ncm,ifl), dp.

    real(wp) :: dna,dt1,temp,vfac,tc
    integer :: l,i,j

    ! entry point. get correct sub-interval number for this set
    ! of coefficients and then get normalized chebyshev time
    ! within that subinterval.

    dna  = dble(na)
    dt1  = int(t(1))
    temp = dna*t(1)
    l    = int(temp-dt1)+1

    ! tc is the normalized chebyshev time (-1 <= tc <= 1)


    ! check to see whether chebyshev time has changed,
    ! and compute new polynomial values if it has.
    ! (the element pc(2) is the value of t1(tc) and hence
    ! contains the value of tc on the previous call.)

    if (tc/=me%pc(2)) then
        me%np    = 2
        me%nv    = 3
        me%pc(2) = tc
        me%twot  = tc+tc

    ! be sure that at least 'ncf' polynomials have been evaluated
    ! and are stored in the array 'pc'.

    if (me%np<ncf) then
        do i=me%np+1,ncf
        end do

    ! interpolate to get position for each component

    do i=1,ncm
        do j=ncf,1,-1
        end do
    end do
    if (ifl<=1) return

    ! if velocity interpolation is wanted, be sure enough
    ! derivative polynomials have been generated and stored.

    if (me%nv<ncf) then
        do i=me%nv+1,ncf
        end do

    ! interpolate to get velocity for each component

    do i=1,ncm
        do j=ncf,2,-1
        end do
    end do

    end subroutine interp